Help Needed Urgently

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Help Needed Urgently

Post by Primarch » Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:24 am

Hey Guys.
Can one of you good folks who can speak Nihongo help me out. I need to get the following info put into Japanese asap.

Day 1 will be split into two areas for the first 3 games:
Area 1 will be 500 point tag team games. Each player is required to have a 500 point army chosen from any Codex or Imperial Armour book. The army must include at least 1 troops choice (a HQ is not compulsory). Players may use different units in every game and may even field different armies if they wish to.
Players in area 1 will be paired with players from outside their usual gaming areas where possible.
Painting is NOT compulsory.

Area 2 will be 1500 point tournament games. Each player is required to have a 1500 point army chosen from a Codex only. (No IA units or lists, though you may use Forge World models that appear in your Codex). Players may NOT change units between games and must provide opponents with a fully printed army list at the start of each game.
There will be no composition or painting score and models are NOT required to be painted.
HOWEVER, any painted model will receive the benefits of the Preferred Enemy USR against unpainted models. You have been warned!
Points will be scored as follows
0 - Loss
1 - Draw
3 - Win
In the event of a tie at the end of 3 games, Victory points will be used to determine the winner.
A prize will be given to the overall winner.

Game 4 is open to anyone who wishes to participate, regardless of which area they played in during the day.

On the second day, everyone will play the same games. The points values for the games will be 1500 points, but players are free to work as teams of 2 (2x 750 points) or 3 (3x 500 points) if they do not have the required points themselves. All armies must meet the minimum of 1 HQ and 2 Troops choices. Painting is not required.

Missions and game details will be posted at a later date.
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Re: Help Needed Urgently

Post by Seb » Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:02 am

Hope that this will be sufficient for people to understand.


エリア2は1500ポイント大会ゲームになります。各プレイヤーは、コーデックスから選ばれた1500点のアーミーを持たなければいけません。 (インペリアルアーマーのユニットやリストの使用は駄目ですが、コーデックスに表示されるフォージワールドのモデルを使用する事はOKです。
組成やペインティングスコアは出ません、そして使用するモデルはペイントされていなくてもOKですが警告があります: ペイントされているモデルはペイントされてないモデルに対してPreferred Enemy (優先敵)のユニバーサルスペシャルルールの特典利用があります。

0 – 負け
1 – 引き分け
3 – 勝ち




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Evil Overlord
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Re: Help Needed Urgently

Post by Primarch » Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:43 pm

Dude, you are AWESOME!

Painted Minis in 2014: 510, in 2015: 300, in 2016 :369, in 2019: 417, in 2020: 450

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Re: Help Needed Urgently

Post by Seb » Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:03 pm

Glad I could be of assistance. :)

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