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FOW tournament

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:03 pm
by job
Hey, my fellow WWII buffs!

I was going to bring this up with MtP and Primarch on Sunday along with anyone else at Joshin on Sunday. I was thinking of organizing a small 1000 point tournament at the 'Nagoya Historicon' event Primarch was considering putting on. Of course at the event one day is "Black Powder-focused" ostensibly, and the other day was ostensibly "FOW-focused". So, I was hoping with Prim's blessing, I might run a FOW tournament for the local players.

The idea I want to propose is a small three -round tournament, using FOW tournament point system and focusing on three missions I will choose and announce to you guys. Forces would be 1000 points and I would ask you to turn in the week before and I would check over. I would pair you guys up for new opponents every round. First round would try to match Axis vs. Allies, and the following rounds would be organized by Swiss as best at possible although I would be avoiding any rematches. I would try to organize a door prize for everyone and I think I'll also put up a small door prize.

There is a little caveat: I want to play at least one game, so if there are even number of players at the beginning, I will ask two players to double team me in the last round. Also I'll take the place of anyone leaving early and hopefully we have an odd number of participants. :D If the whole thing is wanted by the community. ;)

Anyway, it will take at least three other people to show up. I'll be also dependent on particularly MtP's ability to also show up with all his beautiful terrain. (I have some terrain and I'll be collecting more if we do this.) Also I will have at least two armies so I can provide one or two for people who want to join. Also we have Version 3 of the rules coming up, so there will be some changes with things. There could also be a small painting contest as it is a small number of points to prepare for and I hope that makes it an easy benchmark to prepare for in 6-months lead.

Oh, and of course that last thing is this is all for FUN, so I'm going to drive the idea we are going to just be there to enjoy an afternoon of fast-paced (two plus hour rounds) games with our fellow chums, admire each others models and such.

Tell me what you think guys! Cheers!

Re: FOW tournament

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:59 pm
by Primarch
If you want to run a FoW tournament then that is fine with me.

Given that not many people play Black Powder or FoW I was actually thinking of doing a 1 day event, but I guess 2 days isnt much of a stretch. Please bear in mind that the second day is only from 9 to 4 at the Winter Blitz place (and I am not paying double the price for the NagoyaHammer center for 2 days just for an extra 4 hours or so :D ), so depending on which day you want to run it (and which days people are available) may cut your plans short.

I can supply some buildings and all the game mats as usual.

Re: FOW tournament

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:14 am
by Colonel Voss
also need to say what time period we're looking at. early middle or late

Re: FOW tournament

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:20 am
by job
Colonel Voss wrote:also need to say what time period we're looking at. early middle or late
Probably late, because everyone is currently set up for it.
Given that not many people play Black Powder or FoW I was actually thinking of doing a 1 day event, but I guess 2 days isnt much of a stretch. Please bear in mind that the second day is only from 9 to 4 at the Winter Blitz place (and I am not paying double the price for the NagoyaHammer center for 2 days just for an extra 4 hours or so ), so depending on which day you want to run it (and which days people are available) may cut your plans short.

I can supply some buildings and all the game mats as usual.
Hmmm... one day might be a more realistic commitment of time, considering this event will follow your intensive Nagoyahammer event and as you wrote there may be fewer historical players. My only problem with a one day event is that it will be hard to split time between all the games. I think BP and FOW may be the dominant games but I suspect you also want to play or showcase your Anglo-Zulu war game and the 28mm Bolt action. Heck, the 6mm guys might want to use this venue to kick off their painting and collecting!

Of course this is all good and merry, but for a tournament this would be difficult to collect people and also for individual players to satisfy their various desires.

Well, first I hope to hear from everyone on the idea, then may be we can have the event on the following day. (Maybe start it on the evening of the first day?) Or hold it at another time and place? Or even expand on the idea. :idea:

Re: FOW tournament

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:21 am
by Primarch
I dont mind running it for 2 days if people want to play.

My A-Z War models wont be anywhere near ready by the middle of the year. I am busy getting stuff ready for NH, and the 2 months or so between the events won't be enough time to get them done.
28mm WW2 and 6mm Napoleonic are both possible, so MtP and ToD should probably get to work on their tiny frenchmen.

Re: FOW tournament

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:55 pm
by Colonel Voss
Hmmmm...... counting up the forces avaliable to me from Grey Wolf (just got today :D, very cool choices ), I have to narrow down from 3,050 pnts worth of fallschirmjager and heer. That's going to leave a lot of paras cooling their heels. Don't be surprise if they sieze the initiative and blow up what ever Americans you leave at home that day while you are away. :twisted:

Re: FOW tournament

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:14 pm
by job
Colonel Voss wrote:Hmmmm...... counting up the forces avaliable to me from Grey Wolf (just got today :D, very cool choices ), I have to narrow down from 3,050 pnts worth of fallschirmjager and heer. That's going to leave a lot of paras cooling their heels. Don't be surprise if they sieze the initiative and blow up what ever Americans you leave at home that day while you are away. :twisted:
Too bad the Luftwaffe didn't have the air transports to drop your men anywhere near where my guys camp. :lol: See you at the next drop zone of Allied choosing. :D