September Nagoya Games Day: Sunday 9/25

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Jye Nicolson
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Re: September Nagoya Games Day: Sunday 9/25

Post by Jye Nicolson » Sat Sep 24, 2022 11:28 pm

OZMS2Tallgeese wrote:
Sat Sep 24, 2022 11:15 pm
Yeah no worries, it works for me lol. I am not a mornin person usually...
Come kill Typhus, nobody likes him 😅

Jye Nicolson
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Re: September Nagoya Games Day: Sunday 9/25

Post by Jye Nicolson » Sun Sep 25, 2022 7:47 am

Thanks for the great games today folks! The Tyranid and Ork alliance of Josh and Matt stomping the forces of Nurgle into the dirt is the stuff of legend - those Tyranid psychic phases, that Warboss now indisputably bearing the title of the strongest*!

I think the story will be the Inquisitors manipulated the situation to have the hated Forgemaster General and Typhus both killed by the Orks and Tyranids while keeping their own hands clean, with their forces routing the invaders elsewhere. That would certainly help them pretend they could actually stop the Orks and Tyranids from doing anything...

Also thanks to Primarch for a suitably bloody introduction to the 31st Millenium. It didn't end well for the Ultramarines but, well, there's always more of those!

* I reckon there's a few Space Marine Captains that would like a go at taking it though...
Last edited by Jye Nicolson on Sun Sep 25, 2022 8:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: September Nagoya Games Day: Sunday 9/25

Post by Primarch » Sun Sep 25, 2022 7:49 am

Thanks @Jye & @Grantholomeu for two fun games today. Both of them could have gone either way and it would have been nice to have the time to see them both through to their conclusions.

@All - It was great to see everyone and have a chat! Thanks for the wonderful atmosphere.
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Re: September Nagoya Games Day: Sunday 9/25

Post by Surg » Sun Sep 25, 2022 8:19 am

Thanks everyone for warm welcome, it was a lot of fun. special thanks @Jye for letting me play his space wolves and @Josh for teaching me how to play. I will get my own 25LP army done asap!

Jye Nicolson
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Re: September Nagoya Games Day: Sunday 9/25

Post by Jye Nicolson » Sun Sep 25, 2022 10:23 am

@Tallgeese @M_i_J how did your game work out? I heard Tallgeese cruelly taunting one of the boys, but I presume that means his partner tasted sweet victory :lol:

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Re: September Nagoya Games Day: Sunday 9/25

Post by Tyranii-chan » Sun Sep 25, 2022 11:59 am

What a day! Lots of fun.

The absolute chaos of the mornings outcome was pretty unexpected. Turns out the orkz and nids make a pretty scary team. Thanks for letting me get in on that one!
Surg wrote:
Sun Sep 25, 2022 8:19 am
Thanks everyone for warm welcome, it was a lot of fun. special thanks @Jye for letting me play his space wolves and @Josh for teaching me how to play. I will get my own 25LP army done asap!
It was also a great opportunity for me to get a few games with the Necrons, and against a great pilot of the space wolves. The Necrons said “get off my lawn” and the space wolves said “no lol”. Twice. :lol: Great opponent and I can tell you’re going to be great to play against in the future as well!

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Re: September Nagoya Games Day: Sunday 9/25

Post by Konrad » Sun Sep 25, 2022 10:13 pm

I had a really good time last Sunday. Good to see some old faces and meet a couple new ones and chat about all things geek and sundry.
@Dave- it was good to see you again and so fun to meet the boys. I hope they come up again. It's good to have a bit of kid-energy in the room. I mean, we are playing with toys after all.
And hats off to my arch-nemesis Ono, in spite of making a heroic defense and gutsy Waaaaagh attack, lost by a Bottle (rout, run-away, morale) roll and then in the post game had 3 of his out of action figures die on him. In Go-mo you roll a "d66" to see what happens to your out of action figures. He rolled five "1"s in a row. 11, 11, 14, dead, dead, dead. He has a bunch of teef saved up, so he can re-build but by Gork (or possibly Mork) it was brutal!

Da Fort in all it's glory. Mobosaurus captured one of my Boyz last game and we iz gonna getz im back!

Clankity, clankity, clank, da gate comes down and TRUKKOSAURUS roars out into the sands to meet the Skimmaskavz face on!

Da Skavs reinforcments show up, swooping in from the surrounding desert.

Bikes dog-fight in front of the gate until the scene is lost in plumes of dust.

BIKE-OSAURUS! rams headfirst into a Skav skimma-bike (oops, I got a bit too close.....). The fragile craft is smashed into the sand, but while BIKE-OSAURUS! is relatively undamaged, it too is immobalized. The ensuing melee over the wreckage results in a pair of dazed yet living Skavs pulling themselves from the smoking wrecks.

TRUKKOSAURUS goes in to crush another skimmabike. In Gorkamorka head on rams are resolved be secretly deciding which direction your vehicle will swerve. If both sides swerve the same way, crash! He figures I'm figuring to pull my bike left, I figure he figures I'll figure I ought to pull left, so I just go straight in as he swerves to the left. Never try to out-kunnin' a Skimmaskav! Slippery devils every one of 'em!

He has held the fort, and I don't have the forces to overcome his defenders still within. Both sides are totally hammered and have been making Bottle (morale) tests and at last Ono sadly fails one and runs away, abandoning Fortosaurus to the maurading Skavs. Really close game and could have gone either way.
...and now his Head was full of nothing but Inchantments, Quarrels, Battles, Challenges, Wounds, Complaints, Amours, and abundance of Stuff and Impossibilities.....
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Re: September Nagoya Games Day: Sunday 9/25

Post by me_in_japan » Sun Sep 25, 2022 11:36 pm

*edit* btw! I think I forgot a bag of gomi! My humblest apologies, and it won't happen again 🙇🙇🙇

We had a great time yesterday, and it was really good to see folks again, especially those I hadn't seen for a long time.

Our game had to end before things were conclusively decided, but key points included...

The Night Lords' highly vexing 10" charge into my raider, which somehow managed to survive a round of being whaled on by the NL and 3 necron skorpekh destroyers*. It then (of course, eldar being eldar) ran away and shot seven kinds of crap out of the destroyers, proving once again that there aren't many scary things out there that a good darklancing to the face won't sort out.

Noah and his Ultramarines decided that Illuminor Szeras** had to go, and poured the combined firepower of the whole army into him, taking him down to a single wound. Then the assault intercessors managed a nice long charge and made it into CC with him, in a bold attempt to finish him off. Sadly, he proved a little bit too 'ard for the boys in blue, and the next turn saw the assault marines surrounded by too many foes. The Skorpekh Lord*** finished off the squad, while the Night Lords' Raptors charged into the SM Outriders. The bikers, happily, did pretty well, and actually won the combat. My corsairs, however, got blown into the waiting arms of Isha by the Night Lords' grenades. Oh, and my scourges upset the wrong people and got charged by a squad of Night Lords. That went about as well as you might expect :lol:

All in all it was a great game, and once again many thanks to all who made it possible - Jye, Tyraniichan, thank you for the minis. Tallgeese - thank you again for your patience and kindness in dealing with two kids oscillating between super-enthusiastic and im-bored-when-is-it-my-turn. You go above and beyond and it's very much appreciated 🙏

Necrons 101: I figure many folks (myself included) maybe aren't so familiar with necron terminology. So...

*Skorpekh Destroyers : 3 legs, big blades. Choppy CC elites.
** Illuminor Szeras: 4 legs, 4 arms, swirly energy ball. This is the guy sucking the soul out of that poor preacher. He buffs nearby units and is no slouch in the killing-things department.
***Skorpekh Lord: 3 legs, 3 arms. Choppy and shooty HQ.
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Re: September Nagoya Games Day: Sunday 9/25

Post by kojibear » Mon Sep 26, 2022 3:31 am

I am glad I could get there in the afternoon. Thank you to @Grantholomeu for the great game! All those gribblies. [The worm being a particular favorite] The Viktorias had no idea that a horse carousel could be so deadly. It is a really fun crew but I could see there were so many things to remember, but that is Malifaux. Thanks again and look forward to next time and what new inanimate objects or furniture will try to kill my crew. :D

Thanks @Primarch for the use of the mat.

Great to see everyone.

See you all again soon I hope.

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