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Re: January Nagoya Games Day: 29/1/2023 e-able Higashi Betsuin

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:52 am
by Jye Nicolson
Thanks for the games and company today folks, as always!

Incredibly violent games today between the Imperium and the T'au Empire 😅 Both of them really resolved down to ability to score in the turns after the initial carnage though, and one each way, closer than they looked after the first turn, is a good result.

Re: January Nagoya Games Day: 29/1/2023 e-able Higashi Betsuin

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:00 am
by Mattb
Jye Nicolson wrote: ↑
Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:52 am
Thanks for the games and company today folks, as always!

Incredibly violent games today between the Imperium and the T'au Empire 😅 Both of them really resolved down to ability to score in the turns after the initial carnage though, and one each way, closer than they looked after the first turn, is a good result.
Thank you very much for the games!

A thousand apologies again for being defeatist after the initial slaughter. I really underestimated how easily Guard could score those secondaries. It was really quite fun though! I'd be happy to try matched play again sometime if you're not too bothered by it.

Re: January Nagoya Games Day: 29/1/2023 e-able Higashi Betsuin

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:04 am
by Jye Nicolson
Mattb wrote: ↑
Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:00 am
Thank you very much for the games!

A thousand apologies again for being defeatist after the initial slaughter. I really underestimated how easily Guard could score those secondaries. It was really quite fun though! I'd be happy to try matched play again sometime if you're not too bothered by it.
All good! Happy to play Matched Play, just have to figure out if any of my factions have good secondaries 😂

Increasingly on Team Tempest though, what a great play mode.

Re: January Nagoya Games Day: 29/1/2023 e-able Higashi Betsuin

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:33 am
by The Other Dave
Thanks to jus, grantholomew, and konrad for a fun, if extremely in-characterfully brutal run of Darkest Dungeon! My house rules turned out to be harsher than I expected - I was thrown by the difference in difficulty between solo play and group play.

For reference, the RAW are:
*No stress for someone hitting death's door
*If a monster can't use its selected attack it just does nothing instead of using a different one
Those two were the only changes I made, but the first one ended up being pretty huge (although chained tests of resolve like we saw are a staple of the computer game - but on the other other hand it's much easier to replace dead heroes). Probably I was playing more conservatively solo - I hardly even had anyone get into the red on stress playing on my own, and only had a couple death's door instances in two bosses. Still, good fun, and hopefully we can get it to the table again!

Re: January Nagoya Games Day: 29/1/2023 e-able Higashi Betsuin

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:06 pm
by Primarch
It was great seeing everyone today.

Koji and I played a (just shy of) 3000 points game of 30K. We got through 5 turns in just under 4 hours, which was pretty reasonable all things considered. Roboute Guilliman and Lorgar Aurelian went toe-to-toe, with Lorgar finally gaining the upper hand after 4 rounds of combat, but the real star of the show was a World Eaters champion who took out a Space Wolf officer, a pack of 5 Space Wolves, a Predator and then 15 tactical marines all on his lonesome. :lol: Blood for the Blood God indeed.

Re: January Nagoya Games Day: 29/1/2023 e-able Higashi Betsuin

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:50 pm
by devinkilp
Thanks for the games and the extremely warm welcome today! It was nice putting faces to names and getting to chat with everyone. I'm excited to have a group of awesome people to play WH with. Thank you again Jye for letting me borrow your Sisters Of Battle today. I hope to have my army ready for next month! Grey Knights or Necrons will show up to throw dice.

Re: January Nagoya Games Day: 29/1/2023 e-able Higashi Betsuin

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 12:17 am
by Konrad
Darkest Dungeon was great fun indeed. Thanks for walking us through it and thanks for the great effort it must have taken to paint all those figures! Painted figs are the cherry on top no matter what you are playing. The rules have a lot of moving parts, and maybe a few more counters than I can handle with my tiny brain, but not too bad. I like the "Hamlet" phase. It adds a little bit of strategy and continuity to the game. I love old GW skirmish games, Gorkamorka/Necromunda/Mordheim and they all have an important post-game phase. My only quibble design wise is that "Stress" is too modern a word and concept to use to describe how far down the path to insanity the character is. They should have called it "Doom", or "Anguish" or "Madness" or something. :shock: Be great to give it another play one of these days.