Nagoya December Games Day: 12/27 at e-able Nagoya

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The Other Dave
Destroyer of Worlds
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Location: Nagoya

Re: Nagoya December Games Day: 12/27 at e-able Nagoya

Post by The Other Dave » Mon Dec 28, 2020 9:09 am

Yeah, it was definitely good fun - shame about how the Goblins / Ogre game turned out; I think the Feed the Beastgrave Hrothgorn deck would fare a lot worse in a best-of-three situation, as it doesn't take much to figure out that taking out the gnoblars quickly will hurt that engine a lot more quickly and reliably than beating on Hrothgorn. I'm looking forward to getting elbows-deep in Direchasm as well! I think I'll probably end up doing like I did when Beastgrave dropped and (just because of the number of cards available) focus on one or two decks for the first little bit. Banshees I'll keep, and then maybe trying to make Magore's Fiends work with all the juicy aggro cards in the Direchasm core set? We'll see!

Also had a really fun game of Titanicus with Kondo-san. In a Christmas miracle the Open Engine War cards I'd ordered off eBay were waiting in my mailbox as I went out the door, so we got to try those out, and it was a lot of fun - the core book missions are widely regarded as pretty weak, and just changing things up on objectives kept things fresh, and adding planetary and battlefield effects only helped on that front.
Basically we had scattered deployment and had to truck it to the enemy deployment zones to blow up their objectives, all while dealing with superheated smog that cut visibility way down and made heat management more difficult. So his all-Warhound force benefited because he could hide in the smog better than I could with my larger titans (I had mostly Reavers), but on the other hand Warhounds have trouble with heat in the best of times so that was in my favor. We tied on primary objectives and he pulled off his secondary for the win, for a nice close game.
Feel free to call me Dave!
Miniatures painted in 2023: 252
Miniatures painted in 2024:
Epic scale: 9 vehicles, 56 stands of infantry, a whole buncha terrain
32mm-ish: 17 infantry

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