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Re: Mortifactors

Post by me_in_japan » Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:40 am

I agree with the whole "pay it forward" bitz philosophy. Ive only in the past year or so really started gathering a bitz collection (unfortunately eldar have many metal models in the army, which have very little in the way of spare parts) but I've inherited a lot of Prim's parts (oo er missus). Any of em I havent used are in the bitz box, ready for anybody who needs em. (CSM heads, anyone?)

Anyway, evidenced by yon photo of prim's marines, youre practically doing the guy a favour by taking his stuff. He earns points from his wife every time he gives miniatures away :lol:

Oh, and re: mortifactors: aye, they were in one of the ultramarines books. They wear v dark armour, they all dress like blinkin' chaplains with a serious skull fetish, their entire ship is one big crypt, and they never, ever take off their armour. This has raised questions in inquisitorial circles about how they actually look. Skull heads, anyone? Flaming eyed skull heads? Green flaming eyed skull heads? Ooooh, the possibilities...
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Re: Mortifactors

Post by jus » Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:56 am

fantastic! Mortifactors are quite eccentric as MIJ said. While the fluff is great I don't think the author of that ultramarines novel, Graham Mc Neil, did them justice. I might be a bit biased but, I've never been a fan of his. They are like the Adam's family of the space marines. Not undead necessarily but...a bit strange.

being a vampire player I have a few skulls lying around, so if you need any.... They make great base decorations. I
Last edited by jus on Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mortifactors

Post by Seb » Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:28 am

They are an interesting chapter indeed, I am going to read the novel and see what fluff I can find.

But I won't be creating a mortifactor chapter, just a chapter based on the gene seed of the mortifactors so they will be pretty far from eachother, just as much far frome each other as the mortifactors and the ultramarines are. But like I said I want to create something like space wolves fused with mortifactors look.

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