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Re: What did you do today.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 4:26 am
by Grantholomeu
Looks solid!

Re: What did you do today.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 6:57 am
by me_in_japan
That wolf looks spot on 👍 I'm not a fan of space marines generally (I'm a xenos player for life) but my first ever minis were a box of space marines and I painted em up as space wolves, so the Vlka Fenryka have a special place in my heart. (Not that they were called that in those days.)

Re: What did you do today.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:06 am
by Konrad
@Surg- Nothing says "40K", like a hazard stripe chain-sword! I approve!

Re: What did you do today.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 12:09 pm
by Jye Nicolson
Nice work Surg! And braver than me, going right to the hazard stripes!

Re: What did you do today.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 2:51 pm
by Jye Nicolson

I primed the boring bits of Moroch scenery, and now they are painted, so that will be on the table tomorrow. I *really* should have done the comm towers and landing zone as they'd be perfect for the final campaign mission but I realised that a little late and they're still unprimed.


What I did realise was that improbably enough I didn't have enough thunder hammer jump pack Wolf Guard painted for a full squad (my Crusade squad fills out with Lightning Claws). I did however have plenty assembled so it was easy enough to paint a couple of them.

(The Daughters of Russ have tons of Deathwatch kit having nominally served as part of that organisation when they first became entangled with Master Inquisitor Tara; or more accurately when I ran them with Deathwatch rules in KT18 because stock Marines were bad at melee pre Elites. So the shield thing is deliberate)


And I was well aware from the start that I do not have enough dreads. Big thanks to Jus for the missile launcher.

Re: What did you do today.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:09 pm
by Jye Nicolson

And with this there is only one dread left on the backlog.

The arms are just friction fit, which works well though I expect there'll be some paint wear. I don't have any melee arms (basically, I think the hybrid Leviathan is outcompeted by the Redemptor in 40k) but I do have two each of the other guns in reserve.

Re: What did you do today.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 3:41 pm
by Jye Nicolson

I've been a little iffy about the actual on the field utility of the Sisters of Silence; while the job of making Thousand Sons miserable is an honourable one, they don't bring a lot of fight to the party.

But having listened to the Valerian and Aleya books I don't think I care, they're awesome and thus I would rather like to field these Witchseekers.

Re: What did you do today.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:53 pm
by Primarch
@Jye - Cool squad. I can't quite put my finger on it, but one of them looks a little out of place...
I have no idea how SoS play in 40K, but even in 30K where they originated, they have had almost no support. There is one named character, one set of optional arms and one (very expensive) transport vehicle from FW to go alongside the plastic kit. I think they would make for a cool looking army, but they are very much an optional add on for Custodes. The upcoming Liber Imperium may change that, but I doubt it.

Re: What did you do today.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:38 pm
by Konrad
@Jye- They are cool figs. Be a great base to kit-bash an Inquisitor or Soritas character from, or even "counts-as" Muh-reenz of some flavor.
I actually did some hobby-ing last night! Started hacking and gluing some Halloween-y terrain. I have not done a lot of hobby stuff recently, so I figure some terrain might be a good way to get warmed up. Just need to pick up some black primer, and more green flocking.....and grass tufts....and.....
Speaking of terrain building. Anyone have much experience with water effects? Any recommendations? I think I need a swampy pool or two.

Re: What did you do today.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:53 pm
by Jye Nicolson
Primarch wrote:
Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:53 pm
@Jye - Cool squad. I can't quite put my finger on it, but one of them looks a little out of place...
I really like the GW sculpted bases and use them in huge numbers but it is weird that Sector Imperialis tends to throw in a base that's just *dirt* (and 1-n skulls).
I have no idea how SoS play in 40K, but even in 30K where they originated, they have had almost no support. There is one named character, one set of optional arms and one (very expensive) transport vehicle from FW to go alongside the plastic kit. I think they would make for a cool looking army, but they are very much an optional add on for Custodes. The upcoming Liber Imperium may change that, but I doubt it.
They're doing better than that in 40k but yeah, optional add on. They get Aleya, their own Warlord Traits and Relics for the Knight Centurion (one of which is very good in competitive play - in 30k terms it turns off Line/Scoring), and their transport is just a Rhino. I'm using the 30k Rhino for mine.

The Witchseekers there get a pre-game move, and that applies to any Rhino they're in. So they can help get Vigilators up the board, or get quickly to screening positions to ruin psychic armies' day, or at least get back into cover if they lose first turn to the Votann or whatever :lol:

The problem is you can just skip those shenanigans and take another squad of Custodes jetbikes that are good into everything and even I can use effectively. Whereas I will definitely get the poor Sisters killed in some yolo move.