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Projects and rejects

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:17 am
by Primarch
Hey guys.
So what is on your "to do" list at the moment? After finishing my High Elves the thursday before last I have embarked on several small filler projects to try to keep me motivated.
At the moment I am working on:
Terrain for Secrets of the Third Reich (a bombed out building)
Terrain for Malifaux (a store and a soulstone vein)
My Malifaux crew (Death Marshals)

However, I figure that with a bit of effort on my part, I can probably get a 5 man marine squad done by sunday next week, SO
What do I paint?
Blood Angels?
Space Wolves?

Choose one for me NagoyaHammerers.

Re: Projects and rejects

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:38 am
by me_in_japan
re:what marines to paint. Id ask yourself "what am i gonna use next?" and paint them.

I don't really have a "to-do" list, as I find it demoralising. I do have a WIP, though - Corax. After he's done, i currently feel like painting either Ar-Fienel, my Avatar or my Cryx chaps, but that may change by the time I actually finish Corax.

Re: Projects and rejects

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:58 pm
by Colonel Voss
For you, I would suggestion Salamanders. Easiest to paint might help motivate you.

For me, at the top of my rejected list is my High Elves. After reading more about 8th edition, I've been working on confirming my list to the new rules. This has been quite frustrating as it'll be the second revision to the army build up and I have yet to play a game with them. So off to the shelf they go and maybe someday in the future I'll bring them down.

Re: Projects and rejects

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:05 am
by The Other Dave
My to-do list has 2 biggies at the moment, both of which I'm gamely chipping away at:

Goblins: I now have the models to field about 1000 points, and about a third of them are painted. I'm going to try and stick to my guns and paint them all up before I start buying any more stuff (and also see how the game plays, natch). I'm dipping them, so it shouldn't take more than a couple months, allowing for down-time.

Epic Eldar: They're my only unfinished Epic army - I have less than 3000 points painted and enough in the to-do box to bring them up over 5000. They got back-burnered this month as I focused on the core of by gobbo force, but in July I hope to be able to split my time between them evenly, and have a 3000-point demo-able force painted up by July's Joshin day.

Aside from that, the only thing I really have pending is finishing up my basic Hordes force, Legion of Everblight. Again, I decided to paint what I've got before buying more, so that means I have to paint up half of my unit of Blighted Archers and all the Acolyths for my Spawning Vessel. When those are done I'll be able to start collecting new stuff. The Stingers, unfortunately, look like something I've been hoping for for a while now (namely, lesser dragonspawn with a breath weapon), so they're probably going to be a must-buy.

Re: Projects and rejects

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:17 am
by Konrad
Oh so many toys, so little time. I have 3 Deff copters barely base coated that I need to finish. I'm mostly working on some scratch build Amazon/Wood-Elf babes for Mordhiem. Just a little more work and I should have 3 finished up pretty and ready to paint. And of course I have half a dozen Orks or so in various stages of Squatification.
I want to build some Ork/Squat Nobz. I need some big, bad , cyber-slayer dudes with Klaws! I also want to build a battery of Lobbaz with a Mole Mortar theme. Like the old M.M from 2nd edition.

Re: Projects and rejects

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:35 am
by Spevna
I still have a whopping load of Khorne Marines to get done.

And between doing them I have a load of superheroes to get through too!