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World of Warcraft:TCG

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:07 am
by Eigen
I guess it would be good to post this here and weigh in.

If anyone is interested in trying out WoW:TCG please let me know! Back in Canada I ran a weekly event at local hobby stores. It was in the format of sanctioned tournaments, charity events, even group "raiding" (a very fun feature of the game where 5 people work together against one single 'raid deck'). I became a rep to the game and support the product online and behind the scenes while in Japan.

The gameplay is very fun and competitive, it's comparable to Magic: the Gathering with a number of differences both subtle and not.

I have 12-14 constructed starter decks here, and a raid deck, as well as a number of competitive cards that I brought from home. I never intended to get too serious in the game while out here but recently Konami has started releasing the product in Japanese and it's taking off in some areas.

If anyone would like and you're interested in what the game is about; I'd love to give you guys a demo for you to try it out. The meta is quite entertaining and the sheer amount of ways to win a game is very addicting.

Here's a little more information for anyone curious on how to play! (: )
