NH17 - Day 1 - In The Emperor's Name

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Evil Overlord
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NH17 - Day 1 - In The Emperor's Name

Post by Primarch » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:25 pm

As part of the Full 40K theme at NH17, I am going to run a game of In The Emperor's Name (ITEN for short). ITEN is a small skirmish level game where kill-teams of around 10 models do their utmost to kill each other in suitably grim-dark fashion. The game was made by people unassociated with GW and as such it doesn't use 40K rules. It is fairly quick to pick up and - from the games I have played - gives a decent feeling of being 40K-ish. All minis, terrain etc will be provided by me, so you don't need to worry about having a kill-team.
The Full 40K games will take place at the same time as the regular 40K games, so you will be trading off one for the other. I'm hoping to run ITEN for two sessions and then join in one of the other Full 40K games if I can. If you want to give ITEN a try, please indicate if you'd prefer to play in the Morning, Early Afternoon or Late Afternoon slot by posting below.
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