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Nagoya Hammer 2016 trading

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:05 am
by jehan-reznor
As always people will have things for sale or are looking for things.
I want to pre-empt the event in making your requests heard or letting know what you have for sale in this thread.
So get in your closets, your back log or just things that you will never get too and sell them (or trade them), or let people know that part or miniature you have been looking for, not just Games Workshop, but other game companies like Void, Urban war, Privateer press, or boardgames you seek or want to get rid off.

I go first, i am looking for ships from Battlefleet Gothic, so if you have half painted or/and half built ships or on the sprue, let me know i am interested, i am always interested in older Space marines, so if you have a few of those, take them to Nagoyahammer!

Let the trading Commence!