NagoyaHammer Presents: Overlord

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NagoyaHammer Presents: Overlord

Post by Primarch » Mon May 09, 2016 10:47 pm

On Saturday the 29th of October, you are all invited to take part in the biggest game of Bolt Action Nagoya has ever seen. The NTK Hall (the same place as NagoyaHammer, see the Venue post elsewhere in this section), will be hosting a massive game representing the Allied efforts to retake Europe from the Axis. The plan is to play across a 6' by 12' mega table starting from the beach and airborne landings of D-Day and the subsequent push inland by the Allied troops.
Yellowstreak and myself will be providing more details in due course, but we are planning to be able to accomodate as many players as possible. It doesn't matter if you are a veteran or just BA-curious, we will do our best to provide a fun and exciting game for anyone who wants to join in. No experience is necessary (but we can also do some demos of the system if people want to try the game beforehand). No models are necessary, they can be provided if need be.
The doors will open and set up will begin at 9am, play will continue until victory is achieved or around 7pm, with breaks for lunch and a breather at appropriate times.

If you want to join in, simply post below. Ideally we would like to get a minimum of 3 Allied players and 3 Axis players, more if possible. All that you require is dice and a tape measure.

Great. There is obviously a lot of preparation needed for the event, so if people can bring some minis along that will really help out. However, as we need to plan for what exactly will be on the table, we would like people to commit to being there (barring emergencies of course). If you can't be sure of attending, we won't work your forces into the overall army lists. If you feel confident about attending, send me a PM with a list of what you have available. Due to the nature of the game, we cannot guarantee that you will be in control of your own models at every stage of the game, but we will do our best to assign roles so that your contingent contains as many of your own minis as possible.

Again, we are looking for a certain level of commitment on this, don't volunteer if you aren't going to follow through. However, if you are looking at getting a new army for the North West European theatre, or planning to pick up some terrain, this could be a good reason to get stuff bought, built and painted.

We are looking for:
British, Canadian and American infantry and armoured units.
American Airborne
British/Allied Commandos
German Heer, Fallschirmjaeger and SS infantry and armoured units.
When I get some more time, I will get some army suggestions posted up. At the moment, we need additional Allied troops more than Axis.

We also need suitable terrain for Northern France, buildings specifically.

The aim is to keep things period and theatre specific, so no early war Russians or Afrika Korps infantry please. If in doubt, please ask before buying stuff.

And that's about it for now. I'll be adding more to this thread as time goes on. We still have a lot to plan for, but we will do our best to answer questions.

Armies and Players. (Note that these are all suggested forces. If nobody wants to play them, it doesn't matter).

Beach Assault Forces:
British Army - Lovejoy
British Commandos - Komura
US Army - Sugiura
US Rangers - Kondo

Airborne Landings:
British Airborne - Kojibear
US Airborne - Yellowstreak
US Airborne - Hebi

Beach Defenders:
Festungs Kompanie - Joint German Command
Festungs Kompanie Reserve - Nakagawa

21st Panzers - Job
12th SS - Mikball
6th Fallschirmjagers - Mike the Pike
Panzer Lehr - Takahashi

For players who would like to play, but don't have an army, the following can be provided.
British Army
US Army
Festungs Kompanie
SS Recon
Hopefully, I can also provide models for Panzer Lehr as well.
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Re: NagoyaHammer Presents: Overlord

Post by Primarch » Tue May 10, 2016 10:28 pm

Some more details on forces for the landings.
On the British/Commonwealth side, the infantry landed onto the beaches supported initially by Shermans and Hobart's Funnies, (specially designed engineering tanks). Centaurs (a variant on the Cromwell design mounting a howitzer) were also deployed into the beach head to help clear the defences. Commandos were also landed with a mission to try to bypass some of the beach defences and strike key targets such as bunkers and artillery batteries.
Once the beaches were clear, the British began landing more forces to prepare for the German counter attacks. Anti-tank guns, armoured cars and the rest of the armoured division (7th, the Desert Rats) were put ashore.

For this game, we would be looking for:
Initial Landings
Infantry Platoons including pioneer teams.
Commando Infantry Platoons
DD Shermans
Funnies (Sherman Crabs, Bulldozers, Churchill AVREs and maybe a Crocodile)

Tank Destroyers (Wolverines and Achilles)
Towed AT Guns and 25pdrs.
Armoured Cars (Humbers and Daimlers)
Trucks, Bren Carriers and Jeeps

The British Airborne landings began earlier on D-Day than the beach assault. Tasked with destroying targets in the German rear, destroying command posts and preventing reserves from making it to the beaches, the Paras were heavily engaged throughout the day. Once the drop zones were clear, artillery was brought in. Later in the day, Tetrach light tanks were flown in on gliders.

Initial Landings
Infantry Platoons

Secondary Landings

Tertiary Landings
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Re: NagoyaHammer Presents: Overlord

Post by komura » Wed May 11, 2016 2:17 am

Thank you for arranging big event. I'll join it.

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Re: NagoyaHammer Presents: Overlord

Post by Primarch » Wed May 11, 2016 3:05 am

komura wrote:Thank you for arranging big event. I'll join it.
Thats great! I look forward to seeing you there.
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Re: NagoyaHammer Presents: Overlord

Post by komura » Wed May 11, 2016 3:24 am

Primarch wrote:
komura wrote:Thank you for arranging big event. I'll join it.
Thats great! I look forward to seeing you there.
That's good opportunity for starting Allied army.

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Re: NagoyaHammer Presents: Overlord

Post by YellowStreak » Wed May 11, 2016 3:39 am

As I don't have a late-war army, I'm thinking of painting up American Airborne.

Plus I have 20 plastic American infantry and 3 shermans that can be painted up to join to the beach assault.
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Re: NagoyaHammer Presents: Overlord

Post by Primarch » Wed May 11, 2016 3:55 am

YellowStreak wrote:As I don't have a late-war army, I'm thinking of painting up American Airborne.

Plus I have 20 plastic American infantry and 3 shermans that can be painted up to join to the beach assault.
Alongside Kojibear's British Paras, the Germans are going to have their hands full.
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Re: NagoyaHammer Presents: Overlord

Post by komura » Wed May 11, 2016 4:40 am

@Prim @Yellowstreak
I want to start allied army.
What allied army should I prepare for that event?
Could you tell me your suggestion, please?

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Re: NagoyaHammer Presents: Overlord

Post by Primarch » Wed May 11, 2016 5:27 am

komura wrote:@Prim @Yellowstreak
I want to start allied army.
What allied army should I prepare for that event?
Could you tell me your suggestion, please?
During and just after the D-Day Landings, the Allies fielded a lot of different types of units.
U.S. Paratroopers
U.S. Glider Infantry Regiments
U.S. Rangers
U.S. Infantry Regiments
U.S. Armoured Regiments
British (and Canadian) Infantry Regiments
British (and Canadian) Armoured Regiments
British Paratroopers
British Glider Regiments
British (and Allied) Commandos

There were also Engineering/Pioneer units, Tank Destroyer units and other specialised formations used on and off the beaches.
What type of force were you interested in?
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Re: NagoyaHammer Presents: Overlord

Post by job » Wed May 11, 2016 10:09 am

I'd be interested. I think I can make it at this time. Let's say a 70% chance of attending. I'm flex-time and as long it isn't within the last two days of the month, I think I can take a day off then. There is a chance though expansion plans will mean I will have new responsibilities, but currently they are set for later. Also there could be important family plans. (I'll check with the wife tonight.)

As for budget and purchases, I need to collect terrain at 28mm and lots of space in he budget.

I'd like to sign-up for the Axis.

I'd like to refit my Germans as 21 Panzer division that attacked the gap between Juno and Gold beaches I believe. Panzer IV and Lorraine Scheleps or something like that (the French vehicles re-equipped as chassis for armored mobile howitzers and transports. Also the infantry would be equipped as panzergrenadiers: 2 LMGs per squad and transports.

There is also the German battalion that attacked the 82nd with French Renault tanks and infantry that would be neat to do.

There's also the need for Festung companies that defended the beaches. I could easily do those with the models I have and invest in bunkers and static defenses.

Well, those are my ideas. If you wanted to go down another path, I'd be happy to try it out.
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