chewing over naghammer 2017

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chewing over naghammer 2017

Post by me_in_japan » Sun May 14, 2017 2:59 pm

Well, Nagoyahammer 2017 has been and gone, and a lot of fun it was, too. Sadly this year I couldn't be there for the first day of gaming, although it was good to catch up with folks in the izakaya afterwards, but Sunday's games were very enjoyable. Newcromunda proved popular with 7 people playing at the same time (over two games) and the 4 player game of 40k, while lasting a bit too long, reminded me how much I enjoy getting my eldar down on the tabletop. Many thanks to my opponents for both games, and also to Pikey for organising the painting contest, which was as popular as ever. Particular thanks go, of course, to Primarch for organising NagoyaHammer - truly he is the glue that holds our little community together.

Anyway, without further ado, here are some pictures. Feel free to add your own and extend the thread :)

Bolt Action, I think


Dropfleet Commander

40k (there are lots of 40k pics because that's what I happened to be playing)
End of turn 1, the farseer and some reavers reckon they can take a squad of Tau in close combat...
Lining up a Darklance shot on a 'fish. It pinged off, of course. Don't think I actually hit a single thing with my darklance in this game :cry:
Striking Scorpions, sensibly hiding behind a lord of Khorne. They later charged that squad of Pathfinders, and then it all got a bit messy...
The marine assault squad got involved, followed closely by the command squad...
The scorpions held em off for a turn or so, but eventually there were just too many of em. So at that point the World Eaters decided to get out of their rhino and go see what all the fuss was about...

At the end of the game, the Ultramarine/Tau combo proved too much for the Ynnari/WorldEaters, despite a promising start for the elves/berserkers. The Ynnari ability to Soulburst is really powerful, but those tau guns make a right mess of those fragile elves, and the sheer volume of power armour put down by Jus was just too hard to shift. Overall, a great game, which was pretty well balanced between all the players. Many thanks to all!
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Re: chewing over naghammer 2017

Post by The Other Dave » Sun May 14, 2017 11:38 pm

Although I could only make the one day, it was (as always) good fun - a big hand to Prim for the herculean task of organizing the thing.

I only managed to ref one game of Epic (Underdweller and Konrad, thanks for playing!) but I think it went really well. The scenario was (I think) good fun, and both players thought at various points that they were screwed, which is a sign of a good scenario from a referee's point of view. :D

Dropfleet was... OK. My opponent was great (thanks Auxryn for the game!) but I'm a bit disillusioned with the rules, to be frank. When my only real hope of being in any way competitive against a certain fleet is to take one particular unit, the game design geek in me starts to grit its teeth a bit. I dunno, like MiJ said, there may just be something I'm missing, but... disheartening. Apologies to Auxryn if that showed through a bit (or a lot!) while we were playing. :? Blowing up ships is good fun, though, and many ships were certainly blown up!

And, of course, lots of fat-chewing and gum-flapping, which is at least half the fun of these things. Thanks all!

(And next year I'm for-serious going to make a 6mm diorama for the painting contest!)
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Re: chewing over naghammer 2017

Post by The Underdweller » Mon May 15, 2017 1:50 am

Well, it was nice to see everyone at Nagoyahammer again. I enjoyed both Epic and 40K - despite not having played either for about a year.

Both games were cinematic and had lots of combat pretty much from turn 1. Everybody got along well seemed to have fun. I couldn't ask for more than that, really.

Thanks for organizing this Primarch, and to TOD for walking me through the rules of Epic (as usual!) and to everyone else that I played with.

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Re: chewing over naghammer 2017

Post by Primarch » Mon May 15, 2017 4:39 am

I'd like to thank everyone for attending this year and I hope that you could all enjoy playing whichever games you played. It was great to see everyone and to have a chance to catch up with those of you I only see once a year.

I played Gorkamorka and Bolt Action, which were both fun, though very different in style. I also ran two demo games of In The Emperor's Name and Saga, which seemed to go over ok. It seemed like Newcromunda was generally well received and there was a lot of buzz about the next edition of 40K. It's a shame that real life kept some people away for one or both days, but we got enough people through the door to ensure that I'll be heading back to Kanayama in October to book the next NagoyaHammer.

For me personally, the highlight of the event was the painting contest, where I finally came first in one category. So ok, maybe my entry was the only one that was painted specifically for the painting contest, but I still won. That puts me on the same level of hobby-awesomeness as everyone else who only won one category. :lol: Yay!!!

So, I have to go and unpack/reorganise all of my terrain and whatnot, so I will just leave you with this:
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Re: chewing over naghammer 2017

Post by kojibear » Mon May 15, 2017 12:30 pm

Thank you to everyone - especially you wonderful people who brought terrain - such a load and such a vital and fun part of the gaming experience.

Thank you to all my opponents and to the good laughs and chats I had with all who attended. It was great to see everyone in one place at the same time - something hard to do during the year. And a very big thank you to Primarch for arranging the event again this year. It was also nice to meet some new faces at the event. Great to meet you guys!

I enjoyed trying out games old and new, and historical and modern. I could go back in time to the days of longships and legends, keep a stiff upper lip with berets and bren guns, and loot promethium in the name of the Emperor! Good times indeed.

The highlight - well, most amusing moment - was when my stalwart Imperial Fists kill team, famous for fighting to the bitter end, turned tail and fled after they lost the two planetary defense soldiers they were escorting. :D

Congrtulations to the fellow winners of the painting competition, and to all those who entered! It was awesome to see all your models. :)

Very much looking forward to the next one. :)

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Re: chewing over naghammer 2017

Post by Konrad » Mon May 15, 2017 9:16 pm

Thanks Prim. I had a blast. It's an epic undertaking to get that room and we all really appreciate it. Know that every critical hit was rolled in your honor.
I took so many pictures. None of them good, but here are the Gorkamorka highlights. I'll probably put some from the other games and painting contest up later.

Day One was Gorkamorka. Got in a couple show-da-yoofs-how-itz-dun mulitplayer games.

Prim looms over the battle from on high, a mighty wargod. His ladz abandoning their burning vehicle and charge the enemy trukk on foot! Prim gets the gold toof for Waaaaagh!

The Diggachicks dropped a boarding plank and pounced on Da Red Rommelz. The ensuing furious melee ended with the driver getting pitched out into the dust, with tons of speeding half-trakk bearing down on him!

Xagu, the fearsome boss of Stoogemob gets into a frenzied threesome with the Diggachicks. Actually sounds sort of nice when put that way.

And after that me and Stooge had an epic, epic battle. He ambushed a convoy of my vehicles in a daring rescue mission to free one of his captured ladz.
That's him there with the Digga-boss standing on his face.

His cunning ambush....

And more cunning ambush! Stoogemobz reinforcements come in right on time!

He decides to help the girls work on their tans, and burns the tires off their truck in the process. Spin and immobilized!

The Diggachicks leap off the wreck. One of them makes it aboard Stoogemob's bike, the legendary Segwaaaagh.

And for starts pitches Boogie the Gobbo into a cactus. But the driver, Ignatz is made of tougher stuff, and kicks the attacking Diggachick in the face and off the bike.

The Diggatrack has been taking pot-shots and the Stoogetrukk, knocking the Skorcha out of commission, thank Gork or possibly Mork. The trakk then swings around and pushed the Segwaaagh into the wreckage, crushing it. The resulting engine explosion hurls the driver into Boogie's cactus.

While all this is going on, Woogie the Gobbo has quietly tip-toed onto the Diggatruck and cut the prisoner loose! The Diggaboss who has been pinned, pulls herself to her feet and charges. The Diggaboss is a veritable cuisinart of choppy death, Xena in earthtones, and effortlessly hacks the prisoner back into submission, but when it's Woogie's turn, rolls double "1"s...resulting in a tied combat and a most grateful Gobbo. Woogie is hero of the day. Wooooogiiiiii!

With the prisoner down, but not out, Stooge decides to leg it. Freeing his lad, but at a high cost. Most ironically, the post game injury phase resulted in the Diggachicks capturing the Gobbo in the cactus and another of his ladz...... looks like we "ave to do it again ladz....
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Re: chewing over naghammer 2017

Post by YellowStreak » Tue May 16, 2017 2:22 am

Thanks all for the games this NH. Shadow War was my main game of choice and I think I got in 4 or 5 games over the 2 days (even winning one!) - so thanks to all my opponents.

Thanks Stu for demoing Saga, quite a neat little system with a trade-off decision-making mechanic I quite like. A highlight of the weekend was my last-surviving crazy half-naked Viking Hearthguard screaming 'Valhalla!' and suicide-axing the opposing General.
I'm looking forward to building up my forces for more Saga viking raids and eventually the big battle.

And as always, thanks Stu for arranging the room hire and organization etc. Without it there is no event!
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Re: chewing over naghammer 2017

Post by Konrad » Tue May 16, 2017 9:41 am

More pics!
Newcromunda gets a favorable first impression. Tight, simplified Necromunda rules. We will have to see if the factions are balanced. Lets get a campaign on!
I used these killer clown rules, like the Joker's girlfriend. Super killy, but one bad roll and game over.
Send in the Clowns!

And here is the Mad Spaniard's crack commando team.

Pickles the Clown's final dash. Ended by some extraordinary Overwatch shots. Tough audience.

A pic from day 2. Hey sister, I think there's something behind those crates....
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Re: chewing over naghammer 2017

Post by Konrad » Tue May 16, 2017 12:44 pm

Epic- Thanks TOD for walking me and Underdweller through the rules. Epic is way cool.


It will not die.....


I'll hold off on painting competition pics. My pictures do not do the entries justice.
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Re: chewing over naghammer 2017

Post by Lovejoy » Tue May 23, 2017 3:20 am

I wanted to post earlier but you know, life and stuff. Although I could only drop in briefly, it was great to see everyone, watch (bits of) peoples games and have a bit of a natter. To be honest I was quite touched by the friendly greetings and camaradrie, despite my not being a regular fixture recently. Warms the cockles of the heart it does and makes me realise the fun and larks I'm missing.
Great work on display as usual regarding the competition, what with some stunning paint jobs and conversions as per.. We have not one but several very talented people in our community. Both inspiring and dispririting, the former thankfully wins out. Maybe I'll even enter something next year.
Massive thanks to Prim for the organising (and the awesome LOTR haul). Although there were slightly fewer attendees the event is still thriving, and doubtless will be stronger next time around what with grimdark resurgences from both SWA and 8th ed.
Cheers for the mat procurement too, Mr YS! Much appreciated. Lovely stuff.
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