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Re: The Battlefleet Gothic computer game is so good, people!

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 11:38 pm
by The Other Dave
Glad you have come around to appreciate things that are fun and good! :D

Yeah, though; as I said when we talked at NH, I think, the learning curve didn't feel too steep for me since I know the TT game inside and out, but there really isn't much of a tutorial, no. (To see which weapons are destroyed, you essentially have to squint and look at the actual ship, unfortunately - I think adding that kind of info to the UI is something they're planning for the future. :roll:)

And rest assured, the extremely annoying nature of Eldar opponents is simply an accurate representation of how they play on the tabletop, heh. Fortunately, the campaign is set up so that you don't have to win every game to win, so the occasional essentially-unwinnable "Eldar admiral flees immediately" or "Eldar transports swish by your picket line" mission isn't too onerous.

Re: The Battlefleet Gothic computer game is so good, people!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 12:21 pm
by The Other Dave
The latest update has added 1v1 and 2v2 custom games, which lets people (us!) play directly against Steam friends. So, let's exchange steam IDs?

I'm drl317.

Re: The Battlefleet Gothic computer game is so good, people!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 1:07 am
by jus
Are you using your thruster manoeuvres properly? you can change the direction of your ship 180 degrees almost instantly. Eldar ships are fast but use your thrusters and turn to face them with your broadsides/lances ..i always get the upgrade that gives instantly replenishes the manoeuvres gauge.

As for destroyed weapons, Tatical cogitator is your friend. Slow down time and zoom in to your ship if your starboard side is on fire and not shooting, well those guns are destroyed. RAM THEM WITH YOUR PROW!!

Also I really like the cutscenes, the hand drawn art is really high quality. The animation is a bit stiff, but i think thats stylisitically deliberate, "appaling" is definately a bit harsh.

steam ID;

Ive sent a request to you TOD. pew pew pew

Re: The Battlefleet Gothic computer game is so good, people!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 3:35 am
by Primarch
Animation? You mean where they wave the static photo in front of the camera a bit?
Given what most computers are capable of performing these days, these scenes are.... appalling. :lol:

Re: The Battlefleet Gothic computer game is so good, people!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 6:50 am
by The Other Dave
Primarch wrote:Animation? You mean where they wave the static photo in front of the camera a bit?
Given what most computers are capable of performing these days, these scenes are.... appalling. :lol:
I kinda figure, eh, it's a tiny studio and they invested all their manpower into meticulously modeling floating space cathedrals and acquiring the most bombastic voice actors possible - I'll give half-assed cinematics a pass, heh.

It is BETTER to DIE for the EMPRAH than to LIVE! FOR! YOUR! SELF!

Re: The Battlefleet Gothic computer game is so good, people!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 9:20 am
by ashmie
You sold it to me on "initiating tactical cogitator" LMAO.

Re: The Battlefleet Gothic computer game is so good, people!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 10:18 am
by me_in_japan
Bit of a thread derailment, but has anybody played Total:Warhammer yet? I'm tempted, but not sure. Any opinions?

Re: The Battlefleet Gothic computer game is so good, people!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 10:32 am
by The Other Dave
me_in_japan wrote:Bit of a thread derailment, but has anybody played Total:Warhammer yet? I'm tempted, but not sure. Any opinions?
I've heard very good things, but no. The consensus seems to be that it's the smoothest Total War franchise launch to boot, that bugs are minimal and that balance is good.

Re: The Battlefleet Gothic computer game is so good, people!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 12:18 pm
by me_in_japan
just pulled the trigger on Total Warhammer. Watched teh trailer one too many times and came over all massed-battle-hordes-yaaaaaaaaargh kinda thing. An odd feeling, adn not one I am well accustomed to. God help me when Dawn of War III comes out. They reportedly have titans. Titans! :shock:

Re: The Battlefleet Gothic computer game is so good, people!

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 3:26 am
by jus
Having ascended to the Pc master gaming race with my sweet new gaming rig, I went and got Total warhammer to test out the specs, and guess what? Fantasy battle lives! In the middle of a dwarf campaign right now reclaiming every dwarf hold in the badlands with the Slayer king Ungrim Ironfist, and after a few re trys think that normal difficulty is too easy after you wipe out the orks main force. Might try empire or vampire counts next. Its a crying shame they dont have elves yet, but maybe dlc later on eh?
Also a crying shame is fact that the old world, rich in lore and character...well, no longer exists.