Introduction (and shameless promotion of a new RPG campaign)

All new members can introduce themselves here. If you can speak/write Japanese and English, please feel free to use both languages. 新メンバーはここで自己紹介をしてください。もし、英語と日本語を話し、書けるならどちらの言葉も自由に使って下さい。
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Re: Introduction (and shameless promotion of a new RPG campa

Post by Seb » Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:44 pm

Yup, I'll see you when you get here, if you'll be living in Nagoya then it'll be close.

I used to play a lot of games, mainly PC, but after I came to Japan I kinda put gaming on the shelf.
It has been a hard comeback but I recently started again, this time with miniature wargaming. I am a complete noob but it would be nice to get a game on sometime.

Ha det bra du med! Flyg försiktigt.

*Edit - By the way, are you still rocking the reggae look? :D

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Re: Introduction (and shameless promotion of a new RPG campa

Post by Primarch » Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:00 pm

Hello Gatusamurajaen/Pontus,
Welcome to the forums.
Please feel free to post any shameless promotions you feel like so long as they are gaming related.

When/Where were you thinking of running your campaign? Saturdays/Sundays? Mornings/Afternoons? etc.
I'd like to play if I have free time, but a lot would depend on the schedule, since I am pretty busy with Warhammer related gaming as well. If you could post some more details it would be helpful.

Happy Posting.
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Re: Introduction (and shameless promotion of a new RPG campa

Post by gatusamurajen » Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:27 pm

The campaign will run from sometime in April, and will be run for two years (or longer, depending on how long I end up staying in Japan this time), probably somewhere in the Nagoya area (ideally I'll get my own place that we can play at, and if not we can probably solve that problem somehow). One session every month to couple of weeks, since a friend of mine is coming from Yokohama to play and it depends a little on his workload. Other than that any day or the week will probably be fine, although ideally longer than average sessions are what I'm aiming for (basically whole-day sessions, or something like starting right after lunch and playing into the night), so weekends are perhaps the easiest for most people involved.

Perhaps the easiest, schedule-wise, will be to plan fairly far ahead, setting aside a weekend here and there? Hence why I'm posting here even though I'm still not in Japan yet. :) I think that we can try to be flexible and play when everyone can, using 1-2 long-ish sessions a month as a benchmark.

Some (very brief) information (really just a short piece of fluff along with the organisational details I've just written here):

The mood of the game is in line with the dark 40k setting as I interpret it and enjoy it with all its nuances, fairly deep with extensive lore, dark secrets and heroism and villainy. The PCs should be human and (some kind of) 'good guys', although nothing is never black/white, especially when Rogue Traders are involved. The action will hopefully be larger-than-life and more heavy on tension and drama than rolling buckets of dice, since that suits my taste in GMing.

If it fits your tastes and if you feel that you can fit it into your schedule you're more than welcome! In that case you can PM/email me to discuss character creation.
Opus Imperatori, Homines Voluntas - a Rogue Trader campaign in Nagoya currently looking for players:

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