NagoyaHammer - A discussion (or not...)

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Re: NagoyaHammer - A discussion (or not...)

Post by kojibear » Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:22 pm

Very late to join in this one, and much has already been said that I, too, would share the same opinion with.

It is late but here are some musings I would share.

The regularity of the Joshin venue did have a binding effect, as did the fact that for many of those years Fantasy and 40k matched the regularity of venue with a regularity of activity. We are creatures of habit at our core. It gives us comfort, reassurance and a certain effortlessness that is addictive and hard to let go. Then again, as beings with a great self-awareness and inquisitiveness we like to try and experience new things. Quite the dichotomy and paradox. :?

I have thoroughly enjoyed adding new games to my hobby life and immersing myself in the real and imagined worlds on offer, but I do - quite naturally as I mentioned above - miss the simplicity and regularity of the 'Joshin' days. I also am feeling a bit stretched - like butter over too much bread - and look at my gaming shelf and some of the unpainted minis that are there and do get that little niggle, that pin prick, that pinch of a pesky thought that I am playing too many different games. To be honest, some days that pinch is sometimes a smack in the head. :P ;)

I ran into a Japanese player I recognized the other day and asked him how he was and told him that we hadn't seen him in a while. He said he had been in poor health and had recovered and was looking forward to gaming again. He mentioned that it had been harder and harder to find a game of 40k which he still enjoyed and had spent lots of money and time collecting. He seemed quite happy that there were signs of its return. I said I looked forward to seeing him again and that a game with him would be great. I don't know what point this experience serves in this context but I wanted to share it anyway. Well, perhaps that is it - it is just a story about bringing our two gaming communities together. I would like that. :)

Keeping gaming fun, inclusive for all, attractive for the new and regular is something we all want. I don't have the answers, but I hope to find some with you all. :)

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