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Hi to everyone!

Post by Achelon » Wed May 08, 2019 10:12 am

Hi guys!

I'm from Spain and I may be moving soon to Nagoya for work (I say 'may' because I still gotta decide if I accept or not, it's a huuuuge step!).

I'm a hardcore player of Infinity the Game (by Corvus Belli) and was also a hardcore player of WH 40k, but haven't played since 6th edition as I discovered Infinity and it was a lot more tactical and interactive.

I was wondering how's the gaming community in Nagoya and specially, if there are Infinity players. I know there are some in Osaka, but if there was a community, even if small, in Nagoya it'd be awesome as it is an important part of my life nowadays.

Glad to be here!

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Re: Hi to everyone!

Post by Primarch » Wed May 08, 2019 11:19 am

Hi Achelon,

Welcome to NagoyaHammer.

A few of us have tried Infinity and have a few models for it. (I have some Yu Jing myself). It never really took off though, mainly due to the complexity of the rules I think. I enjoyed it when we muddled our way through some games, but haven't played in years. If you're keen to play, some people will probably give it a shot.
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Re: Hi to everyone!

Post by me_in_japan » Wed May 08, 2019 1:14 pm

Hi, and welcome :)

As Primarch said, there are a few infinity players in the area. Personally, I have a few PanO models (basically Ice Storm plus a few extras.) As with Prim, I tried it a year or so ago, kinda enjoyed it, but never really got too much into it and it kinda fizzled out in favour of 40k and a whole myriad other games I can’t really find time for but try to. I’d be up for trying again, though, with the caveat that I’m in Tsu* and don’t make it up to Nagoya that often. There’s a pretty healthy 40k community around, though, so if you fancied getting back into that you’d certainly find someone to play with. FWIW, I think it’s fair to say that none of us are particularly hardcore players of anything, and our armies tend towards the fluffy side of things, as opposed to min-maxing murderdeathkill lists.

Anyway, good to have you here and hopefully you’ll make the decision to come out to Japan. Wargaming aside, it’s a really interesting place to be, with plenty of good folks around and enjoyable things to do. I’m sure I speak for everyone here when I say that we’d be happy to assist with any local info/lifestyle stuff, too, if we can :)

Yoroshiku onegai shimaaaaaasu :)

*Tsu : a town in Mie prefecture, a bit over an hour away from Nagoya. Meh, I live in the boonies... :(
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Re: Hi to everyone!

Post by Achelon » Thu May 09, 2019 10:32 am

Thanks for the warm welcome!

It's nice to know there is a wargaming community in Japan, at least I won't have to leave that behind if I finally move (it's really really hard to decide as I would have to leave family behind and find a new family for my kitty).

I was wondering tho, the 40k community you talk about, does it play only that one day per month I've seen, or do people meet more and play on a weekly basis with tournaments, leagues or stuff like that organized?

I'm asking because I am part of a really active community here in my hometown, specially about Infinity (we have a campaign, a league and at least a tournament each month with games being played from friday to sunday almost non stop) and it would be nice to know how active it is and so.

About Infinity, I have like 8 different sectorials/armies, so I could lend them to play and would gladly organize meetings to present and teach the game. Honestly, it's not as difficult or hard as it may seem from the outside, and once you learn the basics, which you do quite fast (in a single game basically), you fall in love with how tactic and interactive it is.

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Re: Hi to everyone!

Post by Primarch » Thu May 09, 2019 11:07 am

Officially, we meet and play once a month, though as most people have families and other responsibilities, not everyone can attend every time. If I can play once a month I count myself lucky. Some people do play at home if their schedules line up, but there are no local stores with gaming space.

We have tried having campaigns and organized play, but it never lasts, mainly due to people being unavailable and having other games they want to play. Everyone likes different systems and only a few see regular table time.

Most people are, generally speaking, unlikely to pick up new games. We have a lot we already play and a lot we would like to. If you are willing to teach the game, it helps, but I doubt there would be a big change. Being open to trying new games yourself will also help encourage others to give your game of choice a chance.

We are, on the whole, not massively into tournaments and competitive play. Some people may enjoy it, but our local group tends towards more casual pick-up games.

You may get some interest and you may get a few games in every now and again, but the wargaming scene in Nagoya is not like that in Europe I'm sorry to say. As a club, we don't have the focus or desire to play one game exclusively or the time we would like to play regularly. We'll certainly give new games a chance and play when we can, it's just difficult to get more gaming chances than we already do.
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