Hello from Hokuriku

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Hello from Hokuriku

Post by FukuiMatt » Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:08 am

My name is Matt and I am in Fukui.
I play all sorts of stuff, but my true love is Warhammer Fantasy.
I often run events (mostly 40k) which are attended by people in the Hokuriku region and sometimes Kansai and Gifu.
I have also attend 40k events in Hokuriku and Kansai and Fantasy events in Tokyo.
I am hoping to get some of these groups together in the future and to try and get some bigger events going.
I would love to attend an event in Nagoya.

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Re: Hello from Hokuriku

Post by me_in_japan » Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:30 am

Hi Matt! Welcome, and good to have you with us :)

There are plenty of others here who play 40k (including myself, when I can make it up from Mie prefecture). I'm sure Primarch/the other dave will be along in a bit with more info etc, but we meet once a month and I've got no doubt you could find yourself a game of 40k no problem.

We tend to do a bigger-ish event every golden week but we have a fairly limited pool of players to draw from. Personally, I can't get very involved in the deep end of organising game events due to family/work commitments, but others here may well have interest in discussing a bigger/paired event with you. I daresay they'll be along in a bit to say hi.

Regardless, I hope you can make it up to Nagoya for a game some time. Hopefully see you there :)


Dave (not the other one)

*edit* thread for organising this month's game: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4282
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Re: Hello from Hokuriku

Post by Primarch » Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:40 am

Hi Matt,

Welcome to NagoyaHammer,
Whereabouts are you in Fukui? Are there many local players?

40K is the most popular game here in Aichi, but we do have people playing other games too. We usually have a games day once a month (a bit of a trek from Fukui-ken though), so if you're in the area, feel free to pop along. We used to have a 2-day event in Golden Week until Corona put a stop to things. We're thinking to get it going again, but won't be able to book anything until next month at the earliest, so keep an eye on the forum for any news.

Feel free to jump into any ongoing threads or start your own if there is anything you'd like to discuss.

Kind regards,
Prim (aka Stuart)
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Re: Hello from Hokuriku

Post by FukuiMatt » Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:26 am

Thank you for the welcome.

I am near Sabae, which does have a direct train to Nagoya.

At the Hokuriku big events we normally get around 10-14, but regular events are more like 6-8. Most of the 40k players are Japanese, but there are a couple of English speakers who play Fantasy.

There are similar numbers in Kansai of 40k players, but for some reason they are split across 2 groups who don't mix much.

I would love to try and put a group together and come to the 2 day event.

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Re: Hello from Hokuriku

Post by Grantholomeu » Sat Sep 16, 2023 9:32 am

What's up Matt? Always good to hear more people want to join the big event :D
Also idk how much you know about Nagoya, but it's looking like the event will probably be near Kanayama, which is pretty much the 2nd largest station after Nagoya station. It's also on JR though, probably right after Nagoya station if you're taking an express train.
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Re: Hello from Hokuriku

Post by Jye Nicolson » Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:20 am

Yeah you can switch from the Shirasugi to the Tokaido easy.

And going the other way not far past Fukui is excellent holiday destination Kanazawa 🤔

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Re: Hello from Hokuriku

Post by FukuiMatt » Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:40 am

That sounds good. I have been to Kanayama before.

I am running a team event on Sunday here, so I will try to gauge interest for a group trip next year.

I used to live in Kanazawa as well. For some reason most of the hobby activity is located around Komatsu rather than Kanazawa for some reason.

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