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Re: Use of Language

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:52 pm
by Spevna
The Other Dave wrote:I probably would have spoken up in the locked-down survey thread, but this seems like a place to weigh in (if not, Prim, I apologize).

Here's an example: I, for one, have absolutely no problem with words on the taboo-level of crip, but using goy or fig (note: fake moderator edit for dubious humor value) pejoratively is something that will get me up-in-arms, and fast - I happen to feel strongly about GLBT issues, as my Facebook friends are probably aware on account of my link-posting habits, heh.

My point being, what words offend, and for what reasons, are different for different people. "XXX doesn't offend me" shouldn't be an excuse to use a given word - not everybody is you.

And, of course, there's the single most important point here - Primarch, who is the boss of this site (which is not a democracy) has laid out some rules. We ought to abide by them, whether we agree with them or not. Passive-aggressive behavior is not an especially mature way to show your disagreement.

What about fudge-packer, shirt lifter, or pillow biter? ;)

Didn't mean it mate. I actually clicked 'like' on your George Takei Facebook link. Just couldn't resist .

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:23 pm
by Mike the Pike
Spevna wrote: What about fudge-packer, shirt lifter, or pillow biter? ;)

Didn't mean it mate. I actually clicked 'like' on your George Takei Facebook link. Just couldn't resist .
But how would anyone know you don't mean it, Spev?

I assume you are joking with some of your posts as well as the above, but in truth, I don't really know 100% if you are or perhaps you are one of the 'Douche Bags' mentioned by Lt. Sulu.

And therein lies one of the problems with using this kind of language in a forum such as this. I only know some of the members of this group well enough to know their views on GLBT issues but others I have no idea at all. Are you are card carrying member of PFLAG or are do you commit hate crimes against Gays in your free time?

At this point, someone usually chimes in with something along the lines of "Sod off ya PC git, I have Gay friends and we joke about these things all the time..." ;) Which is exactly my point. GLBT folks and their friends certainly do use such terms when they joke around and see no harm in it. But when someone outside the group uses the language without any context it becomes offensive. It's not just anti-gay terms either. If you know me well enough, you can make all the sheep shagging, bald or fat jokes that you like. I will return the favour with gusto. If I don't know you well enough, then you immediately cast yourself as a 'Douche bag' in my eyes.

Anyways, surely most of us are eloquent/literate enough to express ourselves without resorting to such loaded terminology.

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:31 pm
by Admiral-Badruck
if the whole argument is based on what people can possibly say might be offensive then stop typing now... there are words (often words that have been directed at me) that while they might not have been offensive to some were at the heart insults about my intelligence...I do know how to read and I do know how to spell.. Were the remarks mean spirited? Most likely not and I did not take them as such... but then I get censored for words I have never even heard of being bad or even offensive. I know I am not the brightest bulb in the box but... I know when someone is making a good joke and when someone is being mean.. that is the responsibility of the reader. I think if you do not like what someone writes don't read it.. As far as prime being the boss well not much I can say about that... I can only say that he does not seem like the kind of guy that would take his ball and go home... I respect his stance on not cursing and when he told me what words I should not use I stopped using them... MIJ noticed that the word CRA# was edited out of one of my posts... then he tried to reserve the right to say Cra# in his signature... that was edited and then I saw it was edited again... I started to fight the power as a knee jerk reaction... I realized there was not need to do that because I figured if I had a question I could just post it....this got me to thinking I do not know what words are on the "do not use" list I checked the rules and found that the word "offensive" was used as the criteria for what was not ok... I then set out to find out what might be offensive. That post was shut down. I either missed the memo or did not get it because Me is a iltterate ork or kuz der wuz no clear roolze for what Barky bark we's Kan yuz...

Prime knows I have mad respect for him and for what he has done for the hobby.. He should also know that if he ever needs me to do something I am just a phone call away...

If I have offended anyone on any of my posts I am deeply sorry. You must know that I do not take Admiral-Badruck seriously and neither should you..

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:48 pm
by Spevna
Mike the Pike wrote:
Spevna wrote: What about fudge-packer, shirt lifter, or pillow biter? ;)

Didn't mean it mate. I actually clicked 'like' on your George Takei Facebook link. Just couldn't resist .
But how would anyone know you don't mean it, Spev?

Ummm, because I said " I didn't mean it"?

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:53 pm
by Primarch
Spevna wrote:
Mike the Pike wrote:
Spevna wrote: What about fudge-packer, shirt lifter, or pillow biter? ;)

Didn't mean it mate. I actually clicked 'like' on your George Takei Facebook link. Just couldn't resist .
But how would anyone know you don't mean it, Spev?

Ummm, because I said " I didn't mean it"?
That was kind of a clue to be honest. :lol: :lol:
Anyway, since this has now been resolved, why dont we all just get on with our lives and try to be nice, decent folk when posting here?

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:10 pm
by Spevna
Anyway, since this has now been resolved, why dont we all just get on with our lives and try to be nice, decent folk when posting here

I have no qualms about the policy at all, in fact I think it's a good one. TOD's point pretty much illustrates the reason why. I probably use the words he mentioned more often that I should, mostly without even thinking about them. The thought of them offending people doesn't really cross my mind, but to him they obviously are offensive. Best to play it safe and not risk upsetting someone who seems to be a pretty decent bloke (not actually met him in person but his posts and what I've heard suggests he is a nice guy).

The best thing for everyone to do is mind your Ps an Qs and, if somebody types something offensive, send them a polite PM to let them know. We are all friends here, I'm sure we can all try to accomodate each other's feelings. And on that not;

Pikey, please don't use the term "sheep shagger". As someone who enjoys the company of our fluffy friends on cold and lonely nights (when I'm feeling randy), I take offense.

PS. I didn't mean it. I hope people realise I do now actually partake of wooly illicit pleasures.

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:50 pm
by Mike the Pike
Ummm, that was merely an example guys :roll:

I was not actually attempting to build a Crown Case against Spev. who is a luvly fellow, despite his admitted "livestock bothering" proclivities :D

I was merely trying to point out, quite apart from the vocabulary issue, that we don't actually know each other well enough, in most cases, to joke about any topic that some consider sensitive.

As for the whole 'Primarch is boss so his word his law' thing. I trust most of us here are familiar with the non-offensive term 'coup d'etat'? :D

Finally, 'Agreed' (with the the whole let's stop this and get on with our lives thing). It's just that my stubborn nature, and over-inflated sense of self-importance prevent me from letting anyone get the last word in :lol:

Spevna wrote:
PS. I didn't mean it. I hope people realise I do now actually partake of wooly illicit pleasures.
I guess that is meant to be noT rather than noW

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:07 am
by Spevna
I guess that is meant to be noT rather than noW

Well, ummm..., ahhh...., actually,.....there's something I've been meaning to tell you lot for a while...:oops:

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:10 am
by Admiral-Badruck
Thats ok mate you know we wont tell anyone or even hold that against you!!

Or will we :twisted:

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:25 am
by Spevna
Admiral-Badruck wrote:Thats ok mate you know we wont tell anyone or even hold that against you!!

Or will we :twisted:

That might have been funny if you had remembered to put the question mark at the end ;)