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Re: Welcome

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:31 pm
by job
Welcome and nice looking blog! :)

Re: Welcome

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:31 pm
by Konrad
"Inakadakka". Love it. Nice stuff and welcome aboad.

Re: Welcome

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:13 am
by carnalfex

I am an American living in Toyama (the other half of the InakaDakka blog mentioned previously). For the time, I only play 40K and I am quite new to it, but as my good friend has somehow convinced me to empty my wallet and fill my home with little plastic aliens, I would like to expand my potential base of people to enjoy this fine hobby with. As my handle may suggest, I play Tyranids.

Aside from 40K, I enjoy RPGs of various shapes and sizes (currently have a group going for Pathfinder), video games, and even at times things that have nothing to do with games. I look forward to participating in your community!

Re: Welcome

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:24 am
by Primarch
carnalfex wrote:Greetings,

I am an American living in Toyama (the other half of the InakaDakka blog mentioned previously). For the time, I only play 40K and I am quite new to it, but as my good friend has somehow convinced me to empty my wallet and fill my home with little plastic aliens, I would like to expand my potential base of people to enjoy this fine hobby with. As my handle may suggest, I play Tyranids.

Aside from 40K, I enjoy RPGs of various shapes and sizes (currently have a group going for Pathfinder), video games, and even at times things that have nothing to do with games. I look forward to participating in your community!
Welcome to the boards Carnalfex. Feel free to jump in to any of the ongoing conversations or even start one of your own. We are a friendly bunch, though we all tend to have pretty strong opinions. If you ask a question you'll get a dozen different and conflicting answers.
Several of our members (myself included) play Nids, so if you want any thoughts on lists or advice on how to beat those pesky terminators you need only ask.

Re: Welcome

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:58 am
by BloodByam
So you can Call me Scott i have a gaming group at yokosuka about 20 people are in it. It would be great to have a game with some vet's and sharpen my teeth. any ways i invite any one around for a game out two if they are willing to come over. i play
Dark eldar-5k points
i selling my marines but i still have about 6k of them left.
alost play High elves and lotr White Hand.

In 40k i haven't lost in mouths or about a year now so it would be nice to loose to a great player who make's me think harder i really don't like easy games and i don't play list you'll see alot...

Re: Welcome

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:06 am
by Primarch
Hi Scott,
Welcome to the forum.
I'm sure there will be someone around here who fancies a trip up to Yokosuka. I've never been there myself actually. Am I right in thinking that it is near Tokyo? (Geography is not my strong point).

If you want some fresh opponents, you are more than welcome to come to Nagoya anytime you like. We're throwing an event in Golden Week if you or any of your group feel like making the trip.

In the meantime, feel free to hop onto any of the ongoing threads, or open some new ones if you have something you want to chat about.


Re: Welcome

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:26 am
by BloodByam
Ya i'm about 40 mins from tokyo was thinking about coming up for the golden week maybe and get some real games in. I do have to take care of my two son's so i'll have too work some thing out there also talk my wife into letting me go......not easy.
Now is the gaming for painted armys only?

Re: Welcome

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:53 am
by Primarch
BloodByam wrote:Now is the gaming for painted armys only?
Sort of.
You can bring an unpainted army, but to encourage players to at least dab a couple of colours on, painted models gain preferred enemy against models which haven't been painted or have been sprayed with just one colour.

Re: Welcome

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:06 pm
by me_in_japan
Howdy, Scott - welcome to the forums :)

Yeah - as Prim says, itd be cool if you could make it down here for Naghammer. It's a doubles tourney this year, and I think Prim is trying to make it just a twitch less competitive than before by introducing some slightly wierdy scenarios. It varies year to year. You'll find a variety of gaming attitudes in the Nagoya group. Some are pretty competitive, others can play hard if you ask em to but generally play for fun, and some just like to play fluffy armies that get gubbed every time, but do so in style. If you're looking for a competitive game you should pop along to the monthly Nagoyahammer thread and ask around for an opponent, just so you dont come down loaded for bear and find a field full of bunny rabbits. (I couldnt say if there's a thread made for March yet - I never go, so its kinda off my radar)

Anyway, good to have you on board :)

ps - it's totally wierd to look at your facebook page and see my avatar on there. :?

*edit* yeah, as Prim says, the important thing is to look like youve made at least a bit of an effort with your painting. bare metal, or blobby blobs of nasty is frowned upon. A simple base coating is fine and dandy. Full on OSL with SENMM, wet blending and LEDs in the eye sockets will get you a whole lot of awe (but no extra points :lol: )

Re: Welcome

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:16 am
by Commissar-Koala
Hi everyone!

I'm Koala, and I'm originally from America, but now I'm settled in Okayama.

I play 40K (grey knights), a very little FB, and Necromunda, but my very favorite games are Blood Bowl and Warmachine (PoM).

I'm looking forward to having chances to play more here in Japan!