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Use of Language

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:46 pm
by Primarch
Alright Guys, time to put my Big Boss Hat on.

Can we PLEASE keep the profanity on the boards to an absolute minimum. By absolute minimum, I mean none at all.
I just did a quick search and came up with 15 results for shOt and 69 results for cARp. Whilst I have no problem with bad language and can swear like a trooper when I need to, I dont want to see it here. It is such a big part of our culture that maybe we aren't always aware that we are doing it, but could you please try to avoid it. Just because something doesnt offend you personally doesn't mean that it wont offend others. I'd like to keep these boards as clean and welcoming as possible. I dont think it is asking a lot for you to express yourselves without resorting to expletives.

'Prim and Proper' Primarch.

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:16 am
by me_in_japan
who's been swearing? I aint, certainly. I think we need to be careful with two things here:

1) worrying about hypotheticals
2) what qualifies as "inappropriate".

For example, while I am sure most folks would agree that words beginning sh~~ fu~~ and cu~~ are out of order, others might say that (and due to being counted among their number I shall not self censor here) "crap" "arse/ass" , "bugger" (as in bugger off, as opposed to describing a physical act), pissed, and so on are on a milder scale. I accept it could be argued that these rate censorship. But then we hit the rather dubious area of "...and then what?" poo? bum? or the thorny thicket of "Oh my god" (with or without the capital G). Personally, I rate "crap" on the same scale as "bum" i.e. 100% non-offensive. Others may not.

Which is where the crux of the issue lies, really. It's all about individual users' own tolerance for swearing. You said that you yourself can swear like a trooper, and knowing you personally, I can vouch for this. you also said "Just because something doesnt offend you personally doesn't mean that it wont offend others." I've seen this argument time and again, and it just doesnt roll with me. Who are these mythical "others" that are so easily offended? How come they have more rights than us thicker-skinned folks? i.e. how come we have to modify our attitude to language rather than vice versa? If I have a problem with someone's language or attitude, I tell em so. I don't sit there in a silent fizz waiting for a moderator to do something about it. I would imagine that most other folks would do the same. I have never, in all my travels on the internet, ever actually encountered anyone who was offended by strong language. I've seen folks offended by personal attacks, yes, but the simple appearance of a swearword has, in my experience, never hurt nobody.

So, I would like to request that if there is, in fact, anyone out there who has been, or is worried they might be, offended by certain words, please PM either myself or Primarch and let us know, and I will discontinue use of any offensive language as requested. I will, of course treat any request respectfully, and will not argue with it - I am not particularly attached to swearwords, I just dislike having to modify my language based on some hypothetical possibility. Until either myself or Primarch receives such an email, I reserve the right to express myself as I see fit. This may or may not include the use of swearwords.

-Me(and my opinion)_in_Japan

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:11 pm
by Primarch
me_in_japan wrote:...everything M_i_J just said...
Good points, well made.
Still, I'm asking, politely, that people mind their manners and try not to swear and curse. Its not difficult to 'not do something.'* Just because I can swear a lot, doesnt mean that I always should, or that it is appropriate in all contexts.

Thanks for your co-operation.

*eating, breathing or performing other bodily functions notwithstanding.

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:38 pm
by me_in_japan
Understood, and agreed with. I can and will do my best to refrain from swearing. If I feel a situation warrants strong language, I may use it, but rest assured that if I do so, its because I really, really feel it to be necessary. Some things, while expressable in other ways, really benefit from an expletive or two. Until such a situation arises (e.g. the release of the Caestus Assault Ram Mk II: The More Heavily Armed Version) I will do my best to restrain myself.

Thanks for listening and not laying down the law :)

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:44 pm
by Primarch
me_in_japan wrote:I can and will do my best to refrain from swearing.
And thats all I am asking for.
Thanks. :)

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:47 pm
by Spevna
If I can get a doctor's note saying I have tourettes (the keyboard based variety), am I exempt?

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:30 am
by Miggy Smallz
Does using acronyms count in this? Like WTF or OMG or F-U? I don't think anyone would use the last one but just curious, particularly about WTF.

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:50 am
by Primarch
Miggy Smallz wrote:Does using acronyms count in this? Like WTF or OMG or F-U? I don't think anyone would use the last one but just curious, particularly about WTF.
I would think that "What The Fudge," Oh My Gosh," and "Frak You" are all acceptable.

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:32 am
by Primarch
It would seem that there are some Orkish types who missed this conversation the first time round.
I have no real issue with a little light hearted swearing. However, spamming various words in every post deliberately (and I know it was deliberate because they were the only correctly written words in the posts) or placing it in your sig where it will be applied to EVERY post you make, is not on. Would you walk around your place of work using this kind of language with your boss, coworkers, clients, customers or students?

The same ork had this to say:
Admiral-Badruck wrote:I know the rules say on offensive language.. But G4Y and CR4P do not offend me.. #UCK and SHI# and clearly on the offensive side of things but... lets see if this post gets caned...
If someone is out of the closet and happy with the term, I have no issue with the word gay. It describes a member of the community. However, using it as a derogatory adjective e.g. 'this rule/model/army is gay' is offensive and people, especially those from minority religious groups, should be more aware of what intolerance they are willing to accept and propogate.

So, to recap:
A little swearing here and there can be overlooked, but please be aware of what you are saying.
Please refrain from using remarks that refer to race, creed, colour, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.

Warseer has a program built in that auto-edits swear words into ****, please dont make that a necessity here.

Re: Use of Language

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:49 am
by The Other Dave
I probably would have spoken up in the locked-down survey thread, but this seems like a place to weigh in (if not, Prim, I apologize).

Here's an example: I, for one, have absolutely no problem with words on the taboo-level of crip, but using goy or fig (note: fake moderator edit for dubious humor value) pejoratively is something that will get me up-in-arms, and fast - I happen to feel strongly about GLBT issues, as my Facebook friends are probably aware on account of my link-posting habits, heh.

My point being, what words offend, and for what reasons, are different for different people. "XXX doesn't offend me" shouldn't be an excuse to use a given word - not everybody is you.

And, of course, there's the single most important point here - Primarch, who is the boss of this site (which is not a democracy) has laid out some rules. We ought to abide by them, whether we agree with them or not. Passive-aggressive behavior is not an especially mature way to show your disagreement.