Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by Spevna » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:20 am

@ Spev: Saying there are less then good husbands out there is not a defense. Moreover, it doesn't dispute my point because you are in agreement with what I wrote. I know the MiJ is a good man and he wouldn't say that about his wife, and I think he wouldn't say that about his students with intention.
Did you actually read what I posted? Let me put it here again;
I wouldn't use it alongside MY wife's name. YOU wouldn't use it alongside YOUR wife's name. It is ridiculously presumptuous to make a comment about what ALL MARRIED GUYS would or would not do. ( see, I can use lots of uppercase letters too).
Where in my comment am I defending the use of the word "fucking" when talking about one's wife? Let us break it down.
I wouldn't use it alongside MY wife's name. YOU wouldn't use it alongside YOUR wife's name.
Here I am saying that I, like you don't use that word in reference to my wife.
It is ridiculously presumptuous to make a comment about what ALL MARRIED GUYS would or would not do. ( see, I can use lots of uppercase letters too).
Where exactly is the supposed defense? If you read it you can clearly see that the point of the sentence is that YOU have no basis with which to make the statement;
Example: for married guys, YOU WOULD NEVER EVER EVER use it alongside your wife's name!
How can you possibly make a statement like that? It is ridiculous of you to presume to know how every married man talks about his wife. I know plenty of guys that refer to their wives using this and much worse language. Am I defending it? No. I am not defending it, I have not posted anything defending it. The whole purpose of my post was to highlight the idiocy of your comment. Obviously it went clean over your head. If you are going to take the time to post replies, at least take the time to read what you are replying to.
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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by ashmie » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:38 am

Good rule of thumb for the F word on the Internet is just do not use it. People get really up set. Cursing in general gets people mad at you. I would hope that in the future we can act more like gentlemen. This starts with me!
I'm in agreement with what Badruck says, gentlemen gentlemen, what the world needs now is more hobby less angst. Love, sweet love. The swearing thing, use it all the time if I could, my wife loves it (joke), but I can't and I do find that Canadians and Americans do get upset by profanity more than back home in Britain so we should be careful about that on public forums. You can't use it in the office mind, it's purely pub talk. :)
Sure 9/10 we are in disagreement about topics on here but that's the jelly right?
The written word is so much deadlier than the spoken as I found out on here when I went on a BA Baracas rampage a few months back. Not nice, rather messy.
Be good, lets enjoy each others company, there is too much fighting in Liberty City. :D :D :D

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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by ennui » Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:41 am

Wow. Really happy I skipped this thread.

Too busy using Facebook.

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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by Spevna » Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:46 am

ennui wrote:Wow. Really happy I skipped this thread.

Too busy using Facebook.
I see what you did there 8-)

(try to imagine an amusing meme inserted here, an amusing meme that my iPhone wouldn't let me attach.)
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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by job » Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:33 pm

@ spevna: Clearly debating anything with you is a tiring exercise in futility. writing a wall of text is an artless tactic similar to shouting down an opponent.

That said there is nothing we agree on and I've got to spend time on things then repeat myself to you.

I'm with Ashmie in the end. He's right, we're here to game. :) (sorry to guys like Ashmie) MiJ blew some steam. It brought up the usage of cursing on the forum (which I am fine with as long you stay away from disparaging people). I think case closed?
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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by Primarch » Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:02 pm

Thank you Ash for putting everything nicely in perspective.

When I first started this site, I wanted to make a place where people could hang out and discuss painting, modelling and tactics. What I didnt want was a place where folks came to shout and argue with each other about things unrelated to gaming. I am sick and tired of getting PM's from people complaining about the behaviour of others. If this was a big site like Warseer people would be getting reprimanded or banned for some of their discussions online. As it is, NagoyaHammer is not a large site and I know most of the members to some degree or other and meet the main group of people involved in this pointless bickering on a semi-regular basis.

So I am left with 3 options.

The first is to close the site and stop wasting my time and money keeping it running, get rid of the campaigns and cancel all the events.

The second option is to start banning people on both sides and kicking folks off the site.

The third and WAAAAYYY more preferable option is to ask everyone to show a little bit of forethought in their behaviour. Dont read threads started by people whom you generally disagree with unless there is a reason to do so. Dont get on your morale soap box and start preaching about why something is bad or why it should be totally acceptable. If something offends you, ask yourself if it really offends you so much that you need to spend your time and energy telling the other person in detail how offended you are. Consider whether your behaviour might be offensive to others. (And the answer to "Why should I change my behaviour to suit others?" is "Because you dont want to be anti-social." If you wouldn't do it in front of your grandparents, or in a job interview, or with young children watching, or at work, you should think twice before doing it here). And finally, agree to disagree. There is a preview button when you write a new post, try using it sometimes and ask yourself if you really need to post that scathing rebuttal.

So, for now, I am taking option 3 as it seems to be the obvious best choice here. If things dont improve significantly, then options 2 or 1 may be revisited. And I dont want to hear any "But he started it" type comments. It takes 2 (or more) to have an argument and I really REALLY dont care. Consider this fair warning, play nice kids.
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