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Re: New Boyle

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:09 pm
by Admiral-Badruck
that is a nice picture.... well done my man.

Re: New Boyle

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:03 pm
by The Underdweller
So cute :D

Congratulations, glad to hear everything went well!

Re: New Boyle

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:23 am
by kojibear
I say! Well done ol' bean! Well, err...I mean to say, well done to Mrs. Bolye. No doubt the strapping wee fellow takes after his mother, or at least we all hope so ;)


Re: New Boyle

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:59 am
by Moyashimaru
Congratulations to the both of you. The young Boyle is a good looking boy. Good luck!

Re: New Boyle

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:45 am
by Konrad
Baby! Yeah! Congratulations, your life is now over. Don't worry, compared to all the coolness that is coming, you won't even miss it. (mostly.....)

Re: New Boyle

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:53 pm
by Admiral-Badruck
hahaha agreeing with Konrad is always easy...

Re: New Boyle

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:48 pm
by ashmie
Congratulations Dave mate. Sean is a good Scottish name. You must be pleased. :)
We are having a boy too! Liam we are going to call him as he will probably be naughty I suspect.
Looking forward to the Lego?
Give me a bell when you are receiving visitors and we will bring something for him.

The embassy is straightforward, I believe the forms are all online, or at least the instructions of how to register are. You will probably have to go to The Epson building in Osaka to register.
Me and Keiko are trying to get her name changed to my family name so the baby can have my family name. It's going through the court at the moment so it's not a definite. Under Japanese law they must have one name or the other and it goes on what the wife's is at the time of birth.
A way round this would be to have the Japanese name in Japan and then register the marriage and the baby in Britain to get the husbands family name also. That way internationally (and on FB :) (joke)) they can use both but Japan would be Keikos family name.

Congratulations mate. Any time off to be with baby this week?

@Mus Extremely belated congratulations to you too on Ayla chan. I'm sure I've said this in person but just in case I hadn't congratulations again. :)

Re: New Boyle

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:07 am
by me_in_japan
apparently, its easy enough to do if youre english or welsh. The scottish registrar's office, in their frankly not very infinite wisdom, have seen fit to have zero information online about how to obtain a scottish birth certificate (i.e. mine, which i need to prove that im proper british, like.) I've asked my dad to get a hold of em, and he's a lawyer, so if he cant get one, nobody can. Still, the scottish parliament think they can break away from england? yeesh. cant even organise their own data and get forms on a website... :roll:

@ash - a boy, eh? congratulations :D I foresee many's a long year of competitive-dad style 40k-by-proxy :lol: and seriously - Liam Laycock? That's definite rock band front man name material right there :D

Also, if you want any info about how St. Rose's is, by all means ask. I already took some pics of kaz's room for yer information. Thought it might be handy n stuff :)

re: kaz's family name - she got it changed when we got married, as some folks had said it was an arse to do it later. Looks like they were right. Good luck with a hassle-free changeover for you guys :)

Re: New Boyle

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:47 am
by ashmie
Cheers mate, will do. Have fun settling the little fella in next week and make sure you get in as much Skyrim as you can before then. See you on the other side, or soonish I hope. Oh Toys R Us has a babies r us now in Tsu. They have everything, daily stuff too like nappies, baby food and milk. Worth a visit. It was good to go to Toys R Us the other day I felt it was alright to go in now as I'm actually shopping for a kid and not just looking at the Star wars Lego for myself. :)