Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

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Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by me_in_japan » Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:58 am

I just logged back into my facebook account after a coupla years absence, purely because family back home have demanded i swamp them with pics of Sean, and i have this to say about it (facebook, I mean...)

1) DAMN but that home page is busy.

2) Who the hell are half the people on my friends list? I mean, when I look at their photo, I'm like "oh, yeah, you're my cousin. Why is your name completely not your real name? It was when I last was on facebook..."

3) There are about half a dozen friend requests FROM FUCKING STUDENTS AT MY SCHOOL! I would very much like to know how they found my account, since before I exited the 'book I went through every single privacy toggle and set them to "fuck off", I'm sure of it. Seriously people, who the hell wants to friend their teacher? And do I want a bunch of 14 year olds' updates on a daily basis? Jesus, fuck... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by kojibear » Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:01 pm

Yep yep yep. That's why I didn't use my real name. I knew that kind of stuff would happen. I understand how you feel. BUt if it is any consolation, I guess your students like you! :D

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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by job » Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:25 pm

About your students: They found you because you used your real name. (Or posted pics of yourself with a name they could guess at.) And you can now turn up your security and filters to keep others from finding you.

And come on, are you going to call them that? They must be genuinely interested in you. Anyway, we teach language and one of the primary roles and uses for functions is to build human contacts and relationships. You should be feeling the opposite. You should feel proud your students are going out and really reaching out to know people. (Sorry I'm a little insufferable about this. :? And we want to keep our forum clean right?)

Anyway, you can join the rebellion and refuse to have a facebook account. I never sweat my students knowing more then what we discuss in our lessons face-to-face.
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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by Admiral-Badruck » Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:45 pm

I hate face book but... and I never thought I would say this but I completely agree with Job on this... if you do not want your students bother you just do not confirm them as friends... I am sure that they do not care if you friend them or not... my general rule for face book is if I see the people on a monthly basics I do not confirm the person as a friend. I do not need to know what people around me are doing... that is what Nagoya Hammer is for...

I really cant see why your so upset with your students... perhaps you are not so upset but your tone and use of the F-word are a bit harsh my man... you must be stressed about something ... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: chill out a bit.. 8-) 8-)
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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by me_in_japan » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:16 pm

If anyone can give me a good reason why people who don't have a problem with swearing should change their behaviour to suit people who are sensitive about it, then by all means do tell. Equally, give me a reason why people who are sensitive about swearing don't have a responsibility to change their behaviour to suit those who don't have a problem with swearing.


For the faint of heart, this post contains sweary words. Flee!

For those of a stronger disposition, read on (warning: this post contains nit-picking):
job wrote:And you can now turn up your security and filters to keep others from finding you
what, turned up from "no-one can find me when they search."? theres a higher setting? what's that then? do tell...
I use my name on facebook because that's the account I've had for 6 or more years. I can't remember when I started my facebook, but it was a while ago. I'm not about to change it now.
job wrote: And come on, are you going to call them that?
call them what? I didnt call anybody anything.
we teach language and one of the primary roles and uses for functions is to build human contacts and relationships.
seriously. My students are 12 - 18 yr old girls. i work in a catholic girls school. Having them as facebook friends would be very, very bad. I don't want to be arrested as a paedophile. I appreciate your efforts to improve my relationships, but I'd like to choose my own friends, not any random person who facebooks me.
job wrote:You should feel proud your students are going out and really reaching out to know people.
Ditto the above. I dont want any of my students on facebook. The bloody thing is dangerous. Do you have any idea how many girls are enticed into meeting with strangers on sites like facebook, mixi, and so on and so forth? I know several students this has happened to. Fortunately the school lectures them ad nauseum about the dangers of social network sites, so the girls closed their accounts once they were approaced by the wierdos, but it's still fucking scary.
job wrote:Anyway, you can join the rebellion and refuse to have a facebook account.
My opening post wrote:I just logged back into my facebook account after a coupla years absence, purely because family back home have demanded i swamp them with pics of Sean
I really cant see why your so upset with your students... perhaps you are not so upset but your tone and use of the F-word are a bit harsh my man...
Fucking British people swear all the fucking time. It doesnt fucking mean we're fucking pissed off. Fuck :lol: :roll:
you must be stressed about something ...
yes, being cyber stalked by teenagers. :roll: :roll:
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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by Spevna » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:27 pm

me_in_japan wrote:
3) There are about half a dozen friend requests FROM FUCKING STUDENTS AT MY SCHOOL! I would very much like to know how they found my account, since before I exited the 'book I went through every single privacy toggle and set them to "fuck off", I'm sure of it. Seriously people, who the hell wants to friend their teacher? And do I want a bunch of 14 year olds' updates on a daily basis? Jesus, fuck... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
You obviously aren't being arsey enough in class mate. Starting spitting on them in the corridor between lessons. For good measure fling soiled toilet paper at them from balconies. That will put the little twerps off trying to befriend you :twisted:
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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by Primarch » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:38 pm

And this is why I avoid facebook like the plague. I meet loads of people through my work, some good, some bad and some in the middle. However, my teaching time ends when I leave the classroom. I have zero interest in hanging out with most of my students, especially the ones who aren't old enough to consume alcohol. For online social interaction I started my own website. Students who really want to friend me can buy a warhammer army or malifaux crew or something and sign up here.

As for the use of the word 'Fuck' in this instance (ie bitching about facebook), I dont think it is doing any harm. Its only when it is directed at someone that I will be having words with the poster.
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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by ashmie » Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:35 pm

Yeah FB is an unnecessary evil sometimes, it was good when it started but now a little too much. Sounds like you need to tweak the privacy settings, they are more detailed now, or do what I do and cancel your account when you are done checking it. I only use it when I have events coming up, that may be selfish but I am also not comfortable having all those requests from people in my kitchen. Don't get me wrong, I love people and have felt the site useful in getting in touch with old friends. Even though I appreciate the gesture from requests and messages sometimes they are from strangers or are work related so it's too much over the wall of privacy. Don't take it too hard, most people that use FB mean well even if it comes across differently.
No harm in canceling your account as you can easily get it it back if you need it in future, they keep it on ice unlike yahoo which I have just cancelled and it's unavailable now. :D

Congratulations on your baby boy! That's great news, you must be pleased. Sean is a good name. We found out we are having a boy too so better get those army lists complied. (Oh God No, will we ever be set free?!?) :lol:
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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by Tenorikuma » Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:10 am

Meh, Facebook was just a stream of incoming spam requests and notifications about other people playing Farmville or whatever, so I deactivated my account and haven't missed it. I do have a Google Plus account, which I don't check that often, but at least none of my G+ contacts know me personally. :lol:

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Re: Facebook Whaaaaaaaa?!?!

Post by job » Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:49 am

Primarch wrote:And this is why I avoid facebook like the plague. I meet loads of people through my work, some good, some bad and some in the middle. However, my teaching time ends when I leave the classroom. I have zero interest in hanging out with most of my students, especially the ones who aren't old enough to consume alcohol. For online social interaction I started my own website. Students who really want to friend me can buy a warhammer army or malifaux crew or something and sign up here.

As for the use of the word 'Fuck' in this instance (ie bitching about facebook), I dont think it is doing any harm. Its only when it is directed at someone that I will be having words with the poster.
LoL :lol: Encourage them to buy 40k models! But do so at your peril! :lol:

@Everyone, but taking Prim's last words: I don't find the occasional swearing or blowing steam offensive, but I do think you have to be considerate of all the meanings and context of that F-word when you write about people.

Example: for married guys, YOU WOULD NEVER EVER EVER use it alongside your wife's name!

So, in that same instance calling your students "fucking students" is not defendable. :idea:

Although go ahead and say "fuckity fuck-fuck" about inanimate objects (or people we all can hate equally like Kim Jung-il - okay, disclaimer for North Koreans). ;) :D
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