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Re: Train Simulator 2012.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:41 am
by ashmie
Cheers Lovejoy I knew you would get it being a fellow old duffer like me. Here's some hot steam action: ... re=related

Re: Train Simulator 2012.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:28 am
by ashmie
Got a new comedy video made yesterday on youtube to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee. Used the character of Mike Kelly, customer care like no other. Watch him drive from Paddington to Maidenhead to deliver the Queen to the celebrations. Please subscribe to my channel as I need to get it going for future vids. Cheers folks.

Re: Train Simulator 2012.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:54 am
by ashmie
Full chapters for Mike Kelly and the Diamond Jubilee run here @ : Subscribe to Channel Gloy today and receive a free nyah in your inbox. :D

Re: Train Simulator 2012.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:35 pm
by ashmie Only 7 minutes folks, hope you have time to watch and like. Finally a serious video from Channel Gloy. Subscribe today for the piece of Gloy in all of us.

Let Green Park Station be your journeys start and termination.
I'm happy with this new edit of my Uncle Jolyon's poem Green Park. I hope you like it too. The film has been edited down to 7 minutes to coincide (roughly) with the places and points in the verse. Although we are still searching for the castles above the Midford Valley.

Written by Jolyon Laycock. Bath January 2000. Read by Ashley Laycock. June 2012.

Re: Train Simulator 2012.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:37 pm
by ashmie
Japan in miniature.
Got the train bug yet?

Trains in review 2012.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 5:04 am
by ashmie
Trains in review 2012.

So before 2012 I had no interest in trains whatsoever. They were an invisble part of our everyday world. Then thanks to the best video game in the world Train Simulator 2012 now free upgrade to 2013 on Steam it's a growing interest of mine. I'm patricuarly fond of the kintetsu tokyu and kyuko as I use this line for work and I like the trains. Also steam trains are a thing beauty. The few that exist back home in the UK.
Before this year trains were just a mundane mode of transport to get from A to B and ocassionally C. Now I feel I've unlocked a new world of hobby and enthusiasm. Far from the level of memorising train routes and collecting time tables I've found an interest in the miniature side of the hobby. N Guage is a very small scale that would fit a track circuit on a few boards. Smaller than a gaming table. A quarter the size even.
I have made quite a few videos for you tube this year of either trains at tsu shinmachi station or Exeter and me driving the train sim in character. I have quite a few subscribers to my channel now, mainly RPG people but even they have watched my train vids and said they didn't know what it was about them but they found themselves strangely drawn in and relaxing.
Sad as it may sound I'm not ashamed of this interest and find it quite intriguing. In fact I was just in the Tamiya shop an hour ago buying some grass, rice fields and scenery (a nice waterfall) for my gaming board when I mentioned I was getting interested in trains. The lady running the shop launched in to this very inticing sales pitch about how inexpensive it was 10,000 en for a decent looking train and another 18,000 en for a starter train set. Not complicated, an 8 year old could put a set together. I thought, ay up, I've been here before in GW but with Orcs and Goblins. The staff getting all excited about my wallet each payday. The only difference being I actually thought the prices for the stuff were in line with peoples wages and not a heinous rip off and not something we would have to feel guilty forking out for. I mean the white council as MiJ said is a little steep even if does look great in the film.
Anyway it was all very convinving and I thought to myself thank you Japan you have the prices for the hobbyists all worked out don't you, in line with what a worker may receive as his/her allowance each month. You could build a full set in about 6 months I reckon. Similar to what you may spend on a brand new wargames army.
But what do you do with it once it's built?
Well there are people who try and run their trains to schedule and have a lot of fun with that but really I believe it's the zen of making the scene. The diorama and the attention to details is something to be cherished. :)
With all the other projects on the go. Well only one actually. English Civil War. I doubt if I'll make a train set next year but it's defintely something for the future. A dream. As Lovejoy once correctly pointed out "Trains, that's the future".

Ash, starship Kintestu signing off.

Re: Train Simulator 2012.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:42 pm
by Konrad
I'll have to check this out. My son is a "train angorak". He'll watch youtube videos of the view from a train window......rolling along.....oh, here is a little station out in the middle of Hokkaido......rolling along.......

Re: Train Simulator 2012.

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:13 pm
by ashmie
Yes my good man. I reckon a few more years we will be in train hobby range. lol :)