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Re: NagoyaHammer 2020 - May 9th - Planning the 40K Day.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:09 am
by Jye Nicolson
Konrad wrote:
Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:58 am
Yeah. Easy enough. Let's not overthink this. You could still get around the "rule of two". But with I bet at 500 or 750 pts you and your partner won't really be able to maximize those 4 uber units as well as a 1000-1500 pt solo player could his two uber units, so maybe evens out?
They'd be in separate buff/CP pools, it probably doesn't matter if there's four of them, and probably doesn't beat a simple "I go melee faction, you go shooting faction" plan anyway. I think I was worried over nothing.

Re: NagoyaHammer 2020 - May 9th - Planning the 40K Day.

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 11:54 pm
by Primarch
Ok, since decisions need to be made to allow time for list-building, army testing and especially for painting, this will be the official, final, dead-in-a-ditch, never be changed set of rules* for the event.

*unless something better comes along.

I have read the feedback in this thread and I understand that the following might not make everyone happy, so allow me to explain my thinking for all of this.
Despite promises, blood oaths and sacred vows, attendance at NagoyaHammer can be a tricky thing to arrange. Real life issues and scheduling clashes often stop people from attending or require last minute adjustments to otherwise finalized plans. Doubles games are hard to arrange, especially with odd numbers of people showing up. To ensure that the maximum number of people can play the maximum number of games with the minimum amount of stress, I aim to make things as flexible as possible. Similarly, getting games started and finished on time and ensuring a good atmosphere between teams and players is essential IMHO. So, I am sorry if the following prevents you from fielding every model you may wish to and/or doesn't suit you 100% in terms of what you would prefer if you were running things, but it's impossible to please everyone all of the time.

NagoyaHammer 2020 - 40K Event Rules.

1. This is NOT a tournament. Bring your A-game, try to win, but building the best meta-list possible so that you table your opponents on turn 1 is not recommended. Bring a list that will be fun for you AND your opponents to play.
2. All of your forces must be Battle-forged.
3. Games will ideally be played between teams of 2 players. In cases where there are an odd number of players, some players may be asked to play solo, or be asked to partner with another player on the day of the event.
4. Players are free to select their own partner before the event, but recommended only to agree if they are sure they will be able to attend. (barring unforseen circumstances).
5. Players are required to have copies of all the rules they need with them, be it a digital copy or a hard copy.
6. Players are required to have copies of their army lists with them. Army lists should be shown to opposing players at the start of the game and upon request during the game.
7. Players are required to have a Doubles army list and recommended to prepare a Solo army list just in case. Players may only have 1 list of each type during the day.
8. Proxying models or wargear is ok, but it is entirely the responsibility of the proxy-er to ensure that their opponent is accurately informed as to the nature of the proxying. (Any attempt to gain unreasonable or unfair advantages through proxying will result in the offending model(s) being removed from the table for the remainder of the event).
9. ALL models must be fully painted and based.
10. Regardless of keywords, factions, strategems or any other rules, in Doubles games, each army functions completely independently of it's partner. You may not target your partner's units, you do not gain any benefit from your partner's special rules and abilities, you may not share CP, etc. Enemy units may not be affected by the same effects twice unless those effects would normally be allowed to stack.

Army Building Rules
-Doubles List-
650 Points maximum.
1 Detachment maximum.
Rule of Two is in effect.

-Solo List-
1300 Points maximum.
2 Detachments maximum.
Rule of Three is in effect.

Re: NagoyaHammer 2020 - May 9th - Planning the 40K Day.

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 12:00 am
by Jye Nicolson
Awesome, thanks Primarch. That looks good to me.

Anyone up for trying it out on the December games day? :)

Re: NagoyaHammer 2020 - May 9th - Planning the 40K Day.

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 2:11 am
by job
Looks Awesome!

Re: NagoyaHammer 2020 - May 9th - Planning the 40K Day.

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 1:16 pm
by me_in_japan
A very fair compromise. I can't complain, which tbh means it must be damn near watertight :lol:

Many thanks for all the organisation, Prim. Now, to the list-building...

Re: NagoyaHammer 2020 - May 9th - Planning the 40K Day.

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:30 am
by Grantholomeu
Are we allowed to know if players will be allowed to win even if they're tabled? Since I can only field a laughable amount of troops with Death Guard on 650 pts, I was kind of thinking that going for a table would be the best bet, that is if players lose with no forces left on the field.

Re: NagoyaHammer 2020 - May 9th - Planning the 40K Day.

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:43 am
by Primarch
Grantholomeu wrote:
Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:30 am
Are we allowed to know if players will be allowed to win even if they're tabled? Since I can only field a laughable amount of troops with Death Guard on 650 pts, I was kind of thinking that going for a table would be the best bet, that is if players lose with no forces left on the field.
Don't players auto-lose by tabling anymore? What usuallly happens in that situation?

Re: NagoyaHammer 2020 - May 9th - Planning the 40K Day.

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:55 am
by Grantholomeu
Some scenarios say that you can still win if you have more points at the end of the game even if you've been tabled.

Re: NagoyaHammer 2020 - May 9th - Planning the 40K Day.

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:24 am
by Jye Nicolson
I would have thought lack of autolose on tabling would be good in this sort of tournament where your default team is probably two battalions that don't have a *ton* of anti-armour fire but can stand on points very well. That way if someone's 1300 point list is some kind of horrific soup of Iron Hands Repulsors and madwomen launching rockets from pipe organs the 2x650 friendly lists have a good shot of winning on points even if they have a composition mismatch.

Mostly though I would have thought it'd benefit Death Guard, since standing on things and not dying is what they're amazing at in Kill Team 😂

Re: NagoyaHammer 2020 - May 9th - Planning the 40K Day.

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:57 am
by Grantholomeu
Yeah, I'm still brainstorming lists.
I feel like it's either balls to the walls aggressive with literally no troops choices,
or like you said @Jye Nicolson, all troops sitting on objectives peppering people with bolter fire.
In 650pts anyways.