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A special offer/request for Bloodbowl players.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:54 pm
by Primarch
Do you play Bloodbowl? Do you have a team of players you haven't painted? Would you like them painted for free? If you answered Yes to all three questions, read on.

I have applied to join the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge, a speed/endurance painting contest hosted by a Canadian Blogger. Participants have 3 months to paint as many models as they can. For each painted mini they gain points. Achieving certain levels of points enters you into a prize draw. Along the way, there are bonus rounds which are worth extra points. One of the bonus rounds in the contest has the theme of Sport. Now, I don't have any sporting minis, nor do I intend to buy any if I can help it. This is where you come in (assuming you answered Yes and you're not just reading out of curiosity/boredom).
I will paint a Blood Bowl team for someone, free of charge, including basing, varnishing if necessary etc. All you need to do is post here to get my attention and get the models to me ASAP. You've all seen the standard of my painting, it's not amazing I know, but I figure for free it is a decent level.
The contest begins towards the end of December and the Sport bonus round has a deadline of mid-January. So I'll need the figures by the end of the year if you want them painting. Ideally I'd collect the figures at the event on the 23rd if you'll be in attendance.

So, any takers?

Re: A special offer/request for Bloodbowl players.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:44 pm
by job
I have an Orc (old school) Blood Bowl team about. They are half painted, so you’lol need to give them bath and scrubbing.

However, I’ll offer and give them to you for free. Please take them off my hands as they need a good home and some paint.

Re: A special offer/request for Bloodbowl players.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 9:48 pm
by Primarch
Well, I wasn't fishing to get free minis, but your offer is gratefully accepted. :D Is it the old plastic starter team?
As I said in the first post, time is of the essence, so if you could bring them to the December game day on the 23rd, that would be awesome.

Re: A special offer/request for Bloodbowl players.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 11:27 pm
by job
Primarch wrote:Well, I wasn't fishing to get free minis, but your offer is gratefully accepted. :D Is it the old plastic starter team?
As I said in the first post, time is of the essence, so if you could bring them to the December game day on the 23rd, that would be awesome.
Will do.