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Gangs of Nu Ork

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:01 am
by The Other Dave
Probably old news to folks in the know, but still:

These folks have put together (what they claim is) a sort of streamlined mashup of Necromunda and Gorkamorka, including rules for "gangs" for all the major 40K races, including Squats (Genestealer cults are, sadly but perhaps not surprisingly considering balance, absent, however). I'd be up for giving it a go!

(A starting 1000-credit Space Marine "gang" gets 3 dudes. Sounds about right to me!)

Re: Gangs of Nu Ork

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:24 am
by Spevna
Shall give it a read.

I also recommend the Inquisimunda supplement for Necromunda. Great fun.

Re: Gangs of Nu Ork

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:09 pm
by The Other Dave
I did find an... interesting oversight, which hopefully isn't indicative of the whole project's reach exceeding its grasp.

So Power Armor gives you a 3+ save, 2+ if you wear your helmet - the trade-off is that wearing the helmet gives you a total of -2 to your initiative. OK so far.

There's a Career (every ganger gets one for free - is this a GorkaMorka thing, maybe?) called Bulwark, that does 3 things:

1) It lets you ignore initiative penalties due to armor.
2) It lets you ignore 1 point of armor save modifier when making saves.
3) It gives you an intrinsic 6+ save, that can be combined with other armor as usual.

So a Marine Bulwark wearing power armor with the helmet (who, admittedly, costs 250 points without any weapons at all) has his full initiative, and a 1+ armor save that ignores the first point of armor save modifier when making saves. This in a game based on Necromunda / GorkaMorka where a Bolter with its -1 armor save modifier is some serious mojo.

(Still, easily enough worked around / houseruled, and the core NM / GM rules are pretty solid, so they probably can't screw it up that much, knock on wood.)

Re: Gangs of Nu Ork

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:16 pm
by Admiral-Badruck
Looks good. I will play it but it looks rule heavy.

Re: Gangs of Nu Ork

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:05 am
by The Other Dave
Admiral-Badruck wrote:Looks good. I will play it but it looks rule heavy.
Most of the rules are "just" putting in rules for pretty much every single race and piece of wargear in 40K. :P The actual game rules are 30-ish pages at the front straight from Necro / GorkaMorka, and a bit less for the post-battle sequence.

Re: Gangs of Nu Ork

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:07 pm
by Admiral-Badruck

Re: Gangs of Nu Ork

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:22 am
by Konrad
Gave the first rules section a good read. Very nicely laid out, clear explanations and evidence of some test playing, a very encouraging start to what is a mammoth project.
But that being said, it's very much a work in progress.
It is a degree or two more intricate than any of it's source games, but probably manageable. The careers thing is not from any GW miniatures game, that is pure RPG.
Only skimmed the making gangs/exploration/points values bit. Waaaaay too much info to make any speculations on game balance. I suspect it's full of "must haves" and "why bother" models, equipment and skill lists much like 1st ed Necromunda. But they mention they used the current Community Ed. of Necromunda as a source, and the Community Ed is a gem.

I'm game. Who wants to rumble in Nu Ork?

Re: Gangs of Nu Ork

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:36 am
by The Other Dave
Heck, they say straight up that some of the Careers are strictly better than others by design.

I'm up for it, with the caveat that I don't have any vehicles.

Re: Gangs of Nu Ork

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:40 am
by Spevna
Would be down to rumble.

Re: Gangs of Nu Ork

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:21 am
by Konrad
The Other Dave wrote:Heck, they say straight up that some of the Careers are strictly better than others by design.

I'm up for it, with the caveat that I don't have any vehicles.
Easy enough to borrow something or cobble together from Daiso toys. You might not even need to use a vehicle. At first glance Gorkamorka grade vehicles in a game with Necromunda grade weaponry seem like a big risk. But who knows? I haven't even looked at the scenarios yet.
I've got an egg carton full of mutants, zombies and space pirates I have not had on the table in years and years. The Dirtsville Destroyers may see a re-birth!