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Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:27 pm
by me_in_japan
@prim - fair enough re. number 7. I'd never noticed that, although you're dead right about it. Maybe something to do with age-of-sprue? Can't imagine why that'd matter (and don't honestly believe it does) but there is a hella lot more on the DA sprue compared to the guardian one. Can't speak for the sternguard/tac marines mind you. Eh, who am I kidding - yes, I'm sure there must be an element of gouginess, which I'm willing to swallow a weeeeee bit, but aye - 135% is taking the piss.

As to your other points,
prim wrote: GW don't just have to make this edition better than last edition, they need to make it better than their competition
oh gods! This! A hundred times this! Couldn't have put it better myself.
prim wrote:Any loyalty or trust is long since gone and the onus is on them to prove they deserve it again.
eh, yes and no. Tbh they started to get my attention again with genestealer cult/admech. Not to buy stuff, just pulled my eyeballs their way. The eldar triumvirate (and associated book) enticed me enough to buy the minis (and, tbf, "obtain" the book) but it was a step in the right direction. Newcromunda has me really taking notice, though (actually bought the rulebook the other day.) I know you're not on Facebook, but their presence there has really, really picked up recently. There's a huge amount of information coming out of them these days (well, compared to before), and they are most definitely working hard to get re-connected with players. Did you see the announcement where they said that anybody who had bought a codex within the past 8 weeks could get a full refund (and keep the book?) While this makes good sense, PR-wise, it's a big ol' change from how they used to be. While I'm still maintaining a core of skepticism that will take years to break down, they have either by luck or by judgement managed to tick a lot of boxes in my list of things they needed to do to bring me back. Here's hoping it continues.

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:01 pm
by kojibear
I watched the video interview with some of the designers, and I don't know if their slight abashed demeanour and renewed commitment to meeting customer needs and demands is indicative of a change at all levels of the company, but it is certainly a step in the right direction.

Yes, there is a lot of good competition out there that no doubt deserve our interest and hard earned yen and dollars a lot more than GW, but the Grim Dark is still cool and I still have two 40k armies - well, one army is officially a 30k army ;), so I am hoping for good things. I'd hate to part with the Exodites, I honestly don't think I could without being horridly drunk - so again, hoping for good things!

Hmm...I wonder if the Management still claims that GW is just a high-end model company and not a game company?

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 10:16 pm
by Primarch

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:41 pm
by Lovejoy
That article does make new 40k sound very AoS, from what I know. May not be an bad thing. I was very anti-AoS but only because it seemed like a simplistic skirmish game I didn't ask for, replacing a war game which I enjoyed specifically because of its ranked up units and the spectacle of shed loads of minis on the table.
This 40k change is less drastic to me, so all for it thus far. Making vehicles and monsters share similar stats for example seems good and sensible.
If all the rules and unit bumf are in one book, I'm even more interested. But I hear that codexes will still be a thing. Hopefully the rule book will indeed have a ravening hordes style get you by arrangement for all armies and their units initially? Can't see how else it would work.

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:57 pm
by The Other Dave
Fortunately they do seem to be avoiding the worst missteps of AoS (I'm thinking in particular of to-wound rolls being a set statistic of the attacking unit), so there's hope.

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 1:34 am
by The Other Dave

Save modifiers are back (and reduced across the board from 2e - this was in a previous article), and cover saves are modifiers to armor saves. I... think I like those changes?

(Man, for a guy who doesn't play 40K I'm sure paying close attention to these updates, heh.)

Edit to add: Also, there's rumors that there are bigmarines, but they'll be a new unit and not a replacement for all your powersquat marine armies.

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 3:11 pm
by me_in_japan
No longer rumours - there's an official vid with a vo from Rowboat saying as how the Imperium sucks and nowt gets the old juices flowing like a nice Crusade, so he (and Cawl from the first triumvirate) have cooked up some...super marines? Uber marines? Maybe even...ULTRA marines??? To help with the whole conquer-the-galaxy thing.

So yeah, Bigmarines are coming, although as ToD said, it looks a lot like they'll be a special unit rather than a whole army (and if they are a whole army, it'll be a new one, not replacement for reglah mahveens)

On a related note: blimey. Actual timeline progression. Whatever next?...

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 8:43 pm
by ashmie
As of May 2nd the UK website for GW will be displaying all prices in US Dollars.
You can still buy in Sterling but the prices will be based on the Dollar.

Brexit begins. :o

I won't be buying from them again.

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 9:43 pm
by Primarch
ashmie wrote:As of May 2nd the UK website for GW will be displaying all prices in US Dollars.
You can still buy in Sterling but the prices will be based on the Dollar.

Brexit begins. :o

I won't be buying from them again.
Really? Wow. I'm not even sure why that would make any economical sense. Usually lower currency means it's easier to export and harder to import, but since GW uses it's own internal exchange rates to keep prices high worldwide it's an odd choice to select another currency for their domestic business.
Do you have a link to the announcement?

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 4:30 pm
by ashmie

Yes mate. Here's the link I got in my inbox. ... 062c33c71e

Maybe it's just the website. The stores here now are more display rooms that actual shops. Most of the ordering is done online via the shop or individually.