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Re: 40Bolter WarActionHammer 2 - The Hereticking

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 4:39 am
by kojibear
Primarch wrote:There are too many things that break my suspension of disbelief, which is largely an issue for me to deal with.
I think this is a bit of a stickler for me, too. I think the latest edition is somewhat easier when it comes to vehicle especially, but it could be argued that the vehicle fronts, sides and rear damage, and the damage table itself did add a tactical element, some fun randomness and a more thematic approach to vehicles in the game.

Though, I do appreciate that the reduced effectiveness in 8th edition as vehicles and monsters take wounds - as Job says - is quite nice.

Re: 40Bolter WarActionHammer 2 - The Hereticking

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 6:20 am
by Miguelsan
My beef with new vehicles is the lack of fire arcs and, as some of you already know, that fact that you now fire from any point of the vehicle instead of from the weapon. Hellooo 360ยบ sponsons.


Re: 40Bolter WarActionHammer 2 - The Hereticking

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 1:24 pm
by me_in_japan
I actually mostly like 8th ed, but as others have noted, the way vehicles work is vexingly counter intuitive. It bugs me that I can fire all 3 of my darklances from the tip of my ravager's prow. Just feels off. I think some kind of fire-arc would help, although I'm less enthused about facings for vehicle armour and whatnot.