Project chesshammer

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Re: Project chesshammer

Post by Admiral-Badruck » Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:33 am

Here is an idea lets all go to hammercide and talk about this.

I have played at Justin's and at the 750 point leave things a are fast and fun.
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Re: Project chesshammer

Post by jus » Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:18 am

The Other Dave wrote:You know what? I'd actually be willing to play 40K again in this kind of context, and if you know me you know that's saying a lot.
Sure thing, why not use your fantastic custom space crusade miniatures for a game? I'm sure we can come up with something proportionate to what you have, or you can use my models.

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Re: Project chesshammer

Post by kojibear » Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:45 am

Primarch wrote:I unreservedly and wholeheartedly support this course of action!

Fun, balanced games for all who want them.
You can take your Taudar and Trip-tides and put them someplace where it would be uncomfortable. Chess Hammer sounds like a winner to me.
Seconded! And as one of the three who had the pleasure of first play testing the idea. It was I must say, very relaxed and fun.

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Re: Project chesshammer

Post by The Other Dave » Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:08 am

jus wrote:Sure thing, why not use your fantastic custom space crusade miniatures for a game? I'm sure we can come up with something proportionate to what you have, or you can use my models.
That's... probably an interesting idea.

(I don't mind saying that one of the things that made me cool to suggestions of using them as 40K forces was the near-certainty that they'd get stomped hard by normally-designed forces.)
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Re: Project chesshammer

Post by Auxryn » Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:43 am

I actually know some Japanese players who are interested in playing 40k maybe once-in-a-lifetime but don't want to spend a pile of money on miniatures. They asked me if there was any place you could perhaps use an army by rental, and I told them "I've never heard of such an arrangement." I bet they would be interested in this.

Bringing balanced armies for both sides could bring more people into the game and give the rest of us a chance to play with armies we don't collect.

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Re: Project chesshammer

Post by Admiral-Badruck » Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:02 pm

I am not sure where all the competitive ultra list gaming is happening.

But I can say that Jus' gaming is heaps of fun. Games go by fast and are just plain fun.
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Re: Project chesshammer

Post by me_in_japan » Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:15 pm

hmmn. *thinksthinksthinks*

Some stuff suggested here does make me think this could work pretty nicely, even for stick-in-the-muds like me.
jus wrote: lay all the cards on the table and plan your lists together before hand instead of arriving to play on the day with who knows what. I imagine this would work by someone putting a list up online and saying "this is what I got" and your opponent making a list and posting up what he has and then maybe crafting a narrative or story of some kind around the game that you're going to play.
This could definitely work, especially if it was in a public forum where others could chime in with opinions regarding fairness. I imagine there would be a fair amount of back-and-forthing, with the lists going through several permutations. I don't see a problem with this, assuming the time is available and things are planned plenty in advance.
konrad wrote: like MIJ, I like list building in a sense. I like the army to be "mine". I built the little buggers, I want to put them on the table and play with my toys. I just don't play 40K often enough to worry about being "competitive". I don't have time, energy, money or inclination to chase after this season's killer build. And I'll have to say, I've never played anyone who does.
yup, pretty much this. I play so rarely I kinda want to build my own list and put my new toys in it. I always make a point of telling folks in advance if I'm using anything which might be considered a bit out-there (for example I've always said in advance if I plan to use my flyer.)
jus wrote:@MIJ: okay, say you want to make your list, fair enough by all means sir, please write a list ...and while you're at it write mine as well!
That's right you right both lists so that if you were to flip a coin you wouldnt mind which side you got. So long it is your idea of balance.
I'd be happy to play game list that you came up with in this way
The idea of tossing a coin to determine which army you play is a good one. I'd happily build a list for both sides and play with whichever one fate threw my way. I had actually toyed with this idea in the past, but figured nobody would go for it. Three pages of "yay! Great idea, Jus!" certainly shows what I know :D :P
badruck the persistent wrote:Here is an idea lets all go to hammercide and talk about this.
y'know I hadnt been planning on going to hammercide, but your snarky suggestion changed my mind... :roll: We're not going because we can't go, not because we're lazy, as you seem to imply.
ToD wrote:You know what? I'd actually be willing to play 40K again in this kind of context, and if you know me you know that's saying a lot.

:o :o :o

ps @ job
Spawn (3) - nobody ever sees this unit
aheh.aheheheheh. They do if they play against me. Never underestimate the spawn. T6, 3 wounds each, 12" move, D6+2 S5 attacks on the charge? Kiss yer backfield vehicles goodbye, chaps...
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Re: Project chesshammer

Post by job » Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:15 pm

Spawn (3) - nobody ever sees this unit

aheh.aheheheheh. They do if they play against me. Never underestimate the spawn. T6, 3 wounds each, 12" move, D6+2 S5 attacks on the charge? Kiss yer backfield vehicles goodbye, chaps...
Well, do they have 12" moves? I'll check that out for it would be pretty awesome, but now an Eldar player wouldn't be caught with vehicles in their backfield, right? ;) Anyway, isn't "backfield" an anachronism used by human players? :D

Spawn have come some way since the last edition. Certainly they aren't awesome or broken, but they seem entertaining. My dream is to load them on a LR an unload them into the heart of an enemy. It would be entertaining and cinematic even if they were cut to pieces.
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Re: Project chesshammer

Post by me_in_japan » Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:53 pm

Spawn are beasts, and therefore move like poop off a scoop. The beauty of them is that they are in no way the most worrisome thing in your army, so opponents (quite sensibly) opt to shoot the chosen or the defiler or what have you, so by and large the spawn can sneakit their way across the table and nobble a few scout squads, support weapons, basilisks etc etc. Theyre perhaps not a game winner, but they make a great nuisance unit.
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Re: Project chesshammer

Post by Primarch » Fri Feb 07, 2014 3:36 am

@M_i_j - I'm sure Badruck didn't intend for his comment to sound snarky. That's really not his style. (My style, maybe...). There's no tone on the internet remember mate. :D

@All - Don't ignore Chaos Spawn, they are more chompy than they look. I'm speaking from experience here. :(
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