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Re: Welcome to 40k General

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:23 pm
by Primarch
Admiral-Badruck wrote: In fact the Swarm army is rarely that... I have seen more nidzila armies that I have swam armies...
Well, I have never played Nidzilla, Jon at Nagoyahammer didnt play Nidzilla, Mitch doesnt have the models for it. Kondo san doesnt play Nidzilla.

I dont know who you've been playing.
Admiral-Badruck wrote:and the green tied made up of Orks that spring out of the ground when an ork is killed and reach maturity in a mater of weeks is not even close to the mass of humans
As the resident Ork fanatic, surely thats your responsibility.
Admiral-Badruck wrote:the mass of humans that BTW have to be born grow to at least 16 years of age and then be thrown in to the IG makes no sense whatsoever.
Mech Guard is the best Guard.
Anyway, any IG on a planet will have been drafted from dozens of other worlds. Humans are more organised than orks so they deploy their troops where they are needed whilst orks just wander around aimlessly.
Admiral-Badruck wrote:Codex movie Marines is BTW the most Accurate portrait of what marines should be like in the world of 40k.
It isnt a codex, its like 2 pages long and was done as an April Fools stunt.

Re: Welcome to 40k General

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:30 pm
by Admiral-Badruck
Well Prime has his Opinion and I have mine...

but Prim you have to admit that that Movie Marines Codex min Dex what ever you want to call it... Is exactly what you think of Marines doing to hoards of Nids or Orks...

As for the Nidzilla I have faced it on about 5 occasions would dent you know that Sam loves to play it does he have the models... no but when did that ever stop me from playing what I want to play... 3 Trygons is very hard to deal with.

I also have a friend in the US that plays nids and runs nidzilla he played with 0 gaunts in the last edition of the rules...

Re: Welcome to 40k General

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:14 am
by Dungeon Lord
If I am taking the Admiral correctly, it does seem to be strange that humans can reproduce so slowly compared to other races and still be on top of the food chain. Especially when I read about the number of worlds that get eaten by Nids, virus bombed or taken over by chaos. It is hard to see how the human race is holding out.

@ MIJ - Was it just one mandrake that took out the marines? Bloody hell. They certainly like to sup-up unit types when they want to.

Re: Welcome to 40k General

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:36 am
by Primarch
Admiral-Badruck wrote:... 3 Trygons is very hard to deal with.
I'm hoping so ;)
Dungeon Lord wrote:If I am taking the Admiral correctly, it does seem to be strange that humans can reproduce so slowly compared to other races and still be on top of the food chain. Especially when I read about the number of worlds that get eaten by Nids, virus bombed or taken over by chaos. It is hard to see how the human race is holding out.
They aren't, the Imperium is very slowly losing. Its just the vast distances involved that have stopped the Nids eating everything. According to their fluff, nothing can stand against them. Orks arent organised enough to properly threaten the entire Imperium, but they do destroy the bits they encounter. Chaos is fairly balanced against the Imperium and win as much as they lose. Ork and Chaos held worlds can be reclaimed through proper purging (ie burn it with fire) techniques, but worlds taken by nids are worthless afterwards.

Orks may reproduce when they die, but 1 dead ork =/= 100 new orks. Those spores create food sources, squigs, snots and grots as well. When the Imperium defeats an ork horde, the first order of business is to burn all the corpses before they pop out their spores. If every dead ork created a "green tide" then every ork world would be shoulder to shoulder with orks. Since orks arent very social, they would start killing each other and eventually overflow the surface area of the planet.

Re: Welcome to 40k General

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:22 am
by Primarch
Admiral-Badruck wrote:does he have the models... no but when did that ever stop me from playing what I want to play...
The day you turn up without models and start placing bits of paper with model's names on them onto the table is the day I walk out the door and dont look back. :D

Re: Welcome to 40k General

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:35 am
by Spevna
Doesn't matter where anyone goes, you WILL bump into an ork eventually.

Re: Welcome to 40k General

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:32 am
by Admiral-Badruck

Re: Welcome to 40k General

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:49 am
by Spevna
While the orks may be all over the place, the chances of a full on Waa with a masses of them is pretty small. It takes upwards of 300 years before the full momentum of a Waa reaches the peak needed to unleash a full on horde.

I think the Ork Codex is reasonably fluffy as you could get 180 orks into the FOC in troop choices alone. You can also go the Evil Sunz root by taking Bikers as troop choices. You can even go with a small and elite mob by taking Thrakka. While it doesn't hold a candle to to the codecies of old ( Ere we go, Waa da orks, Freebooterz) in regards to fluff, it still does a pretty decent job.

Re: Welcome to 40k General

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:20 pm
by Admiral-Badruck
I have learned a long time ago that you cant argue with Spevena... he know a lot and what he doesn't know he finds out... Orks are very fluffy but I still think Space Wolves is king of the Fluff... That may be because I am an Old school Ork player... and I know they could have done much better but then the Ork dex would have been 500 pages long...

for me the fluff that fits the rules the best excluding the Movie Marines Min-Dex... is the Space Wolves Codex. I would love to make a Space wolves army but I just can't make myself buy an other Marines Army.

Re: Welcome to 40k General

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:28 pm
by Spevna
I reckon that the Space Puppies codex is a very fluffy one too.

And I totally agree with the Admiral about the Movie Marines Codex (Yes, codex. Thats the title it was given in WD so I will use the same). That presents how Space Marines should be if rules were designed to reflect the fluff. Anything you read about SMs in the fluff presents them as superhuman killing machines yet their own codex doesn't. But for the sake of game balance, the SM codex was not written that way.