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Re: Let's have a GW rumors and sneak peeks thread!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 6:23 am
by Primarch
Some of the new minis previewed at Warhammer Fest for you to discuss.

Re: Let's have a GW rumors and sneak peeks thread!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 8:35 am
by Jye Nicolson
A new plastic knight is super exciting but hopefully I'll be smart enough to look at its rules (and those for the faction in general) in 10e before committing - often feel Knights are too heavy a skew list for a casual Higashi Betsuin game day even when they're not competitively overwhelming.

I like the Leviathan models but there's no choices to be made there, I'm obviously buying that box come hell or high water :lol:

New Stormcast, FEC and that pyramid look great. Do I need another Warcry box? No. Do I want one, or just wait to get the Stormcast in their own box 🤔?

Re: Let's have a GW rumors and sneak peeks thread!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 11:39 am
by The Other Dave
Sort of in order: The Old World stuff doesn't really excite me, although the tomb king looks fine.

The Sigmar knights are a cool look, some visual ties to the Empire from WHFB while still "feeling" like they belong in the grittier areas of AoS.

The Nurgle guy is awesome though, a great take on a classic model, crossed with that famous Frazetta painting. Excellent stuff.

Leviathan is Leviathan. The nothing-newness of the Marines is balanced nicely by the newness of the Nids, but like not enough to make me want to get any. We'll see if I resist the call of that pastel-colored Nidzilla army I was thinking about a few years ago as more models come out though, the big brain beast is right up my alley.

The plastic Knight is cool if you're into that! Cerastus are definitely edging up into "just play Epic already" territory though as far as I'm concerned. It does remind me I should get a box of Acherons and Castigators for AT though.

The WarCry terrain isn't particularly exciting to me but the ghoul warband looks pretty sweet:
Babhouls. Ghouloons. Something like that.

Re: Let's have a GW rumors and sneak peeks thread!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 12:49 pm
by Primarch
The new Nurgle dude is really, really good. As they said in the livestream, I expect a lot of GD entries based on that model next year.

Personally I'm really digging the new Brettonian model, I like how the sword is visible through the Orc's mouth.

The new Nids look suitably gribbly. I still prefer the old Carnifex to the new Screamer Killer, but it is still a cool homage to the original. Overall the Leviathan box looks like it has a reasonable amount of minis in it.

I don't really like the idea of an all Knights army for 30K/40K. Either your opponent brings an all Lascannon army or they don't. Either way you end up with quite a lopsided game. The new mini is cool and all, but I don't see myself ever picking one up. Well, certainly not more than one.

The new ghouls look a lot buffer than the older ones. These fellows have obviously been well fed. The Babhouls interesting choice.

And today's preview of the new Kill Team box is right on the money for me. Inquisition should have been one of the go to choices for a Kill Team, so it is great to see them getting the attention they deserve.

Re: Let's have a GW rumors and sneak peeks thread!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 9:29 pm
by The Other Dave
I did like the Kill Team reveals! A "campaign in a box" is an interesting idea too (in principle at least), that they sort of threw out into the world and then ignored with Rogue Trader at the end of the previous edition. Also I like how they finally decided to straight-up make the Space Marine Heroes blind buy specials into an official Kill Team - I may pick them up and paint them up like some random chapter I've never done before just for fun.

Related to that, rebranding Space Marine Heroes as Warhammer Heroes suggests they may do something similar for AoS and/or non-Marine 40K forces, which would also be pretty neat.

Re: Let's have a GW rumors and sneak peeks thread!

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 12:05 am
by Primarch
Looks like Leviathan is going to cost 150GBP, so probably somewhere in the 35,000 yen range?

I still haven't painted all of my Indomitus Necrons yet...

Re: Let's have a GW rumors and sneak peeks thread!

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 1:24 am
by Jye Nicolson
Love Team Imperial Weirdoes. People have wanted this all through two editions of Kill Team, great to see it finally here. The flexibility of being able to add models from other Imperial teams is *very* different to the rest of KT21 so hopefully there's no balance issues, but it is cool you can use the sorts of troops likely to be commandeered by an Inquisitor!

Re: Let's have a GW rumors and sneak peeks thread!

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 1:31 am
by Jye Nicolson
Primarch wrote: ↑
Mon May 01, 2023 12:49 pm
I don't really like the idea of an all Knights army for 30K/40K. Either your opponent brings an all Lascannon army or they don't. Either way you end up with quite a lopsided game. The new mini is cool and all, but I don't see myself ever picking one up. Well, certainly not more than one.
9th let you bring a small number of Freeblades as allies and I assume allied detachments in 30k let you do something similar. That's probably the way to go and hopefully there's some option like it in 10th.

Though that does still leave you with not much use case for *more* Knights.

(Competitively of course you have to be able to deal with an all Knight list but in matched play part of that plan is outscoring them. They also tend to have a bad time in melee in 9th edition so a balanced force goes into them better than you'd think, but it needs to be a relatively tuned force. I lost almost every game I played with Knights online recently but I like to pretend that's because I was concentrating on Crusade nonsense and not victory :lol: )

Re: Let's have a GW rumors and sneak peeks thread!

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 4:23 am
by Primarch
Today's reveals had so many cool things. Obviously I'm super excited to finally be getting Assault Squads for 30K, but some of the other minis were simply gorgeous.

The new Flesh Eater Courts minis look amazing, especially the king. Just look at that noble face. :lol:

The Necromunda Tauros makes me wonder if the rumours for Elysians coming back could be true.

And the new bits box for VIIIth Legion looks very useful too!

Re: Let's have a GW rumors and sneak peeks thread!

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:13 am
by Jye Nicolson
I'm here for the Dark Angels. The Knights look great