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Re: Kill Team 2021

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:07 am
by Karantu
Mattb wrote:
Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:45 am
Yeah, some of the specialists (bruiser, hardened, zealot, demo) don't seem that amazing, so I can definitely see it being more useful sometimes to just have a few GA2 guys hanging around.

Although I'm thinking 10 specialists + 4 free guardsmen ancillary support might actually be the way to go. I haven't see that one played at all in battle reports yet as the Octarius box only has 10 guys.

For my second kill team I'm seriously thinking about picking up a squad Chaos Marines and going with either Black Legion or Emperor's Children. I think it would be fun to balance out my Guardsmen with an APL3 team.

Actually, what are planning on running, Karantu? It sounds crazy, but Tau actually look pretty decent. :lol:
From just the stuff I own I could run pretty much all the combinations of Tau and compendium Ork Kill Teams, and even some fun CSM Kill Teams (I could even proxy some Tau as cultists I suppose). In terms of what I actually want to try out, maybe CSM first since low model count seems to be easier to keep track of but I could also get that with Tau Stealth Suits just with less APL. I also bought Octarius so I could field those two eventually too. In short, I'm spoilt for choice and I don't know what to pick. Although I'm probably going to stick to matched play since I like that system better.

Unfortunately, I'm probably going to skip this month's game day too. I do have a bunch of stuff in terms of rule books, terrain, gameboards, etc. for when I'm able to make it though.

Re: Kill Team 2021

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:07 am
by The Other Dave
Jye Nicolson wrote:
Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:21 am
Honestly I think Guard + Tempestors and double up on guns is probably the way to go.
It's probably more efficient, yeah, I'm just finding myself falling for the romance of "all grunts, all the time" in contrast to my other two power-armor-focused teams. :lol:

Actually the thing that terrifies me the most about Guard is thinking about facing overwatch. 14 guys in 11 activations means if you're going against a 5-man Marine team all of them get to fire overwatch, and they're still hitting on a 4+... It's going to need a very different set of habits from the Death Guard "cover? eh, I can take it or leave it" mindset. :lol:

Re: Kill Team 2021

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:42 am
by Jye Nicolson
Watch for those guys on vantage points!

Re: Kill Team 2021

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:36 pm
by The Other Dave
Interesting, looks like punched up kill team lists for compendium teams (like the hunter cadre for admech that showed up last month) with expanded equipment and ploy lists are going to be a thing going forward, for a bit at least - thousand sons are getting the treatment next month. I like the trend! It means we’ll be getting the specialized bespoke teams in the quarterly sets, while more generalist compendium teams are brought up to speed in terms of equipment and ploys in WD. (Death guard when? :lol:)

Re: Kill Team 2021

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 12:21 am
by Jye Nicolson
There is a really substantial FAQ up for Kill Team - moved to its own section, extensive Designer's Commentary with clarifications on LOS etc. Well worth a look before next game day.

But the thing you really want to hear - Custodes got nerfed! They may now be reasonable to play in polite society :lol:

(weirdly among *many* fixes, Heavy Intercessors did not get their APL bumped - working as intended?)

Re: Kill Team 2021

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:16 am
by The Other Dave
Yeah, it’s very… odd that heavy intercessors, even after the nerf, are still strictly worse than custodes in every possible measure.

Re: Kill Team 2021

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:33 am
by Jye Nicolson
Chalnath is up for preorder this weekend, that feels like it came around fast!

I'm not sure I'm in. While the Sisters box + book will not be as good a deal, I don't really need them in the next three months and I don't need the everything else. It's sweet terrain but I can't transport it without magnetising, and I haven't painted the Octarius terrain yet anyway.

I like the support for the game, but in practice I think I miss the old team boxes + kill zones model. Though I guess we still get that on a bit of a delay?