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A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:18 am
by Mike the Pike
As most of us have heard by now, a new edition is coming. I wonder what it will bring. It certainly looks like Slaanesh is gone for good and the Ynaeri(sp?) are here to stay. Sisters are ther though, in two flavours no less?
As MiJ posted, there is also a FAQ out regarding the changes. Hmmm?

Anyways, here's a link to the Front page.... ... id=2015371

Have at it!

Let's make this thread the 'official' one for all our wrath, tears, joy, frustation and confusion.

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:38 am
by Primarch
There are rumours circulating that marines are being redone in a new, slightly bigger scale (or they could just be taller because they are finally getting rid of the silly semi-squatting pose they have used since the first beakies came out). ... e-not-fake

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:00 am
by The Other Dave
I've seen pics of the "truescale" marines - and I think it's just posing. If you look at the marines from the Deathwatch game next to regular power-squat marines they look anywhere up to a head taller and have the same proportions.

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:25 pm
by me_in_japan
Honestly, I think a new (I mean, actually "new", as in "actually really quite significantly not the same as the previous one") 40k is a cause for celebration. Will it be perfect? Nah, of course not, but could it be better than it is now? Things certainly look promising. Getting rid of all the codexes in one fell swoop is (in my terrifically humble opinion) an absolute necessity. The ridiculous levels of rules bloat seemed to be a major factor in dissuading people from playing the game. Likewise, as rumours seem to suggest, a tearing-up of the rules system itself and Sigmarising it could well prove to be a Good Thing. I don't know diddly about AoS, but I know that 40k rules as they stand need a running kick in the arse to get them anywhere near modern game-rule standards. Keywords would be helpful, for starters.

I still love 40k. The minis are great (generally), the setting is cool, and I have many happy memories of playing it. I would like to make more. Plus - rumours of a unified Eldariaiaiaiai faction gets a mahoosive "YAY!" from me. Goes without saying, I spose, but still, my ears are pointy and a-quivering in anticipation...

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:04 pm
by Primarch
Hmm, that FAQ didn't answer any of my questions really.

1. Will books and codecies still have a shelf life of under 2 years?
2. Will there still be two divisions in the company publishing contradictory rules for models, the most expensive set of which will be rendered null and void whenever GW feels like?
3. Will players who purchase units X, Y and Z still get significant bonuses over players who purchase the units they like/can afford?
4. Will certain models/units (usually the newer, expensive ones) be largely unkillable unless a player specifically purchases units for that purpose?
5. Will there be any point to taking a mono- themed army except for enjoying the feeling of being handicapped against players who cherry-pick from across the full range?
6. Will paints I purchase to start painting my army still be available to purchase when I want to finish painting my army?
7. Will units that are more effective on the tabletop still cost more in real money than equivalent sized units which are less effective?
8. Will some armies continue to receive updates more regularly and rules which make them significantly better in comparison to others?
9. Will the differences between Monstrous Creatures and Dreadnoughts ever be reconciled so that one does not automatically trump the other, despite them being almost exactly the same thing in many cases.
10. Will GW be stopping it's unfair business practices that prevent customers from paying a fair price for it's products?

I think that about covers it.

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:13 pm
by The Other Dave
Primarch wrote:Hmm, that FAQ didn't answer any of my questions really.

1. Will books and codecies still have a shelf life of under 2 years?
2. Will there still be two divisions in the company publishing contradictory rules for models, the most expensive set of which will be rendered null and void whenever GW feels like?
3. Will players who purchase units X, Y and Z still get significant bonuses over players who purchase the units they like/can afford?
4. Will certain models/units (usually the newer, expensive ones) be largely unkillable unless a player specifically purchases units for that purpose?
5. Will there be any point to taking a mono- themed army except for enjoying the feeling of being handicapped against players who cherry-pick from across the full range?
6. Will paints I purchase to start painting my army still be available to purchase when I want to finish painting my army?
7. Will units that are more effective on the tabletop still cost more in real money than equivalent sized units which are less effective?
8. Will some armies continue to receive updates more regularly and rules which make them significantly better in comparison to others?
9. Will the differences between Monstrous Creatures and Dreadnoughts ever be reconciled so that one does not automatically trump the other, despite them being almost exactly the same thing in many cases.
10. Will GW be stopping it's unfair business practices that prevent customers from paying a fair price for it's products?

I think that about covers it.
Man, y'all are making me not regret at all getting out of 40K like 10 years ago.

That said, as for question 5, what I hear about Age of Sigmar (which, as we know, may or may not be a good indication of where 40K is going) is that mono-themed armies get real, tangible bonuses at the expense of limiting yourself to like 3 or 4 different units since some of the sub-factions are so ridiculously small. Like, you can field an all-ghoul army that gets some cool bonuses but you're limited to Strigoi vampires, ghouls, and a couple of giant monsters. But you do get a bonus!

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:28 pm
by Primarch
Primarch wrote:Hmm, that FAQ didn't answer any of my questions really.

1. Will books and codecies still have a shelf life of under 2 years?
2. Will there still be two divisions in the company publishing contradictory rules for models, the most expensive set of which will be rendered null and void whenever GW feels like?
3. Will players who purchase units X, Y and Z still get significant bonuses over players who purchase the units they like/can afford?
4. Will certain models/units (usually the newer, expensive ones) be largely unkillable unless a player specifically purchases units for that purpose?
5. Will there be any point to taking a mono- themed army except for enjoying the feeling of being handicapped against players who cherry-pick from across the full range?
6. Will paints I purchase to start painting my army still be available to purchase when I want to finish painting my army?
7. Will units that are more effective on the tabletop still cost more in real money than equivalent sized units which are less effective?
8. Will some armies continue to receive updates more regularly and rules which make them significantly better in comparison to others?
9. Will the differences between Monstrous Creatures and Dreadnoughts ever be reconciled so that one does not automatically trump the other, despite them being almost exactly the same thing in many cases.
10. Will GW be stopping it's unfair business practices that prevent customers from paying a fair price for it's products?

I think that about covers it. ... nd-up.html
Looks like they answered questions 9 and 4.

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:44 pm
by Konrad
No templates? Maye we'll be getting Grimdark Future with 500 pages of lavish illustration.

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:02 am
by me_in_japan
Primarch wrote:Hmm, that FAQ didn't answer any of my questions really.

1. Will books and codecies still have a shelf life of under 2 years?
2. Will there still be two divisions in the company publishing contradictory rules for models, the most expensive set of which will be rendered null and void whenever GW feels like?
3. Will players who purchase units X, Y and Z still get significant bonuses over players who purchase the units they like/can afford?
4. Will certain models/units (usually the newer, expensive ones) be largely unkillable unless a player specifically purchases units for that purpose?
5. Will there be any point to taking a mono- themed army except for enjoying the feeling of being handicapped against players who cherry-pick from across the full range?
6. Will paints I purchase to start painting my army still be available to purchase when I want to finish painting my army?
7. Will units that are more effective on the tabletop still cost more in real money than equivalent sized units which are less effective?
8. Will some armies continue to receive updates more regularly and rules which make them significantly better in comparison to others?
9. Will the differences between Monstrous Creatures and Dreadnoughts ever be reconciled so that one does not automatically trump the other, despite them being almost exactly the same thing in many cases.
10. Will GW be stopping it's unfair business practices that prevent customers from paying a fair price for it's products?

I think that about covers it.
:shock: Good lord - talk about raining on a parade. In a cheery mood today, are we, me ol' Primeroo? :roll: Don't get me wrong - I think we're all approaching a new edition of 40k with the same healthy skepticism we treat all GW stuff, it's just that they genuinely do seem to be upping their game massively of late.

Tbh, it does seem that many of your points stand a good chance of being addressed by the new edition - as you say, 4 and 9 are covered already, and if one applies AoS's treatment to 40k (speculation, I know, but...) it is very likely that there will be yearly updated General's Handbook typey things, which should at least level the playing field on a year-by-year basis. This would also affect the 2-year codex syndrome (also FW books), as the books themselves would become more of a fluff-reference than a vital playing tool (that role would be filled by the app/general's handbook). Your concerns about detachments/formations and themed armies can be addressed by having points values attributed to said formations/detachments, and keyword related army wide buffs for themed armies, both of which are features of AoS. Your question re. paints is already easily solved: don't buy GW paint. Or, learn to mix colours. Both are easily done, no?

So yeah. Even at this early point it kindasortamaybe looks like the new ed covers most things you mentioned. The only other points are 7, 8 and 10. 7 is...questionable (does this really happen? Not saying it doesnt, but neither have I noticed it.) 8 and 10, otoh, I agree are valid. I can only shrug and say "I hope not/hope so"? ;)

Anyway, after all that, I'm still interested, and indeed optimistic, about what this Brave New World of 40k will look like. Fingers crossed it's a good un, eh? :D

Re: A new edition is coming... New 40K discussion thread!

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:06 am
by Primarch
@M_i_J - Re: Number 7.
Compare 10 Dire Avengers to 10 Guardians. 50% extra for the same number of minis.
My personal favourite though is Sternguard and Tac Marines. 135% extra for the same number of minis, just with slightly more bling.

Re: Number 6.
That's why I no longer buy GW paints.

I'd be very happy to see the new version do well, but my complaints about GW and 40K were never the actual rules themselves (Ws, Bs, S, T etc). IF all of my questions above get answered in a way I find satisfying (I don't think any of them were that unreasonable?) maybe I will start playing again. I don't play now and I honestly don't have time for all the games I DO currently enjoy. So it's really going to take some effort on their part to get me back. GW don't just have to make this edition better than last edition, they need to make it better than their competition and prove that they can maintain it and not slip back into their old patterns. Any loyalty or trust is long since gone and the onus is on them to prove they deserve it again.