A small request for small minis.

Do you need some parts or models to finish off a squad. Place your requests in here.
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Evil Overlord
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A small request for small minis.

Post by Primarch » Tue Dec 03, 2019 7:03 am

If you have been paying attention to my posts, you may have read that I have entered a painting challenge over the winter, (I entered last year as well).

Part of the challenge is to paint up minis from unfamiliar or different themes, a goal for which my eclectic collection usually stands me in good stead.

This year one of the objectives is to paint up some 15mm scale SF or Imagi-nation style minis. However, I don't have anything in that scale. Rather than rush out and buy stuff, I thought I would ask around locally to see if anybody had anything suitable. Ideally, I'm looking for a handful of 15mm infantry of any sort, OR something that could fit the scale without being called out for cheating. (It's a double sized 15mm Space Marine, honest!). :lol:
I'm happy to pay in cash or trade.

One of the other targets is to paint up a horse and musket figure from the 1660-1699 period, which I feel is waaayyy too restrictive and which I doubt anyone here has anything for. :?

#edit# Hah! I bought some Dutch townhouses from Sarissa years ago to use for Napoleonics. The style of architecture they are based on became popular around the mid 17th century. Sorted! :D

#edit - 2# D'oh. My cunning plan doesn't work. The challenge specifies a figure wearing a floppy hat! WTF?!? Most of the targets are broad areas like "Minis with a nautical theme," or "A female mini", but one guy had to go full on "Paint a mini in a floppy hat from the period 1660-1699". Like that is something most people have to hand.

#edit -3# A-hah! The Golden Age of Piracy covers those dates. Shiver me timbers and Avast! I may have a plan after all.
Painted Minis in 2014: 510, in 2015: 300, in 2016 :369, in 2019: 417, in 2020: 450

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Re: A small request for small minis.

Post by job » Tue Dec 03, 2019 8:31 am

I have lots of FOW minis.

1 package of Paratroopers
1 package of civilians (streetscene)
Lots of assorted American a few German figures

If you are interested, do you want to trade some 40k stuff?
Models Painted, 2020
70 28mm miniatureS

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Evil Overlord
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Re: A small request for small minis.

Post by Primarch » Tue Dec 03, 2019 8:39 am

Thank you!
I only need a few minis, so any loose figures are fine, (though maybe not the civilians).
What are you after 40K-wise?
Painted Minis in 2014: 510, in 2015: 300, in 2016 :369, in 2019: 417, in 2020: 450

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