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To start Malifaux, what should I prepare?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:21 pm
by komura
@Malifaux player
I'm going to start Malifaux game. I prefer play Gremlin faction due to I want paint some PIGS.
So, could you give some advice what should I need. Seeing website, I suppose I should prepare
following materials.

M2E rulebook, fate card for gremlin, Stat card for gremlin, master miniature, pig miniature

Am I right? Let me hear your advice, please.

Re: To start Malifaux, what should I prepare?

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:22 am
by The Underdweller
I think that sounds right!

You don't need a special Gremlin Fate Deck (cards)- any Fate Deck is OK, or even regular playing cards.

You also need some counters to use as Soulstones, similar to Focus in Warmachine. You can use 1 Yen coins or glass beads.

You can check this site to find out which pigs or other models work well with your master: ... b07af6097b

It will be nice to have another Malifaux player!

Re: To start Malifaux, what should I prepare?

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:05 am
by Primarch
For Malifaux, you will need the M2E rulebook. You can get some of the background if you buy the full size book, but the cheaper pocket sized one has all of the rules in it.
You will need a fate deck. You can use regular playing cards, but the fate decks are better.
You will need the Arsenal Box for Gremlins. It's probably a good idea to get both Box 1 & Box 2, as you may want to use the options from both sets.
Finally minis. The Gremlins are quite a cheap faction, most of their crew are pretty cheap compared to others. Get one of the starter boxes and either a couple of extra minis or a second (different), starter.
The website Underdweller recommended is very useful. Malifaux is a game where you have to understand how your crew wins. Not every crew plays to the same goals. It's possible to have all of your models killed and still win the game, if that is how your crew plays.

For gremlins/pigs, you can use all of the gremlin miniatures, but if you want to focus on pigs, some minis are better than others.
The Ulix: Hogwild crew is a good starting point.
Gracie, Pigapult and Warpig all fit your theme. Piglets and Stuffed Piglets work well, especially with the Pigapult (I believe, it has been a while since I looked at Gremlins). The Taxidermist is useful if you want to use Stuffed Piglets. The Hog Whisperer and the Slop Haulers all provide some extra options for your crew as well.

More Malifaux players are always a good thing. It can be a difficult game to get the hang of, but it is a very good game!

Re: To start Malifaux, what should I prepare?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:17 am
by komura
@Underweller @Primarch,

Thank you for your advice.

Re: To start Malifaux, what should I prepare?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:41 pm
by komura
I've obtained fairy amount of Malifaux crew from my gaming friend.
For your reference, I list them as below. Unless noted, they are 1st edition metal miniatures.

Sonia crew, Lucius crew
Rasputina crew(metal&plastic), Colette crew
Nicodem crew(metal&plastic), Seamus crew, Kirai crew
Pandora crew, Dreamer crew
Viktoria crew
Ulix crew(plastic only)

Re: To start Malifaux, what should I prepare?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 1:08 am
by Primarch
That's a lot of crews. Is it just 5-6 models per crew, or did your friend have extra figures for each crew?
Did your friend also provide the second edition cards to go with them (they should look like the cards you have for your Ulix crew)? All of the plastic crews should come with 2nd edition cards, but older crews would only have the 1st edition cards.

Re: To start Malifaux, what should I prepare?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 3:03 am
by komura
Thank you for your response. Almost they came with 2nd edition stat card except following crews.
Kirai, Lucius, Dreamer, Colette
The above crew are required 2nd edition card and I'm going to buy them.
About extra crew, I'll tell you later.
Also, at gaming, you and our member can borrow these miniatures.

Re: To start Malifaux, what should I prepare?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 3:15 am
by Primarch
komura wrote:@Primarch
Thank you for your response. Almost they came with 2nd edition stat card except following crews.
Kirai, Lucius, Dreamer, Colette
The above crew are required 2nd edition card and I'm going to buy them.
About extra crew, I'll tell you later.
For 2nd edition cards you have three choices.
1. When 2nd edition came out, Wyrd published some Arsenal Decks. However, these are now out of print so may be hard to find. If you can get them, they are the best choice.
2. Wyrd have a Print on Demand service, you can order the cards you need.
3. You can use the rulebooks as they have all of the cards. This might be expensive if you haven't already got the books.

You might want to think about ordering the two Generalist Upgrade decks if you don't already have them as they will be useful if you can't get the Arsenal Decks. The Generalist Upgrade decks cover every faction's upgrade cards, though they don't include Model cards or Crew Upgrade cards.

Re: To start Malifaux, what should I prepare?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:22 pm
by komura
Hereunder are my Guild crew
Purifying flame
Samuel Hopkins
Witchling stalker 6
Guild guard 3
Guild austringer
Guild lawyer
Guild guard captain
Guild hound 2
Avatar of sonnia

Re: To start Malifaux, what should I prepare?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:26 pm
by komura
My arcanist crew are as below.
Performer 2
Mannequin 2
Rasputina 3
Wendigo 2
Ice golem 2
Ice germin 6
December acolyte
Hoarcat pride 2
Snow storm
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