Malifaux (3rd ed.) - Crew Building

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Re: Malifaux (3rd ed.) - Crew Building

Post by Grantholomeu » Fri Feb 18, 2022 4:16 am

I was thinking the 3x Nexus master seems especially good because they all get 3 actions. I double checked in the rulebook and leaders AND masters get 3 actions, so even though you designate 1 as your leader, the others you get for free and they're still masters. Although obviously individually they aren't as powerful as other single leaders. That's just a lot of movement and interaction for 0 soulstones.
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Re: Malifaux (3rd ed.) - Crew Building

Post by Primarch » Fri Feb 18, 2022 6:34 am

Grantholomeu wrote:
Fri Feb 18, 2022 4:16 am
I was thinking the 3x Nexus master seems especially good because they all get 3 actions. I double checked in the rulebook and leaders AND masters get 3 actions, so even though you designate 1 as your leader, the others you get for free and they're still masters. Although obviously individually they aren't as powerful as other single leaders. That's just a lot of movement and interaction for 0 soulstones.
Yikes, when you put it like that next year's errata can't come quickly enough. :lol:
With Df5 and 7 wounds there are some possibilities of a one-hit kill if you wander too close to an opponent. As you say though, there are a lot of things you can do with 9 actions. Luckily his totems and the E&Es can't drop scheme markers or the crew would be unstoppable.
Balloonacorn wrote:
Fri Feb 18, 2022 3:52 am
I like him too. The Lucius Burns box was on sale on Miniature Market for $12 so I ordered him and the Mimic crew as my second Neverborn Master, I needed the Doppelganger anyway. There is another Mimic/Versatile coming in the Neverborn Starter in March (Probably May) by the name of Klaus Norwood. I think a lot of the Burns models are going to be nerfed as they are reportedly destroying other crews and masters.
That is a steep discount. :shock:

One of the reasons why Wyrd usually wait over a year from the release to the errata is to avoid knee-jerk reactions to new combos and new rules. A lot of the Burns masters are better in some ways than the originals, usually at the cost of losing some facet of their abilities elsewhere. All of them did receive some public beta testing, but there will always be ways to break a faction or playstyle if you try hard enough. It's not as if every master in the game doesn't have a "WTF, you can do what???" type ability anyway. That said, some of them do look pretty good on paper and will be better in play than their counterpart. That said, some stuff probably is better than it should be and needs a quick hit with the nerf bat.

For those of you who can't wait for the errata'ed cards on the app.:
There are a few changes to each faction.

#edit# - Looks like the new Doc. McMourning title, 'Insanitary' did get included in this errata. Nothing major though, just a couple of minor tweaks.
Rasputina, English Ivan, Nexus, and a couple of other original masters got updated. Until the new cards go live, it will be difficult to see exactly what those changes are as the stats, triggers and rules aren't in the errata, just the list of changes.
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Re: Malifaux (3rd ed.) - Crew Building

Post by The Underdweller » Fri Feb 18, 2022 3:14 pm

Primarch wrote:
Fri Feb 18, 2022 6:34 am
#edit# - Looks like the new Doc. McMourning title, 'Insanitary' did get included in this errata. Nothing major though, just a couple of minor tweaks.
Rasputina, English Ivan, Nexus, and a couple of other original masters got updated. Until the new cards go live, it will be difficult to see exactly what those changes are as the stats, triggers and rules aren't in the errata, just the list of changes.
I only gave a quick glance at that version of McMourning before, but on further viewing he actually looks pretty fun to play. Getting "free" summoned Flesh Constructs is never not fun. Although he looks more complex than the normal version: I would have to sit down and think about exactly who he would use things like Desperate Plot/ Plastic Surgery for a while before a game.

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Re: Malifaux (3rd ed.) - Crew Building

Post by Balloonacorn » Sat Feb 19, 2022 10:02 pm

That is a steep discount. :shock:


It was a good sale. 80% off Fantasy Figures, but mostly Warmachine and Hordes figures. Between Black Friday and this last sale I have picked up most of my Malifaux supplies there.
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Re: Malifaux (3rd ed.) - Crew Building

Post by Balloonacorn » Wed Mar 02, 2022 6:00 am

I have received notice that my order from December (included a pre-order) has been shipped, meaning I will have my Puppetopoclypse horses, and my NB Half Bloods in a couple of weeks.(?) They and my order from the sale will give me both versions of 2 different NB masters, their complete keywords and most of the NB Versitiles.

The big question is, what is next for Neverborn. I have a summoner, a support master, an assassin and a .. well, I am not sure how to describe original Lucuis, card draw and mess with your mind? Titania, Pandora and Nekima all have their new versions coming out soon but I am also considering Euripides and the Alpha Marcus is very intriguing (I have always loved werewolves). I don't like the regular Marcus sculpt. I want to find a 32mm Tarzan to proxy in.

What is the best tech pick? What am I missing in a master when I declare NB? Tankiness, scheming ability, a cool werewolf sculpt?

Outside of NB I could get the New Levi and run him with the Horsemen...I really love the Whiskey Golem and Moon Shinobi aesthetically.... pyromancers, undead, wyrd west...there are just no bad looking or un-thematic crews in this game. How am I to choose?
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Re: Malifaux (3rd ed.) - Crew Building

Post by Primarch » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:39 pm

Apparently the puppet horsemen are quite small, like Gremlin-sized small. The set does come with the relevant cards (with alternative art) that state they count as the regular horsemen in every way though.

Original Lucius is a control master, using his own actions to push friendly models around and drawing cards/forcing opponent to discard cards.

Between your 4 masters and all the versatiles, it is difficult to say what you need, that lot should be more than enough to keep people guessing. You're better off playing more games and seeing where the gaps are. No crew should be good at every aspect of the game though. Of course, if there are models you like, get them, but it's really too early to be worrying about the meta-game.

If you just have money to burn, more terrain is always a good idea. Even for a game as small as Malifaux, lugging a full table's worth of terrain to Nagoya isn't something I particularly enjoy. Having other players to share the burden with makes things much easier.
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Re: Malifaux (3rd ed.) - Crew Building

Post by Balloonacorn » Thu Mar 03, 2022 12:48 am

Terrain is something I am searching for / getting ideas for. I am not really quick at crafting or painting so it is at my slower work times (now) that I must get things done.

Good call, time to look deeper into terrain.

I wonder if I can find a Gremlin sized Levi puppet?
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Re: Malifaux (3rd ed.) - Crew Building

Post by Grantholomeu » Sat Apr 02, 2022 2:01 pm

I just wanna voice a complaint that even though it makes sense for all other masters to not be able to hire other versions of themselves, Nexus should totally be able to hire Nexus, One of Many and vice versa :x
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Re: Malifaux (3rd ed.) - Crew Building

Post by Primarch » Sat Apr 02, 2022 3:20 pm

Grantholomeu wrote:
Sat Apr 02, 2022 2:01 pm
I just wanna voice a complaint that even though it makes sense for all other masters to not be able to hire other versions of themselves, Nexus should totally be able to hire Nexus, One of Many and vice versa :x
You already get more free models than most other crews have in total, I think you're just being greedy now. :lol:
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Re: Malifaux (3rd ed.) - Crew Building

Post by Grantholomeu » Sun Apr 03, 2022 1:36 am

I don't mean for free. If you take Nexus, you aren't allowed to hire Nexus, One of Many even by paying their points costs, or vice versa.

Rules-wise I understand why it is the way it is, but flavor-wise I feel like they could have fenagled something to make it work.
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