Crusade Campaign: Da Blitzin' Gitsmashaz

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Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:52 am

Crusade Campaign: Da Blitzin' Gitsmashaz

Post by Mattb » Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:29 pm

Like all Evil Sunz, Da Blitzin' Gitsmashaz are Obsessed with speed above all else, caring only about getting as close to the enemy as fast as possible. Whether flying across the battlefield on rattling engines strapped to wheels or throwing themselves through mini portals through the immaterium, little else matters a part fom the thrill of speed and being the first to krump a git. Whilst not as large as some Waaaghs, The Gitsmashaz are beginning to gain traction and have become an ever increasing thorn in the side of the Imperium and the Tau Empire throughout the Ultima Segmentum.

The Gitsmashaz are led by Razgor Redtoof, a hulking brute capable of tearing his way through a battle tank as if it were made of scrap metal. Whilst physically powerful, Razgor also posesses an incredibly dangerous and cunning mind capable of divising surprisingly effective battlefield tactics and strategies - such as outflanking and pincer manouvers. Many Imperial and Tau Commanders have been taken by surprise after hordes of warbikes and ramshackle buggies have appeared behind their lines whilst they've been distracted by a diversionary frontal assualt.

Next to Razgor can be found his second-in-command, the Defftenant Grollok Faceburna - though he lacks his master's devious cunning, he makes up for it in his single minded obsession with speed. He drives Razgor's forces forwards with threats of cruelty and violence, ensuring da boyz are getting stuck in as quick as possible.

"Alright you lot, I want Mugrob's boyz to ride 'round da back of 'em while Brazgob's mob goes at 'em from da front. Dat way we can krump 'em from both ends!"
- Razgor Redtoof, planning a kunnin' taktik
Last edited by Mattb on Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Posts: 288
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:52 am

Re: Crusade Campaign: Da Bltizin' Gitsmashaz

Post by Mattb » Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:31 pm

Order of Battle
Supply Limit: 75
Supply Used: 75
Requisition Points: 2
Crusade Points: 10
Scrap: 2

Battles played / Battles won: 7/5

Da Blitzin' Gitsmashaz
Keyword: Evil Sunz
HQ: Warboss Razgor Redtoof
Power Level: 7
Crusade Points: 5

- Power klaw, kombi-skorcha, attack squig
- Warlord Trait: Brutal but Kunnin'
- Relic: Super Cybork Body
- Battle Honours: Artisan Bionics, fleshbane power klaw, frenzon injector
- Waaagh Boss upgrades: +1 wound, +1 strength
Kills: 9
Experience: 37 (Heroic)
Battles Played / Battles Survived: 7/6
HQ: Big Mek Gobfang
Power Level: 6
Crusade Points: 1

Big Mek in Mega armour
- Kustom megablasta, power klaw, tellyporta blasta
- Relics: Rezmekka's Redda Paint
Kills: 0
Experience: 0 (Battle-ready)
Battles Played / Battles Survived: 0/0
Elites: Razgor's Ruffneks
Power Level: 6
Crusade Points: 1

Nobz x5
- Killsaw, big choppas x4
- Battle honours: veteran warriors
Kills: 3
Experience: 13 (Blooded)
Battles Played / Battles Survived: 6/2
Elites: Dok 'Orrible
Power Level: 4
Crusade Points: 0

- Power klaw, 'urty syringe
Kills: 0
Experience: 4 (Battle-ready)
Battles Played / Battles Survived: 4/2
Troops: Brazgob's Choppa Mob
Power Level: 5
Crusade Points: 1

Boyz x10
- Boss Nob w/ Power klaw, slugga and choppas x9
- Specialist mob: Trukk Boyz
- Battle Honours: Fleet of Foot
Kills: 12
Experience: 16 (Battle-hardened)
Battles Played / Battles Survived: 5/3
Troops: Grimtoof's Choppa Mob
Power Level: 5
Crusade Points: 0

Boyz x10
- Boss Nob w/ Power klaw, slugga and choppas x9
Kills: 1
Experience: 1 (Battle-ready)
Battles Played / Battles Survived: 1/1
Troops: Snagrat's Shoota Mob
Power Level: 5
Crusade Points: 0

Boyz x10
- Boss Nob w/ kombi-rokkit, rokkit launcha, shootas x8
Kills: 1
Experience: 2 (Battle-ready)
Battles Played / Battles Survived: 2/2
Fast Attack: Da Riders of Gork (or possibly Mork)
Power Level: 8
Crusade Points: 1

Warbikers x6
- Boss Nob w/ big choppa
- Battle Honours: Veteran Warriors
Kills: 2
Experience: 11 (Blooded)
Battles Playd / Battles Survived: 6/2
Fast Attack: Da Red Rokkitz
Power Level: 10
Crusade Points: 1

Megatrakk Scrapjet
- Rokkit cannon, wing missiles, nose drill, twin big shoota x2
- Battle Honours: Improved Sights (rokkit cannon)
Megatrakk Scrapjet
- Rokkit cannon, wing missiles, nose drill, twin big shoota x2
Kills: 7
Experience: 10 (Blooded)
Battles Played / Battles Survived: 5/3
Heavy Support: Sir Krumps-a-lot
Power Level: 6
Crusade Points: 0

- Dread klaw x2, kustom mega blasta x2
Kills: 0
Experience: 2 (Battle-ready)
Battles Played / Battles Survived: 2/0
Heavy Support: Da Ruffnek Rolla
Power Level: 9
Crusade Points: 0

- Big shootas x3, deff rolla, 'ard case
Kustom job: fortress on wheels
Kills: 0
Experience: 1 (Battle-ready)
Battles Played / Battles Survived: 1/1
Dedicated Transport: Brazgob's Ride
Power Level: 4
Crusade Points: 0

- big shoota, wreckin' ball
Kills: 0
Experience: 3 (Battle-ready)
Battles Played / Battles Survived: 3/1

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