House Rules for Wood Elves

For the discussion of anything related to Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar
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What to do about Skirmishers

Nothing, Skirmish is fine as it is.
Allow Skirmishing units to get rank bonuses
No votes
Allow Skirmishing units to choose to be Skirmishers or Rank and File at the start of the game.
Total votes: 7

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House Rules for Wood Elves

Post by Primarch » Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:38 am

So, it has come up in the thread for Badruck and Jus's campaign that Wood Elves suffer from not being able to get rank bonuses on their skirmishing infantry (Wardancers and Dryads). As we have 2 Wood Elf players around it is quite likely that you will play them at some stage, so what do we do about it?

I think that the easiest thing to do would be to let the community decide to implement a house rule, and I can see 3 possible options here. Bear in mind that these rules would apply equally to ALL skirmishers and not just Wood Elves.

Please feel free to make your reasons and opinions known below.

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