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Re: The End Times and Beyond

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:47 am
by DarkElves>All
Konrad wrote: "tabletop WOW", well, they are not making this stuff for crusty old guys like us, but our kids. ..... Times and aesthetics change.
True that. They need to bring in new players and this game is designed for the tweenie demographic. It's their prerogative and I wish them success in keeping their company afloat.

But that doesn't mean I have to like what they are doing. And the "rule of cool" is always a good touchstone for making things purchasable; pretty much every big geek-time hit or franchise over the past 30 years in movies, TV, and to a lesser extent, computer games, has appealed to both adults and teenagers alike; Star Trek, Star Wars, Alien + Aliens, Blade Runner, Terminator, Predator, Braveheart, Gladiator, Lord of the Rings, 300, Game of Thrones, Marvel franchise movies, etc, etc.

Space Marines also appeal big time ...but will cannibalising the existing 40k player base work?

Re: The End Times and Beyond

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:53 pm
by kojibear
DarkElves>All wrote:
Konrad wrote: "tabletop WOW", well, they are not making this stuff for crusty old guys like us, but our kids. ..... Times and aesthetics change.
True that. They need to bring in new players and this game is designed for the tweenie demographic. It's their prerogative and I wish them success in keeping their company afloat.
I'm not so sure. The aesthetics possibly, but the fact that the new game arguably relies quite heavily on a 'beer and pretzel' approach to be fun - as the final section of the rules suggests, I'm not sure the game will be successful with youngsters. Well, I guess being able to play with whatever models you want with no restrictions will be enticing for young players, but I'm not sure the game will have staying power with their demographic if they cannot find a degree of negotiated fairness, which if I remember correctly - though it is getting harder to ;) - was quite a challenge at 12 years old.

I am not sure just WHAT GW is trying to achieve with this new game. Time will tell as it always does.

Re: The End Times and Beyond

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:21 pm
by DarkElves>All
Lord Tremendous on Age of Sigmar

Bring a hanky for the first seven minutes of this :cry:

Re: The End Times and Beyond

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:43 pm
by job
This is info from an interview with a GW rep at Forge World day explaining Age of Sigmar: ... s.html?m=1

Some good info on the future of the game like there being no more Warhammer Fantasy Battle and an end of the Orcs faction.

Re: The End Times and Beyond

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:09 pm
by DarkElves>All
Here's another interview with the development team:

Age of Sigmar Interview

Re: The End Times and Beyond

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:23 pm
by DarkElves>All
Possibility that Slaanesh is on the chopping block as well as FB:

Image ... ost7491331

Re: The End Times and Beyond

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:22 am
by Primarch
Holy moly

You may want to turn the volume on your speakers down before watching the video linked on the page above, it's pretty loud. :D

And I just found this.

Re: The End Times and Beyond

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:17 pm
by Lovejoy
Very chucklesome posts, fellers. Hitler reaction to AoS particularly good!

According the article Job linked to, the comedy rules are only there for the old minis and units. So, although the rules are free, and GW generously allow you to "use your old minis" (bare minimum they could do under the circs) you are patronised and made to feel like a complete tool for doing so.
Reminds me of this:-

Burning your toys though..that is a rather silly reaction. Can't people understand that GW isn't the only game in town?

Re: The End Times and Beyond

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:55 pm
by Spevna
That chaos shield is interesting. Could that new sign be Malal? Maybe Slanesh was deemed too pervy for a younger market?

That guy who burnt his minis is an attention seeker. No different to guys who punish their kids and upload it to YouTube to show what "great fathers" they are. This guys is obviously a "real gamer".

I understand that people are letdown and pissed off, but it's not as if editions 1-8 suddenly ceased to exist.

Pick the one you and your mates like, and play that.

Re: The End Times and Beyond

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:25 pm
by DarkElves>All
Death Holy Death going out like a true Dark Elf player :lol:

I support his actions. It's a protest against GW. People rage quit all the time and the suits don't notice. But this is the sort of thing that will get back to them, and let them know how just much they have ****** off some of the existing WFB playerbase.

They may not care, but at least they have been informed.