Tales and Tragedies of Coeth-Mara

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Tales and Tragedies of Coeth-Mara

Post by me_in_japan » Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:11 am

Flavoursome :)

Ps - you don't need "only" in the last line, because it's "despite all this".

Pps - who is kaylan? I thought her name was Liyanevacia?

Nit picking aside, very nice fluff :)
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Re: Personalities of Coeth-Mara and the Halls of Lord Aldael

Post by Tenorikuma » Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:40 am

I was looking forward to Koji's entry. :) Nice stuff.

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Re: Personalities of Coeth-Mara and the Halls of Lord Aldael

Post by Primarch » Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:31 am

Moved comments to the fiction section.
I want to keep the Personalities, Veterans and Equipment section free of clutter.

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Re: Personalities of Coeth-Mara and the Halls of Lord Aldael

Post by kojibear » Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:44 am

me_in_japan wrote:Flavoursome :)

Ps - you don't need "only" in the last line, because it's "despite all this".

Pps - who is kaylan? I thought her name was Liyanevacia?

Nit picking aside, very nice fluff :)
Cheers and changes made :D

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Re: Personalities of Coeth-Mara and the Halls of Lord Aldael

Post by kojibear » Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:45 am

- editing - :)
Last edited by kojibear on Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Personalities of Coeth-Mara and the Halls of Lord Aldael

Post by job » Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:08 am

Nice story. I like the banter (or the lack of it from the gate guard :) ). I also like how the events of this year tie-in a little bit. Nice touch.
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Re: Tales and Tragedies of Coeth-Mara

Post by kojibear » Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:24 pm

Last edited by kojibear on Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Tales and Tragedies of Coeth-Mara

Post by The Underdweller » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:10 pm

I like Salamander! - surprised he's not one of you lords, he seems pretty powerful.

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Re: Tales and Tragedies of Coeth-Mara

Post by kojibear » Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:54 am

*** Salamandar ***


“I’ve got Lord Talonveriel being held ransom by Dwarves in the East, Tancred Von Quenelles crying insult in the West…”

“My Lord, you can hardly be expected to attend a child’s…”

“Oh, and the sickening stench of Skaven seems to be such the flavor of the season that I can’t put a spoon to my mouth without gagging from it!"

“My L…”

“So, why in good Ariel’s name, should I send a party of Asrai South through one of the most hostile regions on some ridiculous quest to confirm a rumor of a rumor that may or may not have been spread by the very creature that would relish our destruction? Are you an adviser or a jester? You certainly dress the part! And by Isha, man, remove those revolting droppings from your cloak!”

In hindsight, thought the spell singer, morning was never when one would find Lord Aldaeld most agreeable. Still, things were moving faster than he had anticpated. For good or worse, he knew not, but whatever the cause the result remained the same. They must leave immediately. Time, he thought, for a different tact.

“Very well, my Lord, I will inform Lady Liyanevacia of your wise decision. Oh, Lord Findol from Crag Hall and his party will arrive tonight. Do you wish me to extend your greetings upon his arrival or will you be welcoming him yourself, along with Lady Liyanevacia?”

Well, at least that got him to close his mouth. A shame about the frightening scowl, though, he was not very attractive to begin with. Scowling made him look like a rancorous carp. Opps.

“Do I amuse you, wizard? Do you find Lord Findol and Lady Liyanevacia’s breech of common courteousy humourous?”

“Never, my Lord. I was merely recalling the hunt when your arrow split Lord Findol’s spear shaft with enough force to carry on and pierce the stag’s heart. I believe the shot also won you Lord Findol’s beloved hunting hawk, did it not?”

“Don’t think I don’t know what you are doing Salamandar. Such scheming does not deserve the use of your title. Though even you are not foolish enough to have orchestrated this affront, especially when no other Hall would have you. This is her doing.

“My Lord?”

“Oh, you lie just as well as you dress. Go. Tell Lady Liyanevacia I wish to see her. I shall inform her how she can repay me the loan of my Kinband for her futile quest."

“Very well, my Lord. Though I am afraid she only just now has returned from…”

“Oh, I know exactly where she has been. Tell her I want to see her and tell her to hurry up.”

The two eternal guards closed the doors behind him as Salamandar left poor Lord Aldaeld to fume and frighten his other attendees. As pressing and important as his current undertaking was, he still couldn’t resist sharing his small triumph even if it was with his Lord's stoical guard.

“Actually, it was my idea, you know. Simple, yet quite brilliant, if I may say so.”


“Oh, I totally agree. Lords may be made of sticks and stones, but their pride will always hurt them.”


“What? You haven’t heard that human adage?


Honestly, you really should get out more. It must be very dull guarding a door. If you put your ear to it now and then, you might just pick up a good jest or two. Here’s one to mull over: What did the grumpy carp do when the duck stole its dragonfly?


“Well, that’s alright. I suppose that’s why they chose you to guard the door. The answer my good friend is ‘carp’. The carp carped! I think I can even hear him carping on now, can’t you?”


Salamandar shook his head and feigned a disapproving sigh.

“Perhaps it's the helmet. It’s not too tight, is it? Here, allow me.”

With a flash of light and a dramatic burst of feathers, he took wing. Salamandar the eagle then left his unsympathetic audience without a wit and without a helmet. Winter was on its way. It was time for the Asrai to fly south.

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Re: Tales and Tragedies of Coeth-Mara

Post by kojibear » Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:56 am

*** Liyanevacia & Elarelle ***

“I see now why you chose her.”

“Chose? You are mistaken. She sought me out.”

“The resemblance is quite remarkable. So much like Aria, except for the hair, of course. She is a more skilled rider, too, as any can see.”

Liyanevacia was not entirely sure why she tormented him so. Jealousy? Perhaps. If only she would have one devoted to her so entirely. The infatuation would be quite annoying, but the absolute willingness to please her evoked such delicious pleasures. For a moment Liyanevacia even considered changing her appearance and taking the fool to her bed. No. She thought. Better not to risk the other finding out; males were easy to control, but only until their pride was hurt. Liyanevacia was almost grateful for the interruption of her dangerous thoughts. Almost.

“She is nothing like Aria! That you would compare her so shows how far you have descended into the bowels of their conceit.”

The outcast had grown impetuous. Mayhap she was being too soft of late. He was forgetting his place.

“What you choose to see as vanity, I perceive as confidence. In fact, I am confident that should your lack of appreciation for my generosity continue, my sympathy for your cause will end and the fragile strand of hope that you cling to shall be severed.”

There. That felt good. Let him sulk.

Liyanevacia turned her back to him and looked to the rider and her fearsome lion mount. They were much closer now. The fey-elf’s feral beauty was nothing compared to the intensity of her eyes. Cold, fierce and merciless, Liyanevacia felt an annoying stab of fear as the rider’s stare encroached upon her poise and self-assuredness. Worse, she wondered if Calanan was aware of her discomfort. Imagining his smug grin at her back, Liyanevacia’s replaced her anxiety with anger. It was a much easier emotion to work with.

“That is far enough!” She had tried to instill as much of her ire as she could into that command, but still her shrill voice sounded like a petulant child - yet another useless gift from her mother. The thought of that weakness infuriated her more. “I said no closer!”

As she had feared, her commands were ignored. No, not ignored. Liyanevacia was not even sure that the rider had heard the words. The fey-elf’s amber eyes seemed to look through her rather than at her, and in those golden orbs she saw a rage and hatred that for one horrific moment stopped her heart. Liyanevacia began to back away until she stepped into Calanan’s arms. His hands gripped her waist to steady her. NO! Liyanevacia turned and slapped his hands away before whipping back around and steeling herself to meet the gaze of the golden-haired creature that stalked her. She would not balk at this mindless pawn of Orion.

“You shall answer to the will of Ariel! You will do as I command!” Liyanevacia thrust her staff before her and called fourth the power of the magical shard within. The forest lion immediately stopped its advance and sunk down into its haunches. It roared its discomfort once, but to Liyanevacia it sounded pitiful and painded rather than defiant. The fey-elf, however, fought. She leaped from the lion’s back with a feline grace that was spoiled only by a slight swaying as she landed and stood a few paces from Liyanevacia. Liyanevacia drew upon more of the fimbulwinter shards’s potent melancholy and poured it into the spirit of the fey-elf. Grimacing, it took a few tortured steps forwards. With each step it spoke.

“Do you...hear…child?”

Liyanevacia was loathe to draw upon any more of the shard’s power lest she herself surcome to its despair, just as its previous wielder had done.

“What are you doing?” Liyanevacia heard both a reproach and plea in Calanan’s question. “You must stop. She merely wishes to tell you her story. You need not be afraid.” Even the mental and physical exertion to focus the staff’s magic could not stave-off Liyanevacia’s contempt for his patronizing tone.

“What are you talking about?” Though she spat the words at him, Liyanevacia knew she desperately sought the reassurance he offered.

“You must hear Elarelle’s story before she will talk with you. That is all. Nor need you ware the lion. They are one. If she wishes us no harm, neither does the lion. Set them free before…”

Liyanevacia watched in awe and fear as the sunburst tattoo that encircled one of the fey elf's eyes, began to glow and intensify into a brilliant flare of white light that reached out and devoured the magic of the fimbulwinter shard. Before Liyanevacia could channel her defensive spell, the fey-elf had closed the short distance between them and its wraith-like strength had torn the staff from her grasp.

“Enough!” Calanan’s rich bass echoed through the glade. Liyanevacia was not sure if he was speaking to her or the fey elf. “Elarelle, come. Tell us your story. We will listen.” Calanan’s strong arms encircled Liyanevacia’s body once more and pulled her roughly to the ground. Liyanevacia beat her fist once against the hands holding her but before she could strike again Elarelle had knelt before her and begun to sing. The song spelled her. The words chilled her.

Do you hear child?
Do you hear their cruel claws scratching?
Do you smell child?
Do you smell their foul flesh rotting?
Do you see child?
Do you see their evil eyes flashing?
Shh…they are coming. They are coming.

Liyanevacia was shaking. She wanted to run, escape the horror, but she could not move. Something was holding her. No, it was not something, but someone. Papa. Papa! Let me go! I do not want to die! Papa! Papa, please! Tears began to fall from her eyes.

Do not fear child.
For you know your papa protects you.
Do not cry child.
For you know your mama loves you.
Go to sleep child.
For you know I’ll not let them have you.

The grief was too much. She was certain her heart must burst. How could she go on? Her tears blinded her and Liyanevacia’s fingers clawed at her breasts until the front of her shirt was wet with her blood. It was all too much. Liyanevacia lifted her head and screamed until her throat was raw and she could voice her pain no more. Warm hands cupped her face and Liyanevacia was again looking into the eyes of the fey-elf.

Liyanevacia expected Elarelle to mock her, but she did not. Instead, a callused finger brushed a lingering tear from Liyanevacia’s cheek and a soft voice consoled her. Elerelle’s bright amber eyes now appeared warm and gentle.

“Now you understand.”

Elarelle gently pulled Liyanevacia’s face closer until their lips met. Strangely, Liyanevacia did not recoil from the kiss; this was love not lust. Her heart returned to a quiet rhythm and the ache in her soul was gone. She felt loved. She felt safe. Liyanevacia did not want it to end. When it did, Elarelle spoke.

“You will tell me what threatens the Asrai.” Liyanevacia watched as Elarelle’s eye’s grew cold once more. “Together we will hunt it down and end it.”

“Not it.” Liyanevacia corrected her new ally. “Them.”

*** Calanan ***

Calanan listened as the two women, fey and elf, plotted death and destruction. He only hoped that Aria would forgive him.

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