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Modelling, Painting and Storytelling Competitions at

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:38 pm
by DarkElves>All
Greetings All,

Lot of good modelling, painting and storytelling going on in this forum, so thought some of you might be interested in embracing the Dark Side and joining in with the two Competitions ongoing at :D

1) Get your PhD in the Arcane arts. Tell us how YOU tried

Very short story competition. Closes this week.

2) Avatars of War sponsored painting/modelling Comp


Thanks to our competition sponsor Avatars of War we are pleased to present this exciting competition for members.

Please visit the Avatars of War Thread and Website to show them your support!

Enter your Avatar of War for a chance to win!

2x Avatars of War 100€ Online Gift Vouchers (Each Category)

Your name listed in the Painting & Modelling Hall of Fame (Master Category Only)

A special title for your DNet Avatar (Each Category)


Open to all experienced members and new ones alike.

Commencing on Sunday 1st June and closing on Thursday 31st July 2014 - 12pm DNet Time

Entries will be judged by a one week member’s poll commencing Saturday 2nd August and closing on Saturday 9th August 2014 - 12pm DNet time.

Once the member’s poll closes the winners of each category will be announced and the prizes awarded.

Enter your Avatar in one of the two categories below.

Your Avatar will be a representation of you on the field of battle.

This category is for those starting out and new to the hobby. If you are still learning the basics, this is the place for you to enter. We encourage you to post pictures of your progress frequently on the "Competition Chat Thread" below during the competition, before submitting your final entry on this thread. Your chance to win this category is not just based on your final entry but how well you respond to other member’s feedback as you work on your entry throughout the competition period.


This category is for those who have been in the hobby for a while. We expect you to WOW us with your skilful creation. Anything goes – heavily converted, scratch built all painted to the highest quality standard is what we expect to see – give us your best.


1. You may enter one single submission in one category only.

2. You must submit your entry by posting before and after photos of your work in this thread only. Models primed with a single base coat will suffice for a before shot.

3. You must clearly state at the top of your post the category you are entering. If the mods deem your entry to be entered into the wrong category for your ability, we reserve the right to change your entries category prior to the member’s poll. This will not be disputed. (We will not move you into the novice category if you have chosen the master category)

All entries entered in the novice category will be reviewed 2 days prior to the competition ending and poll going live. If the mods deem your entry to be of a high standard we reserve the right to promote your entry to the Masters category. If you have entered the Masters category we will not demote your entry to the Novice category. (our aim is to try and give everyone a fair opportunity at competing).

4. Your entry MUST BE A DARK ELF - Anything goes! It can be from any gaming system or supplier so long as it fits in a fantasy theme (no 40k unless clearly converted for Fantasy). Supporting monsters, mounts eg. Hydra, Manitcore, Dragon, Chariot etc are fine. So long as you can justify the fluff!. Converted or scratch built models are allowed and could earn you extra points in the eyes of the voters, but stock standard off the shelf models are fine.

5. Your entry must be mounted on an appropriately sized gaming base, usually the base it ships with. (No dioramas please)

6. All photos of your entry must be posted on this thread. Images must be 800x600 pixels or 600x800 pixels in size.

7. We encourage all members to paint a new model for the competition and not enter something previously painted. For this reason you must post a before and after photo of your entry.

The "before" photo must
- show the miniature before any paint is applied (including if applicable, all conversion made, green stuff used.)
- have its longest dimension in the range of 800 pixels.
- provide at least one single photo, but no more than three photos of the miniature entered.

The "after" photo must
- include one photo with the same angle as your "before" photo.
- have its longest dimension in the range of 800 pixels.
- provide at least one single photo, but no more than three photos of the miniature entered.

Both pictures must be sharp and sufficiently bright, with a neutral background. The background, and only the background, may be modified with a photo editor.

Please see how your completed entry should look in the example post below.

8. This competition is open to all members including moderators. Painting & Modelling moderators are ineligible to win a prize but can be voted for. In the instance where a moderator wins a category second place will be awarded the prize.

9. You may post a short description of your work below your final after photo as part of your entry describing your avatar.


Hi All - A few questions raised please find the answers below - note I have also updated the rules to reflect this (changes in green)
I have a bunch of minis that are primed but not painted. Would those be OK?

A Primed photo for your before shot is ok! so long as it has no paint on it other than the primer.
Does it have to be an avatars of war mini?
No it does not have to be an Avatars of War mini.
Just to check, the "enter your Avatar in one of the two categories" line doesn't really mean our actual avatars on the battlefield, does it?
Yes the idea was to capture you as an Avatar on the field of battle.
must it be really a dark elf, or anything for a dark elf army? For example, would a hydra be ok?

Yes it must be a dark elf - from any fantasy genre is fine. Supporting monsters, mounts eg. Hydra, Manitcore, Dragon, Chariot etc are fine. So long as you can justify the fluff!
Just clarifying... A single model from a unit is OK?

Yes - so long as it fits our Dark Elf Genre... it could also be included on a mount if required, or if the model comes with other supporting models then eg Beastmaster/War Hydra then that is also fine. We don't want to see a block of 20 Dreadspears! is easy to register to. Hope to see you there! :ugeek: