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Lovejoy's 2016 Hobby Log

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 3:21 pm
by Lovejoy
I think I'll post some painting plans here, based on list ideas, and try and document what gets done.
I'll edit this post and recolour the text for each completed unit.

First up. Using Warhammer Armies and 3rd ed rulebook, I made a provisional list today for ye olde Orcs and Goblins, which will dictate what I need to paint this year for one of the proposed projects.

---Project 1---
:mrgreen: 1000pts Orc and Goblin Painting List Thing :mrgreen:

Lvl 15 Black Orc Hero, Warboar, Heavy Armour, shield 112pts (joins snortas)
Lvl 10 Orc Wizard 91pts
18 Orc Boyz, hand weapon, shield, light armour - 153pts
20 Black Orcs, Halberds - 220pts
20 Goblin Stikkas (archers) - 70pts
5 Snortas w/ spears 145pts
2 Spear Chukkas, Goblin Crew (2x 37.5) 75pts
Orc Stone Thrower - 42.5pts
Heavy Snotling Pump Wagon - 60pts

968.5 pts, which leaves a few points for extra equipment.
Models=69 (not counting war machine crew)

I know that this list is a bit short on infantry, but the intention is to reduce the amount of painting and have a bit of fun. Not that fussed about the result on the table initially. I might even just gut it further and stick 1-3 65pt trolls in to make things even quicker.
If feeling adventurous, I could remove the Black Orcs and Stickkas and replace with 40 spear and shield Gobboes and 40 Goblin Stickkas. But that would be 40 more models. So nah.

Re: Lovejoy's 2016 Hobby Log

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:35 am
by Lovejoy
Another to-do painting list to get me motivated..

---Project 2---
500pts Frostgrave Warband

Illusionist Wizard
Illusionist Apprentice

-9 treasure tokens

295pts, 19 models

Re: Lovejoy's 2016 Hobby Log

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:54 am
by Primarch
Seems like you have a fair few minis in your 'to do' pile already, but where do your Yorkists fit into the mix eh? :D

Re: Lovejoy's 2016 Hobby Log

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 5:04 am
by Lovejoy
Ah, I was coming to fact I was researching flags and livery not a minute ago.

I originally posted a lot of info on that here, but I've now moved it to its own thread:- ... =11&t=3126

---Project 3---
Lion Rampant Wars of the Roses painting list (based on Late English list, pg59 but using mounted men-at-arms)

Warwick, on foot
(for a small 24pt game I expect I would use only Warwick to join the foot men-at-arms).
1x Foot Men-at-Arms - 6 models, 6pts
2x Expert Archers - 12 models, 6pts each
1x Expert Foot Serjeants- 12 models,

24pts, 43 models.

Given the smallish size of the project, I will probably concentrate on only one 'battle' (armies in this era were customarily divided into the rear guard, the main battle and the vanguard, each known as a 'battle')
It seems that Warwick commanded one of these at St. Albans, so I may well just paint them all in his red livery, making them all Warwick's men. If the project expands other battles could be added in other liveries.

Edit- Replaced Mounted Men at Arms with foot. More true to the era.

Re: Lovejoy's 2016 Hobby Log

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:59 am
by Lovejoy
---Project 4---

4pts SAGA Normans
Mounted Warlord
4 mounted milites
4 mounted milites
8 crossbowmen
12 archers

29 models.

Another little list I hope to get round to at some point this year... The choices are based on the small 4pt starter army Gripping Beast sell, but were sourced from different manufacturers to reduce the costs, and/or because I preferred the alternatives. I went Conquest Plastics for the mounted Normans. Crusader are great for the Crossbowmen and Archers. I think it would be expanded with some infantry to make a decent 6 point list.