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Prim and the Ruckster Discuss Tactical Marines

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:44 pm
by Primarch
Admiral-Badruck wrote:...just like I am now almost convinced that the vindicator is not all that hot...
Not at killing kroot it isnt. :lol: Stupid 3+ cover saves and 'no reduction of scatter for BS' special rule. :lol: :lol:
Mind you, I still won that game so they must have been good for something. :D

The storm raven is a fast transport with lots of guns. Play it the right way and I'm sure it will be fine. There is nothing in the Blood Angels dex that isnt worth using if you use it properly.

Re: Chapter 666

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:47 pm
by Admiral-Badruck
tactical marines are worth it? and man good old Tyco Death company man... that guy is top stuff... :D :D

Re: Chapter 666

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:54 pm
by Primarch
Admiral-Badruck wrote:tactical marines are worth it? and man good old Tyco Death company man... that guy is top stuff... :D :D
Tactical marines are the same as other tactical marines. If you want a unit to hold a home objective, they aren't a bad choice being cheaper than assault marines and able to take a heavy weapon. If you're using them to try and take objectives then assault marines are better. Because they are for assaulting.
Regular Tycho is pretty dang good though, a nice fit if you take a sternguard unit, so I stand by my assertation that everything in the codex is worth using the the right situation.

Re: Chapter 666

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:28 pm
by AndrewGPaul
That Stormraven is growing on me ...

It's crying out for a pair of door gunners with sniper rifles perched on the side hatches, though.
"Dah dah dah DAAAH dah, Dah dah dah DAAAH dah ..."

Re: Chapter 666

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:36 pm
by Admiral-Badruck
Tactical Marines suck in both the standard Marine codex and so do the blood angel versions... Death Company Tyco is a separate unit entry and he has a separate point value... and he sucks... I would also say that Lamarties sucks so this makes 3 units that .... "wait for it"....... suck.

This is just from memory do not make me open the codex and look at it... I am sure there are more units that are less than good.

Re: Chapter 666

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:44 am
by Primarch
Admiral-Badruck wrote:Tactical Marines suck in both the standard Marine codex and so do the blood angel versions... Death Company Tyco is a separate unit entry and he has a separate point value... and he sucks... I would also say that Lamarties sucks so this makes 3 units that .... "wait for it"....... suck.

This is just from memory do not make me open the codex and look at it... I am sure there are more units that are less than good.
You only say that because 40k radio hasnt done a podcast to tell you they were awesome. :lol:
So you'd advocate taking scouts as your troops choices in a Codex Marines army? Sure, Tacs cant dish out the damage of the death company, nor soak up bullets like a 30 man boyz squad, but tactical squads are generally what will win you the game. (Ok, my Crimson Fists rely on scouts but thats only because it fits their fluff better). You seem to be of the opinion that everything that doesn't come with some kind of auto-win option sucks. Whatever happened to variety and interesting lists? When you buy space wolves (or whatever you're counting as that week) are you just going to buy 3 squads of long fangs and then spend the rest on melta spamming grey hunters in razorbacks? Just because A is better than B doesnt mean that B is no good. Different units have different roles in an army. Assault marines cant kill a land raider from 48" away. Predators cant transport troops. Land Speeders cant assault the enemy. Use any unit in the role it is designed for and it will do a reasonable job.

Re: Chapter 666

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:19 am
by Konrad
I think tac marines are great. They do everything, and do it pretty good. I respect them. Though, "And They Shall Know Know Fear", should in my mind read, "About Face....Charge!".... Stoopid Marines are only dangerous when they are running away.

Re: Chapter 666

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:25 am
by Admiral-Badruck
@ Prime you act like I have never used Tactical Marines...
in Fact I use them in every game I play with my Red Scorpions (the army I have with the worst record) 40k Radio what the heck... I listen to that to laugh not to learn... the have been more wrong than right these days and even in the past... they did not say tyco sucks I said he sucks and you said he sucked. Tactical marines are not interesting just ask MIJ.. if you must know I am thinking of using a list completely void of Long fangs for my Counts as Space Wolves army.. I may not even take thunder Wolf Lords... Not sure on that one yet.. but no Long Fangs that is a sure thing...

Back to Tactical marines... they are to expensive for what they do... with Vulken they could be good but TBH I do not see them wining games for me or anyone else that takes them... Scouts are better because they are cheaper and they move though cover out flank and do all kinds of things that normal marines can not do...

Re: Chapter 666

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:18 am
by me_in_japan all kinds of things that normal marines can not do...
like die in droves to EML plasma missiles :lol:

There's nowt wrong with the humble tac marine. My gripe with marines in general is that they receive a disproportionate amount of attention/codex space compared to the combined other races. yes, yes - I know that marines make up more than 50% of GW sales worldwide, but that dont mean I have to like em.

With regards to the flying tank thingy, I think the rules are wack, inasmuch as yes, its a fast transport, but does that mean it has to be the fastest, shootiest, most acerific transport in the game? (apart from the Shoebox, but we dont talk about that...)

I also think its a fugly model, but then, I'm an eldar player, where swoosh is the name of the game. This thing is the anti-swoosh...

Re: Chapter 666

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:53 pm
by Admiral-Badruck
so not most things die from plasma missiles the are AP 3 right... that kills Tack marines just the same as Scouts...

I think the Flying machines of the Eldar will get a bump in the next codex that way you can be the fastest again... as for the shootiest if it moves 12 inches it is just like any other fast skimmer...

you can still bright lance it right... you can still assault it right and I figure for the points it is not as hard as you are making it out to be... :lol: