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Another headache for Prim.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:14 am
by Miguelsan
Who ordered a Dreamforge Titan or two? Now it has a friend.

Ofc the rules will be the usual afterthought, 370+ pts each is either too cheap or too expensive (depending how strong is their Invincible Behemont special rule) and everybody but 'nids will get it but on the positive at least GW has managed to turn the weekely WD into something useful giving us the rules to boot. ...

Personally I'm not impressed with the miniature, I know others might end up drooling over it ;) but I've seen better looking big robots here closer to the looks I like more. Still it's a good thing that GW did something different for once. +1 GW!


Update: According to the rumours Knights can be taken in groups of three! In a regular game that's a disaster on the other hand it makes a cool scenario, e.g. Tau ambush a Knight hunting pack.
Update2: For SM players there is also a Codex: Legion of the Damned coming too.

Re: Another headache for Prim.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:33 am
by job
I don't necessarily like the way the game is getting bigger and bigger proportions (some of these toys require seperate rooms or racks to store), but the model is really darn cool.

Re: Another headache for Prim.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:44 am
by Admiral-Badruck
I want one but.... I am not sure I will get one. But it looks fun..

Re: Another headache for Prim.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:49 am
by Spevna
I quite like it but I reckon that if I really wanted to game with Knight Titans I'd just play Epic and out a load if them on the table at once.

Re: Another headache for Prim.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:56 am
by Miguelsan
It was a given. GW can't just keep pumping out Cadians or Marines everybody already has those and many alternate companies have entered the market in the last few years with better or cheaper options (or in some cases both) So first GW went to fliers as it was a new niche and now to big robots to keep up with the ohhh shinny crowd.

From my PoV were GW fails is that they keep shooting themselves on the foot by bringing out cool ideas like fortifications but then not delivering (nothing new that it's not imperial gothic and covered in skulls) or does in fits and starts (fliers and AAA options with every codex update instead of a WD)

On the other hand I don't mind the new rules as long as I am told in advance what's in store so to say. I don't like GW's recent position of bringing out suplements with little playtesting and then ramming them down at the cry "it's official deal with it!" What I would like from my opponents (and GW too) is the courtesy of telling me that they are going to use this or that stuff from forgeworld or escalation rather than putting a Reaver on the table and saying the sentence above. And in their race to extra growth GW is more interested in promoting gamer power fantasies that involve buying big overpowered "thing of the month" rather than balanced rules and lists that make for a sustainable enjoyment of the game.

So again props to GW for a cool toy that has been around since Rogue Trader. Boo to GW for simply dropping it in the game as such and quite probably not bother with Xenos equivalent or stuff that counters it.


Re: Another headache for Prim.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:16 am
by Primarch
It's not a headache for me. It isn't in a codex, nor is it in one of the FW lists allowed at NagoyaHammer, so I don't mind. :D
For the amount a kit of that size is going to cost, I can buy a whole new army for Bolt Action, a couple of crews and options for Malifaux, a new brigade for Black Powder or a dozen other things. I doubt I will be buying one anytime soon.

Re: Another headache for Prim.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:53 am
by me_in_japan
It's a nice enough mini. It pretty much looks like how I imagined a knight looking.As for the rules, I reckon for the points it's well underpowered. The S:D in close combat is nice and all, but apart from that all you're looking at is 2 battle cannons, which you'd probably be better off getting on 2 tanks. Leman Russes cost about 150pts or so, yeah? I'd rather have 2 of them than 1 knight, game-wise. Buuuut, the model is nice, and it's kinda encouraging that GW are not overpowering the new shiny, as well as putting its rules in WD.

Re: Another headache for Prim.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:37 am
by Primarch
Well, it has a 4+ invulnerable save on one facing it chooses each turn and ignores lances and any effect which would otherwise wreck it in one hit, so I reckon that it's noticeably better than 2 russes. Probably faster as well.

Re: Another headache for Prim.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:18 am
by me_in_japan
I thought super heavies had their own special chart, the top result of which is "lose D3 more hull points." If you shoot a super heavy with an AP1 gun, that adds +2 to the damage roll so now your supe is (potentially) taking 3-4 damage from 1 melta shot. 2 melta shots will kill it. Sure, 2 melta shots will kill 2 russes, too, but they have to roll higher to penetrate the front armour, and have to be fired by 2 separate units. The shield is defo a benefit, but can easily be neutered by maneuvering around it. That leaves the knight player to decide: do I stay backfield so my front arc covers most of the enemy army, or do I walk forward, expose my flanks, but use that big choppy sword? Plus, 2 russes can be in 2 differnwt places and shoot 2 different targets.

Re: Another headache for Prim.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:59 am
by Primarch
True, meltas still work, but it gets to decide where it's shield is at the start of YOUR shooting phase, so you need to outflank it with two squads of meltas. Being a walker, it can shoot its guns and then assault. 4 attacks with a strength D weapon will wreck any enemy vehicle, wipe out monstrous creatures and hurt anything it hits. It's killable to be sure, but for it's points, it can certainly dish out a few hits of it's own. I'd still rate it a bit higher than two Russes, but then I haven't seen one on the table yet. :D
The model is cool, but probably expensive.