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Some flavor of Eldar coming next Sat.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:04 am
by Miguelsan
As an (renegade but...) Eldar player I should be happy to get new stuff next week whatever it is but the more I think about it and read the rumours the more I think I'm going to stay with the last eldar dex. If half the stuff flying around is true this is change for the shake of trying to bolster sales through more unbalanced stuff rather than better quality product.



Edit; Added the teaser video and it sucks.

Re: Some flavor of Eldar coming next Sat.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:12 am
by Miguelsan
Now with photos of the new stuff. ... ge#7752149

I predict lots of tears... according to the WD now jetbikes (with new models no less :o ) can get scatter lasers or shuricans for +10pts on a 1 to 1 basis. 270pts for 40 S6 AP6 shots is kind of unbalancing methinks. But ofc GW would never push sales by writing unbalanced rules amirite?


Edit: A video

Re: Some flavor of Eldar coming next Sat.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:03 am
by me_in_japan
Meh, not really bovvered if they diddle around with rules, so long as the army remains playable. Glad to hear the rumours that the WraithKnight is moving to LoW. Makes good sense, and also means they're treated like the bloody rarity thy should be.

As for new jetbikes, too little too late, GW. I was bloody gagging for new jetbikes for years and years, but now, meh, the feeling is just gone. And for the record, let me be the first on this site to say, with the best will in the world 8 years old is not "new". These are old jetbikes, finally mass produced and put in a box...

Circa 2007...

Also, I am reeeaaally glad I decided to go with dark Eldar not crafties for Naghammer. New codex woulda played merry hell with stuff and had me all fretted about which book to use. Hoorah for the boys and gals in black :twisted:

Re: Some flavor of Eldar coming next Sat.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:52 am
by Primarch
Miguelsan wrote:Now with photos of the new stuff. ... ge#7752149

I predict lots of tears... according to the WD now jetbikes (with new models no less :o ) can get scatter lasers or shuricans for +10pts on a 1 to 1 basis. 270pts for 40 S6 AP6 shots is kind of unbalancing methinks. But ofc GW would never push sales by writing unbalanced rules amirite?


Edit: A video
That sounds fair. :? :?
I'm just going to have to bring nothing but AV 14 when I face Eldar now aren't I?

Re: Some flavor of Eldar coming next Sat.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 6:01 am
by Miguelsan
Nope if the special formation allowing to bring up to 12 WK and still be considered a bound army is not a mistake.

MiJ I know that the new bike design has been floating around since 2007 or so but as GW never produced it for sale I guess it counts as new product no matter when it was designed.

I predict a sudden influx os Eldar allied troops in other armies much like all the runeseer moonlightining all over the place not that long ago


Edit: WK becoming a gargantuan creature was confirmed on the WD, moving to LoW slot not... just pointing it out to stoke fear around :twisted:
Edit2: Distortion weapons=Absolute Terror Field, unless the WD guy messed up D(istortion) weapons with D (strenght) weapons fear all wraith constructs with one. Glad I magenetized my wraithguard now MWAHAHAHAHA!

Re: Some flavor of Eldar coming next Sat.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:59 am
by jehan-reznor
What does this mean for the coming Nagoyahammer? reading the immense firepower the eldar have, will we have to play all eldar?

Re: Some flavor of Eldar coming next Sat.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:46 am
by kojibear
jehan-reznor wrote:What does this mean for the coming Nagoyahammer? reading the immense firepower the eldar have, will we have to play all eldar?
With great power comes great responsibility, and one man's cheddar is another man'sgouda. But we are pretty light on the cheese in general around here.

Re: Some flavor of Eldar coming next Sat.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:37 am
by me_in_japan
Meh, despite having buckets of every flavour Eldar here, I shall nonetheless be bringing the evil ones. A new codex does not automatically a fun army make.

Re: Some flavor of Eldar coming next Sat.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:11 am
by Primarch
I can't really see anyone locally converting all their bikes over, so that's not too much of a concern. But if the rumours are true that Distort weapons are all becoming Destroyer weapons, there will need to be a significant points increase to make playing against wraith-stuff worthwhile.
I am happy that Laser lock seems to have gone, because having SCATTER lasers be an accuracy boosting weapon just seems wrong. :D

Re: Some flavor of Eldar coming next Sat.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:38 am
by Miguelsan
I'm not happy at all with that change. D weapons should stay out of 40K but if GW introduces them should be limited to the most expensive and limited units not to troops. Also without having played any I already despair at the absurdity of formations.
Let's supposed that the WK gets moved to LoW. Ok fair enough you can say you only get one... wrong! the ne formation allows up to 12 per basic core group! (it would cost 2880pts as per current dex but...) When I saw this I wanted to scream GW do you read your own rules?


For the record I will be using the old dex for Nagoyahammer nothing of this new crazy thing and yes I will be taking a Wraithknight, actually two of them. I wanted to paint and use the new miniatures (wraithguard, eldar flyer, Warzone Eradicator Deathdroids) I got and unless I put them in the NH list they will continue gathering dust on top of the self.
