Mission 3 - Capture the Flag

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Re: Mission 3 - Capture the Flag

Post by Danguinius » Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:03 am


A few questions about this mission. First, part of the original post says that the mission has random game length (thus 5-7 turns), but another part says that Turn 6 is the all important turn. I`m assuming the first part is correct, right?

Also, the original post says something about guarding the objective in your own deployment area with "troops", does thi smean only scoring units can contest? Or, can anything contest (empty transports, lonely survivors from nearly wiped out units, immobilized vehicles, etc.)? Also, what is "contesting" (i.e. touching the marker? within 3"? within 6"). Just want to know before I make a list!

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Re: Mission 3 - Capture the Flag

Post by Primarch » Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:03 am

Sorry for the confusion. I altered the game length after another post about going 1st/2nd and the benefits of doing so. I will update the bottom section when I get home as editing things from my phone is a pain. The game has a random turn length.

Any unit can contest an objective as normal.

Player A's normal scoring units (i.e. Troops) are scoring. In addition, all of Player B's non-vehicle units are scoring.

You cannot claim your own objective, but you can contest it.
You will need to claim the objective in the enemy deployment zone to win.
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Re: Mission 3 - Capture the Flag

Post by Admiral-Badruck » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:18 am

A second reading of this mission makes me wonder why people would not just try an table their opponent to win. It might be worth saying tabling make people want to quit the hobby. I can tell you that blood angles are very good at tabling people. Not sure if that is the best way to to the win conditions.
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Re: Mission 3 - Capture the Flag

Post by Primarch » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:45 am

Admiral-Badruck wrote:A second reading of this mission makes me wonder why people would not just try an table their opponent to win. It might be worth saying tabling make people want to quit the hobby. I can tell you that blood angles are very good at tabling people. Not sure if that is the best way to to the win conditions.
Tabling your opponent is ALWAYS a way to win in 40k, regardless of mission, tournament etc. I have added no new rules here.

There is no special benefit to doing so in this case and generally it isnt that easy to do so. I have won very few games that way, and a canny opponent will find ways to prevent it rather than just blindly throwing units into a meat grinder and sometimes going all out to try and kill every unit can lead to losing the game as you get greedy and try to do too much or you leave yourself out of position to contest and score a draw.

It's true that it is demoralising for your opponent though, so I would prefer it if people tried to win the missions, which should always be your first priority.
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Re: Mission 3 - Capture the Flag

Post by Admiral-Badruck » Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:24 am

Hummmmmm not sure about this mission either. I will have ago at it tonight an see if I can break it.
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Re: Mission 3 - Capture the Flag

Post by BloodByam » Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:31 pm

i see outflank armys having a huge advantage as b player in this mission

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Re: Mission 3 - Capture the Flag

Post by Primarch » Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:55 pm

BloodByam wrote:i see outflank armys having a huge advantage as b player in this mission
Yes they do, especially if they have the option of rerolling where their reserves enter from.

Of course, since both sides get a player B, you'll have to be watching your own flanks as well.
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Re: Mission 3 - Capture the Flag

Post by Dungeon Lord » Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:48 am

I will have read though the comments again. But where do the flank attack come on and up to half of player B's units come on in the first turn. So out of 3 units does only one come on?

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Re: Mission 3 - Capture the Flag

Post by Primarch » Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:02 am

Dungeon Lord wrote:I will have read though the comments again. But where do the flank attack come on and up to half of player B's units come on in the first turn. So out of 3 units does only one come on?
The same way flank attack models always come on. Short table edges. (Unless they are wolf scouts or have Snikrot in the unit).
With other "deploy half" rules such as Deathwing and Droppod Assaults, you round up, not down. So out of 3 you would get 2 on turn 1 and 1 as a reserve roll, except Daemons, who have their own rules for this kind of thing. (Deathwing and Droppod armies will need to figure out their Terminator/Droppod allowances and their non-Terminator/non-Droppod allowances separately).
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Re: Mission 3 - Capture the Flag

Post by Dungeon Lord » Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:54 am

After playing a practice game yesterday with this scenario, it seems very difficult to grab the enemy's object and quite easy to defend your own. Which will result in a lot of draws in this scenario with neither side being able to grab the others' objective. Is there another a secondary objective to decide on the winner? (Other than wiping out the enemy) eg Kill points or something more interesting.

Also, to claim/contest, do you need to be in base to base?


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