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Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:34 pm
by Primarch

Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:39 pm
by Colonel Voss
make that two khador

Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:56 pm
by The Underdweller
The Protecorate of Menoth; and deathclock sounds fun!

Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:13 am
by Danguinius
The Big Four will all be represented in the The Big Throw Down! Great!

Danguinius - Cygnar
Prim - Khador
MIJ - Cryx
ColVos - Khador
Underdweller - Protectorate of Menoth

Are there any Merc players out there who want to join the Big Throw Down? Perhaps a Magnus player? Or an Ashlyn player? And it would be great to see some Hordes Factions get it in the fun. If another Cygnar player signs up, I`ll play my Trollbloods instead - How`s that?

I`m so excited that we`ve got all of this interest in this mini-tournie...okay, I officially volunteer to run it. I`ll organize it, select and provide the missions and rules and prepare the templates/markers for the missions. I hope I won`t be required to bring terrain from Hiroshima?! Prim, are there som eextra mats/boards and fantasy battle terrain pieces that we can use? Also, I have two timers, so I can lend one. Does everyone have a way to represent their own deathclock? (I think most smart phones have such a feature).

So, I`m calling it: The Big Throw Down. 8 person WarmaHordes mini tournament (possibly open to more players if there is a lot of interest). 35- point lists - one warcaster/warlock. No character restrictions. No reinforcements. 3 rounds - all missions will be variants of missions from the 2012 Steamroller missions (and all three missions will have three win/lose conditions: scenario, assassination, time out). Mostly painted. Players, bring your own cards, templates, minis, deathclock, rulebooks, dice, and 4 copies of your list. I will provide mission explanations, board markers and templates, errata & FAQ documents and as much knowledge as I can about the game (to be a decent judge).

Much like Prim has done, I`ll post the three missions/scenarios soon. For those who haven`t played scanrios before, I recommend trying some in the back of the rulebook. "Mosh Pit" is a great introduction to scenario play (and it`s fun).

If you have any questions about this mini-tournie, warmahordes rules, making a list, etc., you can write it on this thread or PM me.

Good luck painting.

And lastly, for the glory of Cygnar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:28 am
by Primarch
I can handle the terrain and mats, no worries there.
I guess I wont be doing my WW2 game now. I'll put that off until I do my HistoryHammer (real name to be decided) event in the summer. Guess I should get on with painting/building my Khador.
If you can post an introduction in Japanese (I cant write it to save my life), I will pass it on to the Japanese players. We have a few players locally playing hordes as well as WM. No mercs to my knowledge, but I could be wrong.

Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:10 am
by Danguinius

Okay, I`ll get on that Japanese Translation. I`ll have it ready in a week or so. Also, can we post something about this mini-tournie in the WarMachine/Hordes section as well?

Sorry to disrupt the histrical game your had planned.


Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:40 am
by Primarch
Danguinius wrote:Prim,

Okay, I`ll get on that Japanese Translation. I`ll have it ready in a week or so. Also, can we post something about this mini-tournie in the WarMachine/Hordes section as well?

Sorry to disrupt the histrical game your had planned.

No problem, no-one had expressed any interest anyway.

Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:33 am
by Danguinius

I have selected the three missions (all from Steamroller 2012). There is a disclaimer in the Steamroller 2012 pack that says it`s fine to copy, repost (digitally or otherwise), and use that information freely (as long as you don`t try to sell it).

I took out all tie-breaker clauses since we will be using Deathclock (thus, someone WILL lose even if scenario conditions can`t be met or the two casters can`t seem to kill each other). I also changed one of the scenarios to remove the "Reinforcements" special rule (if anyone wants to know why I did this, I can explain in a later post) and replaced it with the "Killbox" special rule. But overall, it looks like a diverse and interesting batch of scenarios.

I tried to copy and paste the three scenarios, but only the text shows up (i.e. the board diagrams don`t). Just reading the text, it`s pretty hard to understand what the victory conditions are. So, I`d like to know how I can post these scenarios so that everyone can see them. Also, when would be good timing to reveal the scenarios? I plan to test them out personally this weekend (with the Okayama wargame circle) and see how they work. They are official tournament scenarios produced by PP, so they are probably pretty solid, but I`m happy to take feedback on them and possibly modify them.

But should I wait a while to post them? Or wait until like a few days before Nagoyahammer? Please advise.


Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:02 am
by Primarch
Posting the info sooner rather than later will help iron out odd points, just like we are doing now in the 40k scenarios.

If you have the files on a reasonably small pdf you can upload them to the site, using the upload attachment option when you post. Or you can get people to pm you their email address and send them a copy.

Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:11 am
by Danguinius

Last weekend, I and two other Warmahordes players managed to get in some games and test out two of the scenarios I had chosen for the Big Throw Down. The first scenario (called "Bunkers" in the 2012 Steamroller tournament pack) turned out to be a little too harsh for slow armies; our resident Protectorate player lost twice on the third turn by just not being fast enough to get in and control/contest the two zones (and if PoM is too slow, then you know Khador will struggle too). So, I`ve decided to scrap "Bunkers" and look for a different scenario with "flank deployment".

The second scenario we tried out was called "Sacrifice" and it was a blast! It was fun, challenging and funny as hell (you have to send your own units in to take a POW20 magic attack in order to score - hence, the title, "Sacrifice"). In our Cygnar vs. Legion battle, both players had plenty of opportunities to score, but Kallus got pretty close with only a Carnivean blocking LOS, so he ended up eating a lot of Cynarian gunfire and ending the game before scenario conditions could be met. Still, it looks like a solid scenario and it`s a lot of fun.

I tried to attach it to this post for you guys can take a look, but it was two big. If you PM me and tell me your mail address, I can send it to you. Then you can try it out and let me know what you think.
