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Running your own participation game.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:16 am
by Primarch
On the second day of the event I am opening up some of the tables to allow for some participation games.
If you have a system you think would be easy to pick up and fun to play then feel free to offer to run a game.

The criteria are:
You must provide both armies/forces yourself and they should be painted ideally.
You must provide any specific terrain or scenery yourself, but if you let me know what you need I may be able to help out.
You should have space for 2 or more players in the game. The aim here is to introduce a system to people rather than playing yourself.
Ideally the game should have a story or scenario with you as the GM/Storyteller. This shouldn't be the same as a pick up game you could play at a regular gaming day.
Any game system is fine, but one that people haven't seen or played much before may be better. RPGs are fine.
The game should be playable in about 2.5 - 3 hours.

Obviously not everyone can run games, so if things start to get crowded, only the most popular games will get the slot.